Johnny Hoxville

The Return of a Legend
Jul 15, 2006
Jusso player fine. The only ones bashing him are Nucks fans sensitive that’s he’s better than Juolevi, who I admit player very well.

Jusso is a stud.


Setting up the play?
Sep 17, 2012
Oh look, it's Harv ragging on Lias Andersson again. :sarcasm:

Personally, I don't think he needs anyone saying whether it was good or bad. I feel bad for the guy because it's likely something he regretted doing if not immediately, then very shortly thereafter. And if he never does regret doing it, then there's really nothing to admonish him for. It's not something that affects anyone else in a negative way.


Registered User
Jan 17, 2015
It's a meaningless tournament? It's a meaningless tournament that every kid dreams of playing in growing up. It's not like the Olympics where you can wait every 4 years to try and make the team. It's a tournament that most Canadian kids get only 1 opportunity to play in. 2 if you're super lucky.

So much wrong calling it a meaningless tournament
Well yeah, it's a fun tournament to play in but if you let yourself peak with the World Juniors you're probably not much of a player anyway.

He said it himself in the post-game interview that he hasn't looked at his U18 silver medal for two years and that he wouldn't have looked at this one anyway.


Zagidulin's Dad
Jan 30, 2011
Calling the world juniors a meaningless tournament is really disingenuous.

Lisa had a tantrum that his team lost. I’m all for showing emotion if it’s constructive.

Throwing your medal into the stands isn’t constructive.

Johnny Hoxville

The Return of a Legend
Jul 15, 2006
Oh look, it's Harv ragging on Lias Andersson again. :sarcasm:

Personally, I don't think he needs anyone saying whether it was good or bad. I feel bad for the guy because it's likely something he regretted doing if not immediately, then very shortly thereafter. And if he never does regret doing it, then there's really nothing to admonish him for. It's not something that affects anyone else in a negative way.

I haven’t commented a word on his playing performance, which was admittedly good in this tournament. But I’m a big believer in that attitude is huge thing for development in sports. Honestly today more than ever the difference between a 1st - 4th pick is becoming less and less like it is the NFL because the worlds talent pool is growing so much. Andersson is close to a top prospect, but if he can’t handle adversity then I don’t know how I feel about him becoming an NHL player.

And judging by his interview after, I don’t believe he showed any regret. So to me, he just came across as an extremely poor loser and he just so happened to be the captain of his team. His leadership was evidenced by the rest of his team play because Sweden was taking cheap shots and penalties in the final minutes of the game. That tells me all I need to know about him as a player.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2012
Nothing wrong with what he did. You play to win and at the end of the day I think it shows character on his part. 2nd place is unacceptable for him. And if we're being honest, this is a meaningless tournament anyway. Not like it's the Olympics
First off, there was alot wrong with what he did. It's not like that was a feather he tossed into a crowd, what if it had hit a child? I can accept the frustration and had he tossed it on the ice or put it in his pocket, I wouldn't care. It would still be poor sportsmanship and was akin to tossing a board game all over when you lose. But I certainly wouldn't claim it shows character, I'm also not going to claim it shows poor character other than it being obvious he is a sore loser.


Registered User
Jan 17, 2015
It's not like he took it off and whipped it into the crowd. It's quite reasonable to assume that while the camera angle didn't show him make eye contact with the fan that got it, he probably did anyway. It was a pretty soft underhand throw.

People would be calling him a sore loser anyway even if he took it off and tossed it in the locker room garbage can.

That was one of the most poorly officiated finals I've ever watched. I don't blame him one bit for doing what he did

Johnny Hoxville

The Return of a Legend
Jul 15, 2006
I would expect him to be upset they lost. But I think a captain needs to lead properly and the way he led was evidenced by how his team conducted themselves; which was poor sportsmanship before the game even ended and it’s clear where they got that attitude from.

People do dumb things in the heat of the moment but there are some things you cannot take back. That crossed a line, it was disrespectful to the tournament and to all of the other players and counties that participated in it. It is a very big deal to me and I find it an embarrassment to the entire sport.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2012
It's not like he took it off and whipped it into the crowd. It's quite reasonable to assume that while the camera angle didn't show him make eye contact with the fan that got it, he probably did anyway. It was a pretty soft underhand throw.

People would be calling him a sore loser anyway even if he took it off and tossed it in the locker room garbage can.

That was one of the most poorly officiated finals I've ever watched. I don't blame him one bit for doing what he did
You know you don't have to throw a piece of metal hard to hurt a child right? You thorow it underhand softly, it still gains velocity on it's way down. It was a stupid thing to do and it's pathetic that people are making excuses for him. It's not like he just refused to shake hands or something.
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Setting up the play?
Sep 17, 2012
From an attitude standpoint, this is better. Refusing to shake hands is openly disrespectful to the opponent. Throwing away your medal is not.

Johnny Hoxville

The Return of a Legend
Jul 15, 2006
You know you don't have to throw a piece of metal hard to hurt a child right? You thorow it underhand softly, it still gains velocity on it's way down. It was a stupid thing to do and it's pathetic that people are making excuses for him. It's not like he just refused to shake hands or something.

Yeah that’s what blows my mind. I kinda get Swedish homers defending him, because it’s loyalty to your country. But I honestly don’t see how any rational fan can defend what he did. It was a garbage thing to do, it made him look childish and like a complete sore loser and IMO it totally disrespected the sport.

Think a kid from Latvia that has played his whole life and had less opportunity growing up than a kid from Sweden would want that medal? Then you watch Lias just chuck it away because he’s pouting. Again, yes I expect him to be disappointed but that act spits on everyone and their accomplishments that finished beneath him.

If Matthew Tkachuk did something like that I would blast him to. I’ve lost respect for Gaudreau because of how he whines if things don’t go his way. Play the game hard, play it the right way, shut your mouth when you lose and get even the next time.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2012
From an attitude standpoint, this is better. Refusing to shake hands is openly disrespectful to the opponent. Throwing away your medal is not.
No it's just disrespectful to the tournament organizers, the IIHF and IMO everyone who has ever competed in the WJC
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Mr Snrub

I like the way Snrub thinks!
Oct 12, 2016
No it's just disrespectful to the tournament organizers, the IIHF and IMO everyone who has ever competed in the WJC

Your team worked hard for that medal. It's not about you, it's 20 about guys working to the bone to do their absolute best. When you toss it into the stands you disrespect everyone else on your team, that's deplorable.

I'm glad we didn't end up with him, didn't know he had that sort of attitude.

Johnny Hoxville

The Return of a Legend
Jul 15, 2006
I don’t think he will. He seems very much set that it his character and beliefs to be that way. I will raise my children to be competitive for sure and always strive to win, but personally I feel like what he did was to extreme and toxic for his teammates.


Registered User
Jun 4, 2007
I understand why he might have done it, but I don't accept or agree with his decision.


Aug 26, 2010
I think this is a mountain out of a molehill. It's a stupid medal- the officiating was extremely suspect. I think it was moderately sore-loser ish of him, but if he had handed the fan the medal a little bit off camera no one would be talking about this at all. I also don't see how it is disrespectful to players who formerly played in the tournament? I'm positive that by and large they couldn't care at all about this. I think some of you need to dislodge the stick you have residing in your nether regions and join the modern world.


Papa Shango
May 15, 2012
I don’t think he will. He seems very much set that it his character and beliefs to be that way. I will raise my children to be competitive for sure and always strive to win, but personally I feel like what he did was to extreme and toxic for his teammates.

Don't think his teammates would care.
I wouldn't if one of my teammates threw away his medal. It's up to him what he wants to do with it. He helped us get that medal; but he gets his own individual one. It'd be a different story if they handed out a second place trophy or something and he threw it into the crowd.

I have no issues with what he did. People who do simply want something to bitch about. He earned that medal, it's up to him what he wants to do with it. If we defend the organizers, etc... They make their money, the bigger f*** you is the people of Buffalo for not showing up.

King In The North

Sean Bennett
Jul 9, 2007
The kid clearly wants to win. He had the C on a very stacked team so he likely has some leadership qualities. I'd still be pretty happy with his performance as a Rags fan.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2017
I think this is a mountain out of a molehill. It's a stupid medal- the officiating was extremely suspect. I think it was moderately sore-loser ish of him, but if he had handed the fan the medal a little bit off camera no one would be talking about this at all. I also don't see how it is disrespectful to players who formerly played in the tournament? I'm positive that by and large they couldn't care at all about this. I think some of you need to dislodge the stick you have residing in your nether regions and join the modern world.

There was absolutely nothing suspect about the reffing. That is just whining and excuse making from pathetic Swedish fans. Even if there was throwing the medal is still a moronic act.

And yes if he had done something completely different with the medal people probably would be talking about this differently.

The guy doesn't need to be banned for hockey but it was a stupid, selfish act and he should be called out for it.

Johnny Hoxville

The Return of a Legend
Jul 15, 2006
It’s not about being a prude, it’s about having respect for the game and the people you play it with. Also his “win or nothing” attitude is toxic and hopefully he grows up. Anyways I’m over talking about it, it was a stupid thing to do.
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