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He's a decently good player, but I don't see the stand-out appeal. He doesn't appear to have a stand-out skill other than being a good supplementary scorer averaging 15 points a game mostly on drives and a small amount of perimeter shooting. It gives me some of the same vibes I had about DeRozan in that he's a player caught out of time who would've been far more valuable in the mid-late 90s than in 2021. It's not that it doesn't have value, but it doesn't have crazy, "this guy is a cornerstone of your team" value. Not the way the game is mostly played now. The Raptors aren't a good enough shooting team to make a niche for that.
and I mention he's white because it makes him a bit of a novelty. Rightfully or not (mostly not) it attracts increased media attention and that generates additional fan attention. It's not a lot different than the bizarro hype for Jimmer Fredette a few years ago, or even (in a non-white example) Jeremy Lin. I'm not saying it should matter (I don't think it should) but it does in some circles seem to. Herro is clearly a better player than both of them, but the point was never about them being equitable from a talent standpoint. Rather it was an issue of whether the attention/hype outstripped that talent.
TBH I don’t really care that you mentioned he is white. More curious to see people’s reactions