Must be a recency bias thing. Although it definitely has been a growing trend.
Actually slightly higher with 12 since July 1 this year
Evgeny Kuznetsov, Pavel Novak, Lukas Svejkovsky, Ilya Nikolaev, Daniil Chayka, Brendan Lemieux, Valterri Pulli, Henri Nikkanen, Tyler Johnson, Daniel Torgersson, Milos Kelemen, Marcus Sylvegard
Plus Ryan Johansen, non-mutually.
We're pacing with the past few years, maybe even a little low...
I think there just might be slightly more exposure to it now
Here are the past ten years
Last year there were:
16 mutual terminations
7 non-mutual terminations
Two years ago: 17 mutual, 1 non-mutual
Three years ago: 26 mutual, 3 non-mutual, 1 grey-area
2020-21: 11 mutual, 1 non-mutual
2019-20: 22 mutual, 2 non-mutual
2018-19: 38 mutual (!), 1 non-mutual
2017-18: 17 mutual
2016-17: 10 mutual, 2 non-mutual
2015-16: 15 mutual, 1 non-mutual
2014-15: 17 mutual
If you go back further it does drop off
Idk if the 2013 lockout and CBA precipitated that??