Neil Racki
Registered User
real question ..... why cant Canadians go 2.5 hours without having to shove a hot dog down their gullets?
Not sure what you are looking at, but Vegas has the highest gate receipts in the League. guess I'm asking how?
Vegas ticket prices are about 1/3 of a Canadian teams even after taking into account exchange rates. Okay this was just a quick ticket master lookup so definitely could be out to lunch there. But I've always been told this is a gate driven league and Vegas sales no more tickets then most other Canadian markets.
I can't see Vegas having a bigger regional t.v market and contract. To be honest I doubt it even sniffs most Canadian teams in regional viewership. Perhaps this is why the regional partner I've heard is going under.
Oh one thing I think it must be is playoff revenue. Was Vegas that high when they missed the other year?
I can't see that site as it wants a login.
I'll state it's not a competition and I don't really care which team makes more money. I'm just trying to understand how these franchises have such cheap tickets and high revenue.
real question ..... why cant Canadians go 2.5 hours without having to shove a hot dog down their gullets?
I think in some cases it depends on whether or not the owner owns the rink as wellI have a hard time understanding 2 things.
1. Why Fans pay. I love my hockey team but f*** I think the prices are just insane at an Oilers game. I just can't justify going.
2. How the f*** do most American teams make money when everything is roughly half the price of the equivalent Canadian team even after taking into account exchange rates.
Utah tickets are almost half the price of Oiler tickets.
Vegas tickets are almost a third of the price of Oiler tickets.
The T.V numbers aren't even in the same ballpark.
Yet Vegas spends to the cap and more.
Is it just those owners are losing money and don't mind? which is fine it's their money.
That was Vancouver. I know concessions are optional, but shit like that should be illegal.I can't believe people actually pay that. I thought I saw a post online last season from someone in Edmonton that they bought fries at a game for like 8 dollars and it only had like 8 fries, unless that was a joke. I could be remembering wrong but it wasn't something ridiculous like that.
Don't know why you're narrowing it down to just Canadians.real question ..... why cant Canadians go 2.5 hours without having to shove a hot dog down their gullets?
Meanwhile in Edmonton
have they reduced prices on those gutter ass authentic jerseys
I assumed they're selling their current jerseys right now. If they aren't that's funny too.How do you propose they reduce the price of something that isn't being sold yet?
The relocation was a pretty sudden thing, and it takes time to come up with branding and start mass production, which is also why they're using a temporary name and jersey this season. They're going to start being sold next month.I assumed they're selling their current jerseys right now. If they aren't that's funny too.
Wait. They are still called the Hockey Club? I thought they were going to announce a proper team name at the start of the season.
The relocation was a pretty sudden thing, and it takes time to come up with branding and start mass production, which is also why they're using a temporary name and jersey this season. They're going to start being sold next month.
$2 for Dasani is still outrageous.
That shit is gross.
real question ..... why cant Canadians go 2.5 hours without having to shove a hot dog down their gullets?
This is why I sneak outside food/drink/booze into arenas and don’t feel an ounce of guilt…
That shit is borderline criminal
What a f***ing joke of a franchise.
We need more NHL owners doing this but love seeing more owners wake up and realizing there are other ways of doing things that will still make them money without ripping off fans...