Using Modern Equipment, In What Eras Could You Have Played In The NHL?

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Registered User
Sep 23, 2016
Obviously this is purely speculative, and answers will vary depending on your skills and experience as a player, but if you could take modern equipment back in time with you, in which eras could you have played in the NHL? And how do you think you would do?

For example, if I could use modern skates and a composite stick, I'd easily lead the early days of the NHL in scoring by a considerable amount. I don't think 10 - 20 points would be out of the question

I'm less certain at what point I'd be unable to compete. If I had to guess, maybe the late 60's or early 70's. At that point, whatever advantage my skates gave me in the skating department would likely be nullified

NOTE: For the purposes of this exercise, you're in your prime and have been training like a modern day athlete, so you're in your peak physical condition

EDIT: Although I speculated I could've played in the late 60's - early 70's, allow me to clarify that it was based on the assumption that skates during that period were still relatively primitive. At some point, possibly in the late 60's or early 70's, skates began resembling those which we use today, and it's at this point - even with the benefit of modern training and equipment - that I likely wouldn't be able to compete. If the upgrade in skates took place in the early 60's, then adjust my timeline accordingly
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Pominville Knows

Registered User
Sep 28, 2012
Down Under
I'm 36 years old and has mainly played street hockey on inlines through the years. I would not be the best skater in much of any era, my shot could be average but i doubt my hockey IQ would make me an all-star had there been such in 1917.
Well… some of it probably depends on how much time for practicing i would receive. Impossible to gauge this exercise.

Filthy Dangles

Registered User*
Oct 23, 2014
Obviously this is purely speculative, and answers will vary depending on your skills and experience as a player, but if you could take modern equipment back in time with you, in which eras could you have played in the NHL? And how do you think you would do?

For example, if I could use modern skates and a composite stick, I'd easily lead the early days of the NHL in scoring by a considerable amount. I don't think 10 - 20 points would be out of the question

I'm less certain at what point I'd be unable to compete. If I had to guess, maybe the late 60's or early 70's. At that point, whatever advantage my skates gave me in the skating department would likely be nullified

NOTE: For the purposes of this exercise, you're in your prime and have been training like a modern day athlete, so you're in your peak physical condition

That seems awfully optimistic on your part. What levels of hockey have you played at?


Registered User
Sep 23, 2016
That seems awfully optimistic on your part. What levels of hockey have you played at?

I didn't start skating and playing road hockey until I was about 9 or 10, and didn't start playing organized hockey until I was 13, so my skating was never good enough to play at a high level during my teens

I was skilled enough that I always lead my House League team in scoring, but it wasn't until my early 20's when I started playing 5 - 6 times per week that I improved to the point where I was better than a lot of those players who had played on travel teams growing up

Keep in mind, for the purposes of this exercise, I would be in peak shape playing against smokers and alcoholics. That, along with the modern skates, could quite possibly make me an average or even an above average skater in the 60's

I do think my hands, vision and IQ would be among the elite for that era, but as I said previously, it's all just speculation

If my skating wasn't up to par to take a regular shift, I could likely hold my own as a powerplay specialist
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Registered User
Mar 6, 2018
I didn't start skating until I was about 9, and didn't start playing organized hockey until I was 13, so my skating was never good enough to play at a high level during my teens

I was skilled enough that I always lead my House League team in scoring, but it wasn't until my early 20's when I started playing 5 - 6 times per week that I improved to the point where I was better than a lot of those players who had played on travel teams growing up

Keep in mind, for the purposes of this exercise, I would be in peak shape playing against smokers and alcoholics. That, along with the modern skates, could quite possibly make me an average or even an above average skater in the 60's

Those “smokers and alcoholics “ would skate circles around you. And if you somehow managed to get in the play, they would pound you into the ice.
Peak shape for you or not.
Sorry, but this thread is stupid.


Global Moderator
Apr 6, 2010
I'm trying to put it diplomatically, but... there really is no other way to say it, so let's just put it out there: the OP is by far the most delusional thing I've read on this board since I've joined. If the thread originator was a pro hockey player at a non-NHL level, I could see the point. But this? I'm struggling to find the words.


Registered User
Sep 23, 2016
Those “smokers and alcoholics “ would skate circles around you. And if you somehow managed to get in the play, they would pound you into the ice.
Peak shape for you or not.
Sorry, but this thread is stupid.

I'm trying to put it diplomatically, but... there really is no other way to say it, so let's just put it out there: the OP is by far the most delusional thing I've read on this board since I've joined. If the thread originator was a pro hockey player at a non-NHL level, I could see the point. But this? I'm struggling to find the words.

Instead of slandering me - someone you know nothing about and have never seen play hockey - why not talk about your own skills and which eras you think you could play in?

Seems like that would be a more constructive way to contribute to the thread
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Registered User
Mar 6, 2018
Slander?? If anyone is close to be slanderous it was you lol. Generalizing an entire era of pro athletes as smokers and alcoholics lol
I’m just merely stating that yes, even though I do not know you, I would bet my house that you couldn’t get through your first shift. Haha


Registered User
Apr 27, 2010
I didn't start skating and playing road hockey until I was about 9 or 10, and didn't start playing organized hockey until I was 13, so my skating was never good enough to play at a high level during my teens

I was skilled enough that I always lead my House League team in scoring, but it wasn't until my early 20's when I started playing 5 - 6 times per week that I improved to the point where I was better than a lot of those players who had played on travel teams growing up

Keep in mind, for the purposes of this exercise, I would be in peak shape playing against smokers and alcoholics. That, along with the modern skates, could quite possibly make me an average or even an above average skater in the 60's

I do think my hands, vision and IQ would be among the elite for that era, but as I said previously, it's all just speculation

If my skating wasn't up to par to take a regular shift, I could likely hold my own as a powerplay specialist

This is certainly one of the most insane and yet seemingly serious posts I've ever seen. The thread is worth it to see that someone thinks that they could go from allegedly decent beer league player today to elite player in the NHL in the 1960s.

I would be a huge player for 1917. Perhaps I could be at the vanguard of goonery, at least until someone like Cleghorn cracked my head open.


Registered User
Sep 23, 2016
Slander?? If anyone is close to be slanderous it was you lol. Generalizing an entire era of pro athletes as smokers and alcoholics lol
I’m just merely stating that yes, even though I do not know you, I would bet my house that you couldn’t get through your first shift. Haha

You might very well be correct


Registered User
Sep 23, 2016
This is certainly one of the most insane and yet seemingly serious posts I've ever seen. The thread is worth it to see that someone thinks that they could go from allegedly decent beer league player today to elite player in the NHL in the 1960s.

I would be a huge player for 1917. Perhaps I could be at the vanguard of goonery, at least until someone like Cleghorn cracked my head open.

I never said "elite"

Filthy Dangles

Registered User*
Oct 23, 2014
Yeah this is crazy, honestly are we being trolled? :laugh: OP seems serious in his convictions.

Assuming we’re not, its not slander Neutrinos, you’re a house league level player talking about playing in the NHL...

Johnny Engine

Jul 29, 2009
My experience playing hockey leads me to believe that no amount of smoking, crappy equipment and poor physical shape would allow me to catch these guys. Mainly because the 55-year-old smokers wearing the same equipment they bought in high school can still make me look like an ass. And these aren't Hall of Famers we're talking about here.

Maybe if the future plays out like WALL-E, I could time travel there and have my way with the human balloons on that spaceship, provided you could fit them into jerseys.


Registered User
Jan 18, 2011
Well I imagine modern goaltending equipment could make such a giant difference than after 2-3 year's of training goaltending in the early days ?


Registered User
Sep 23, 2016
You gave yourself average to above average skating and elite hands, vision, and hockey iq. If te imaginary you is not elite then you're at least a very good NHLer. My mistake.

I said it's possible I might be an average or above average skater. I also said it's possible my skating would be subpar, and wouldn't allow me to take a regular shift

When I was in middle school back in the early 90's, I once used my teacher's skates for hockey. They were like the ones pictured below, so they were probably from the 50's or 60's. It was like wearing shoes with blades underneath them. They had almost no ankle support at all, so it was quite challenging to turn, stop, cross over, etc. I was shocked at how difficult it was to skate in them, so unless you've actually worn skates from both today and the 60's, you may have no idea just how big a difference there is between the two. I wonder if McDavid could play in today's NHL using a pair of skates from the 50's or 60's


So with modern skates, it's likely I wouldn't be among the fastest skaters in the NHL during the 60's, but there's more to skating than just outright speed. I think my edge work and agility would be decent enough
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Registered User
Mar 6, 2018
I said it's possible I might be an average or above average skater. I also said it's possible my skating would be subpar, and wouldn't allow me to take a regular shift
I said it's possible I might be an average or above average skater. I also said it's possible my skating would be subpar, and wouldn't allow me to take a regular shift

Which you followed up with being a power play specialist! Lol
You also said your hands,vision and hockey iq would have you among the elites of that era !
Delusional haha


Registered User
Sep 23, 2016
Here are a couple of recent videos of players from the modern era attempting to use equipment from that is in some cases is more than 100 years old:

From the 30's:

From the 1800's, 1920's, 1960's and 1970's

At the 6:10 mark of the 2nd video, Jeremy (who has a popular hockey channel on YouTube) says "That's why I thought this would be an interesting video. How much of a difference do good skates make? You watch the old NHL stuff, I probably would've scored 50 goals a season if I played back in the 50's or 60's"

Iron Mike Sharpe

Registered User
Dec 6, 2017
I'm trying to put it diplomatically, but... there really is no other way to say it, so let's just put it out there: the OP is by far the most delusional thing I've read on this board since I've joined. If the thread originator was a pro hockey player at a non-NHL level, I could see the point. But this? I'm struggling to find the words.

Yeah, I am completely floored and dumbfounded. This has got to be a troll, right? I can't even

Bear of Bad News

Your Third or Fourth Favorite HFBoards Admin
Sep 27, 2005
This is not a History of Hockey topic.

I'm not sure what topic this is, but it sure as hell isn't a History of Hockey topic.

Go to bed, everyone.
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