Player Discussion Victor Olofsson (2014, 181st) - Part II (Heading to UFA, Playing at the WCs)


Shoulda got one game in
It's possible that they don't and he banks on himself going into next year. I don't think Vic is as good as Arvidsson so I'd rather they don't pay more than his cap percentage on more than just this upcoming season. Arvidsson had better totals and a more well-rounded game when he gave up multiple UFA seasons in that deal - that's why I'm harping on something less than 5.67% of next season's total.

How are they sporting 18 forwards (by my count of your list)?

Did you miss “assume 2/6 are signed”? Choose ANY of 2 the 6 players between Ruotsalainen and Nichuskin, totaling 14 forwards, then give me an argument why that would be a bad thing.


HFBoards Sponsor
Feb 27, 2002
Toronto, Canada
It's possible that they don't and he banks on himself going into next year. I don't think Vic is as good as Arvidsson so I'd rather they don't pay more than his cap percentage on more than just this upcoming season. Arvidsson had better totals and a more well-rounded game when he gave up multiple UFA seasons in that deal - that's why I'm harping on something less than 5.67% of next season's total.

How are they sporting 18 forwards (by my count of your list)?

I think if Olofsson doesn't get a 5 year deal worth 4.5+ from BUF this off-season, he'll take the 1 year arbitration award and go to UFA next year.

He's got one chance either this summer or next summer to cash in on a life changing deal, and I think he's going to go for it. I can't blame him if he does, and I can't blame the team if they don't want to commit that long.

I don't believe the Sabres should have ANY concern about what VO's arb. award would be -- they can afford to pay it. So I took the reporting of that by Friedman & Seravalli not literally about the 1 year arb. salary, but about the possibility of losing an asset for nothing if he was going to go to UFA.

So maybe they trade him this summer, or maybe they take the award and look to move him at the deadline. But they won't let him walk for nothing if they don't want to give him a 5 year deal.


Registered User
Nov 14, 2010
Pacific Northwest
Am I the only one that sees a real potential for a bargain here?

Olofsson is a late bloomer, and he has steadily been improving every season. This year he was obviously injured, which may work in Buffalo's favor, as his contract should come in cheaper than it would have had he played healthy all season.

If he will take 4.5M x 4 or 5 years, I would jump at that if I am Adams. 6 years is definitely too long for a player his age,, even if it lowers the AAV.

Olofsson has always had the tools, he just did not realize he had the tools. Now he does and he looks to have the drive and the right attitude. I fully expect him to approach 30 goals and hit 60 points soon.

There is also a very good chance Peterka or Quinn never reach the level Olofsson does.

I understand the concerns about space for all the talent coming in and where to play them, but that is a great problem to have. Injuries happen, and no team ever had too much talent.
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Nov 1, 2015
4 years is enough. Would rather do 5 million a year (which i think is overpay) than add a 5th year


Registered User
Nov 1, 2015
This is EXACTLY how we lost Reinhart.
Stop fukin around and pay him what he's worth before someone else does.

Except this team will have a line on Olofsson. They had a line on Ullmark and he walked.

With everything I've seen from Olofsson over the years, and how the organization has developed him, and the fact that he is very close to Asplund, there's no reason not to think they will do a deal that both sides will be happy with.

We traded Reinhart and Ullmark signed with Boston. Olofsson could be in one of those two situations eventually if the contract demand is too much.
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HFBoards Sponsor
Feb 27, 2002
Toronto, Canada
Am I the only one that sees a real potential for a bargain here?

Olofsson is a late bloomer, and he has steadily been improving every season. This year he was obviously injured, which may work in Buffalo's favor, as his contract should come in cheaper than it would have had he played healthy all season.

If he will take 4.5M x 4 or 5 years, I would jump at that if I am Adams. 6 years is definitely too long for a player his age,, even if it lowers the AAV.

Olofsson has always had the tools, he just did not realize he had the tools. Now he does and he looks to have the drive and the right attitude. I fully expect him to approach 30 goals and hit 60 points soon.

There is also a very good chance Peterka or Quinn never reach the level Olofsson does.

I understand the concerns about space for all the talent coming in and where to play them, but that is a great problem to have. Injuries happen, and no team ever had too much talent.

If there is a "very good chance" Peterka and Quinn don't reach the level Olofsson has to this point, then we're not going to be as strong a team going forward as we have expected. Quinn should be a 30+G scorer every year and maybe even a potential 40G guy. He certainly projects to be every bit the PP specialist and more that VO is. Peterka should be in the range of 20-25 every year while bringing more than just offense to his game.

You also have to factor in the return we could get if we traded him. No one is talking about letting him walk for nothing or "dumping" him in a shitty trade. The fact he didn't get moved at the deadline shows me that Adams isn't going to move him unless he gets a good offer.

And he only gets moved if the team and/or the player don't want to commit to each other on a long term deal, in addition to getting an acceptable trade offer.

So the question really should be: IF (I repeat IF) we we trade VO, what would be a reasonable return we could get in a trade that would be acceptable to us?
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Dahlin, it’ll all be fine
Dec 17, 2018
That's what the :sarcasm: was for. We have our one big contract in Skinner, for better or worse. Not interested in signing another contract for anywhere near that money unless it's one of our own budding young stars when they're in their early/mid 20's if they're deserving.

I love watching Forsberg- for another team. Dudes a glass cannon and I doubt his skills age well. So ya, agreed. He’s the poster boy for FAs who’ll be signed for too much- yet somehow there’s always that one team who says “well maybe..”.


Registered User
Feb 2, 2019
He's been more concerned with making hockey plays and setting up others than using his only real NHL skill, his shot. He passes up way too many opportunities.


Regstred User
Dec 29, 2013
Put in a trade request last month, hopes to be traded. Surprised he waited that long.


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