The Architect![]()
Edge and Christian Show should do an old school 90's vignette with Seth sitting at a drafting board cutting a promo with blueprints and building puns.
The Architect![]()
He was in the main event before he was married. Would he have been in the main event if he didn't make friends with (and be the lackey of) several big stars in the company? Maybe, or he may not have been able to escape being the Greenwich Snob. Him being a big body guy probably helped in WWF.
I think he still would have been in the main event scene.
I don't think he would have lasted as long without being a member of The Family though.
Wrestling has been ruined by millennials, both the fans and the wrestlers themselves.
Everyone thinks that they "deserve championships" just because they work hard or they have been there a long time
Fans crap on the shows because their guy isn't in the main event
People don't like the way they are booked and just whine and mope
Not everyone can be a main eventer, someone has to fill the midcard and lower card roles
Depending on who you listen to, he was also instrumental in the screwjob and aftermath.HHH is a very smart guy.
He quit WCW to go to WWE, because he knew he needed to work more and to grow as a performer. Money was better in WCW at THAT moment, but money would be better, no matter where he went, if he became a bigger star AND a more complete performer first.
From the moment he arrived in WWE, he aligned himself with the right people. He did not drink nor do drugs, yet aligned himself with the Kliq and became their designated drive/moral compass. They had influence with Vince despite being **** ups and HHH gained similar influence AND showed he was a stable and reliable guy.
When he ****ed up with the Curtain Call, he shut up, did his time and gained Vince's respect. That's smart. He could have thrown a tantum and left with his friends, but he would have destroyed his career.
When he got his chance, he ran with it. When he reached his peak, he did EVERYTHING he could to protect his spot (which can be infuriating for us as fans, but was the smart business move for him).
Now that he is an executive, he has made himself the BIGGEST babyface to the IWC with NXT and the way he manages it AND takes credit for it.
HHH is definitely not the most talented performer of all time, but, to me, he is by far the smartest guy in wrestling.
Well this is the biggest pile of crap i've read today, and i was at the Leafs subreddit earlier.
1. Literally no different than hockey fans saying guys like Joe Thornton/Jarome Iginla/Alfie deserve championships in a team based sport where they don't have total control over the outcome all the time. Guy/girl busts their ass, people appreciate the effort and want to see them rewarded. Hence why literally except probably you (including in the business) were happy to see Kofi get his moment.
2. Fans crap on the shows because the guy they like is usually the guy who should be in the main event (see; Bryan, Daniel, 2014) because the fans are the ones making the company money. I'm not saying the fans should control the entirety of how wrestling is booked, but when it's that ****ing obvious they like a guy, put him over.
3. Because the fans want to be entertained, stoopid.
4 is a valid point all that being said.
As if Stone Cold Steve Austin didn’t walk it, or Shawn Michaels wasn’t constantly bitching and moaning in the 90s about wanting to leave WWE if he didn’t get his way and go to WCW.1. Yes it is completely different, these people are entertainers put into roles, much like actors. Not everyone who puts in a lot of time and effort can or should be a leading man. And yeah I don't think Kofi should be the champion, only the best of the best, this is the Participation trophy mindset of the current society.
Why not Tito Santana? Dibiase? Don Muraco? Golddust? those guys put in a lot of time and effort, so did hundreds if not thousands of other performers.
And yes I know it is a "fake sport" but giving the belt to everyone devalues it more than it already is
2. Again that is the point, we don't like it and we will complain and moan and start twitter or social media mobs until we get what we want, and then when they finally get it people change their mind and hate the guy again in a few months. Everyone wanted Ziggler, then soon enough everyone hate Ziggler. Tears were shed for Bryan, then a few months later everyone is tired of Bryan, or Becky or whomever.
I am by no means sticking up for Vince and the WWE as I agree that it has been poorly run for some time now, but they still know a hell of a lot more than somebody who buys a ticket or watches on tv.
3. You misunderstood this one, I was more meaning the recent rash of the wrestlers who whine and moan on social media and more or less take their ball and go home if they don't like how they are being handled. Specifically the Sasha stuff recently or the Revival, anyone who pulls that stuff at a regular job would be canned or disciplined
As if Stone Cold Steve Austin didn’t walk it, or Shawn Michaels wasn’t constantly *****ing and moaning in the 90s about wanting to leave WWE if he didn’t get his way and go to WCW.
But millennials... yeah okay there lol
It’s not a millennial thing. The business gets more of these people because it’s an ego driven business where you need to have an ego and be an asshole to succeed for the most part.I didn't like either of them either
How Millenials are RUINING the Professional Wrestling Industry
The only people this would be an unpopular opinion for are idiots.ECW (pre WWE purchase) was some of the most entertaining wrestling ever.
I have a few:
-Not sure how unpopular this is, but WWE is making a big mistake by not turning Roman heel upon his return
ECW (pre WWE purchase) was some of the most entertaining wrestling ever.
Maybe I should have said "THE most entertaining ever".i thought this was for unpopular opinions?