As I did not follow sport until 2001 I did not see
Marlins game 7 win over Cleveland on NBC
any of the Bonds Pirates days live
1996 World Series where Leyritz hit it out
I don't remember watching any of the 2000 World Series and that was all the news talked about because it was NY v NY. The only thing that got me into sports was the 2001 yankees and that was because what they were doing for the city after 9/11
Shit yeah I'm playing conquest.
Meant to save it, but I was 2nd best on the team, 33-11 for 11.5k points, just being an anti-tank engineer running around attacking/defending bases and blowing up tanks
You should play more at night
I can't join you in the middle of the afternoon lol
first stanley cup i saw was devils - ducks in 2003 but after that the wings won one against carolina in can't remember
i remember the overtime goal