It's starting to make more sense in my head.
Pit's choice in moving MAF is to a team like the Stars where they'll have to take back a 4.5M+ backup goalie. The other choice is to trade him for someone like Brown who is overpaid, but one way or another cap is going back with that contract.
-They may want to keep MAF or have a backup like Niemi. I don't see this as a concern. Those guys aren't getting it done in the playoffs* (unless they were on a stacked Chicago team). So 4.5M+ on a backup is a waste.
-Brown: We have the luxury of not protecting Brown in the expansion because his contract is terrible. If we retain 50% of that contract and trade him to Pit. Vegas may pick up Brown at 3M, if Pit doesn't want to protect him.
-Pit could just lose MAF to the expansion. MAF has a NMC, if he doesn't want to move to a startup team he isn't going to it. Also forces Pit to do something before the expansion draft if MAF doesn't want to go.
-Who would the Kings protect with MAF and Quick in the expansion? Answer MAF. Quick is turning 31 in Jan, signed for 6 more years at 5.8M, just had a second major groin tear, and plays an athletic style. That's a powder keg no matter how you look at it. I don't think Vegas will take Quick, and if they do the Kings get out of a sticky situation. Add to the Quick contract that it may be a year or 2 before the Kings are ready to make a push and the question is what shape will he be in? Jones and Murray were the 2 finalists for goalies this year. Don't think it's as big an issue as people make it out to be.
-If Quick is taken (not likely), roll with MAF, if he isn't taken flip MAF for some assets next year.
I don't see Pit as being in a great place. If MAF doesn't want to be on a bottom dwelling new team in the desert they have to trade him or expose Murray to the expansion. They could put a trade off until after the season, but that could be risky. Right now they're looking at Dallas as a trade partner. Does it make sense for Dallas? They're going to trade for MAF because that solved Pit's problems in the playoffs? He might be an upgrade on their situation now, but is it enough? How many other options is Pit going to have to move MAF before the end of the season?