Valeri Kharlamov (LW, *1948) – His career
1) Junior hockey
Kharlamov started skating when he was five. His father was a bandy player and his son grew up playing football and hockey. His mother was from a Communist family in Bilbao (Spain) and had come to the Soviet Union as a child during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). In 1956, young Kharlamov spent a few months in Bilbao with his mother who wanted to see her parents again. Having returned to Moscow, he resumed playing hockey, but the boy was sickly and when rheumatic fever was diagnosed, he had to spend three months in hospital (1961). Out of the hospital, Kharlamov ignored the orders of the doctors to stop doing sports and continued to play football and hockey in the yard. When he underwent another medical examination in 1962 or 1963, the condition had disappeared.
In 1962, Kharlamov attended a tryout for the CSKA hockey school in front of Tarasov's assistant Boris Kulagin and was admitted.
Boris Kulagin:
"Skating was as natural for him as walking. At the age of 14, he made turns to the left and to the right, of the kind that others have to train a long time, with such ease that no-one doubted whether we should take him or not."
Бегать на коньках было для него столь же естественно, как и ходить. А повороты налево, направо, которые другие разучивают подолгу, четырнадцатилетний Харламов выполнял во время того самого отбора-конкурса настолько непринужденно, что ни у кого не вызывало сомнений, брать его или не брать.
→ Source: Boris Levin (editor), Три скорости Валерия Харламова. (1984)
Vladimir Bogomilov,
teammate of Kharlamov with CSKA junior team:
"He skated with aplomb, but overall he didn't particularly stand out. Who could have imagined that Kharlamov would be a future star? No-one, I think. It is owed to the CSKA teachers that he didn't get lost in the shuffle. But to assume that they recognized the talent in him right away would mean to engage in wishful thinking."
Валера на коньках держался уверенно, но в целом особо не выделялся. Кто бы мог предположить, что он, Харламов, — будущая звезда? Думаю, никто. В том, что не затерялся он, есть заслуга армейских педагогов. Но считать, что они сразу разглядели в нем дарование, — значит выдавать желаемое за действительное.
→ Source: Maxim Makarychev: Валерий Харламов. (2015)
Anatoli Tarasov:
"His talent, his fanatical perseverance and his magnificent character were not revealed to all of us right away. It happened gradually."
Его талант, его фанатическое упорство, его чудесный характер раскрылись для всех нас не сразу, постепенно.
→ Source: Boris Levin (editor), Три скорости Валерия Харламова. (1984)
Viktor Yerfilov,
coach at the CSKA school (2014):
"When he came to our section, I had the impression that he needed to be coached. But when he was a little older, I came to the opinion that there was nothing particular to teach him. Because all the skill in him was so deeply ingrained, genetically and intuitively based, that he was better not told where to move, how to pass and what to do. And when he grew up a bit and became more or less famous, they asked me: '
How does one develop an oustanding player like Valeri Kharlamov? I replied: We need to find a talented kid and to not interfere with his development."
Когда он пришел в секцию, у меня было ощущение, что его надо обучать. Но когда он немного подрос, я пришел к такому мнению, что его обучать-то особенно и нечему. Потому что все умение в нем было настолько глубоко, генетически интуитивно заложено, что ему говорить, куда двигаться, как пасовать, что делать — лучше бы и не стоило. И когда он подрос немного, когда стал более-менее знаменитым, меня спросили: “Как на примере Валеры Харламова вырастить выдающегося игрока?” Я ответил: “Надо найти талантливого парнишку и не мешать ему развиваться”.
→ Source: Maxim Makarychev: Валерий Харламов. (2015)
In a game against the junior team of Spartak Moscow, Kharlamov first drew the attention of Anatoli Tarasov. A penalty was called against Kharlamov while he was struggling with Spartak defenceman Igor Lapin.
Valeri Kharlamov:
"Igor Lapin was already physically strong at that time and faced with him, I violated the rules and was sent to the penalty box. Of course I was sorry and ashamed that I had let my comrades down, but suddenly Anatoli Vladimirovich Tarasov came up to me and said: '
Good boy, for you're not scared. Thanks for the courage. Don't be afraid of anybody!' I was happy, proud and delighted. The famous, legendary Tarasov himself, the incomparable hockey magician, had noticed me and praised me for my courage!"
Я нарушил правила, столкнувшись с уже мощным в ту пору Лапиным, и меня посадили на скамью штрафников. Я был, конечно, огорчен, мне было стыдно, что я подвел товарищей, и вдруг ко мне подошел Анатолий Владимирович Тарасов я сказал: "Молодец, что не испугался. Спасибо за мужество. Никогда никого не бойся!" Я был обрадован, горд, восхищен. Сам знаменитый, легендарный Тарасов, несравненный маг хоккея, заметил меня, похвалил за смелость!
→ Source: Valeri Kharlamov, Хоккей - моя стихия. (1977)
Anatoli Tarasov:
"Of course, I noticed the guy, because as the head of the hockey collective, I supervised the training process and always made sure to participate in the admission of novices. I didn't look so much at their athletic data or the skating ability, but whether the guy's eyes were burning and whether it was visible he was obsessed with the desire to become a real player. Kharlamov had all of this in spades."
Естественно, заметил парня и я, поскольку, как руководитель хоккейного коллектива, контролировал учебный процесс и обязательно принимал участие в наборе новичков, присматриваясь не столько к их атлетическим данным или умению кататься на коньках, сколько к тому, горят ли у парня глаза, видно ли, что он одержим желанием стать настоящим хоккеистом. Всего этого в юном Харламове было, как говорится, через край.
→ Source: Boris Levin (editor), Три скорости Валерия Харламова. (1984)
Others like Vladimir Pisarevsky, sports commentator for the state television, became aware of young Kharlamov due to his skills.
Vladimir Pisarevksy:
"The first time I saw Valeri was during the youth hockey competition for the championship of Moscow. He was 15 years old and struck me, a sport commentator, with his unusual vision of the game. He beat his opponents in masterly fashion and already had some of his moves to elude the defencemen."
Впервые я увидел Валеру во время юношеских соревнований по хоккею на первенство Москвы. Было ему тогда 15 лет, и он поразил меня, тогда спортивного комментатора, своим необычным видением игры. Он виртуозно обыгрывал своих соперников, у него уже тогда были какие-то свои неуловимые защитниками движения.
→ Source: Maxim Makarychev: Валерий Харламов. (2015)
Viktor Yerfilov (2014):
"The fact is that his way of skating, his way of moving and his coordination were on another level compared to his peers. And the movement and its amplitude and the attack vector formed an amazing conjunction together."
Дело в том, что его манера катания, его манера движения, его координация были неизмеримо выше в сравнении с остальными сверстниками. И движение, и его амплитуда, и направление атаки складывались вместе в удивительное сочетание.
→ Source: Maxim Makarychev: Валерий Харламов. (2015)
A dissenting voice:
Vladimir Bogomilov:
"No matter how many times I go through my memory, I don't find anything outstanding in young Kharlamov. As opposed to Smolin. Alexander Smolin was called wizard and skated circles around all five opponents with ease."
Сколько я ни перебираю в памяти, ничего необыкновенного в юном Харламове не нахожу. Вот Смолин — дело другое. Кудесник, как его звали, Саша Смолин запросто обводил пятерку соперников.
→ Source: Maxim Makarychev: Валерий Харламов. (2015)
2) Football prospect
While attending the CSKA hockey school, Kharlamov was still playing for a football team during the summer months and undecided which of the two sports he should devote himself to.
Vadim Nikonov,
football player, played for the Soviet national team in the 1970s:
"Valeri had big makings of a football players too. He stood out on the pitch in that he could achieve everything if he wanted. He had complete control over the ball."
У Валерки тоже большие задатки были как у футболиста. Он выделялся на поле тем, что если хотел, то всего добивался. У него в общении с мячом полный порядок был.
→ Source: Maxim Makarychev: Валерий Харламов. (2015)
Vladimir Bogomilov:
"On the green field, the ball was glued to his leg. He dribbled with ease. He faked in one direction and went in the other."
На зеленом поле мяч у него был как приклеенный к ноге. Обводка была простая. Показал корпусом в одну сторону, а ушел в другую. Надежно прикрывал мяч.
→ Source: Maxim Makarychev: Валерий Харламов. (2015)
In 1963, television broadcasts from the World Championship in Sweden (where the Soviets won gold) made a big impression on Kharlamov. Gradually, he moved away from football and gravitated towards a career in hockey.
Valeri Kharlamov:
"I've never been lazy, but to be honest, I didn't enjoy running around the football field. My idols were Vsevolod Bobrov and Eduard Streltsov. Both appeared calm and even sleepy on the pitch. But when the moment came, they found themselves at the most advantageous spot on the pitch and did everything they had to do as fast as required. They scored and made the game intelligent and captivating. They made the game a game, not a tiresome job. Alas, most of the football coaches of that time, including mine, merely repeated: '
Work, work and move more!' In hockey, it's much easier: one push and you have crossed the entire rink. In short, I chose hockey."
Лентяем я никогда не был, но, честно говоря, и носиться без толку по футбольному полю не любил. Моими футбольными кумирами были Всеволод Бобров и Эдуард Стрельцов. Оба казались на поле спокойными, даже сонными. Но вот приходит момент, и они оказывались именно в той точке поля, где им выгоднее всего было быть, и делали всё то, что им следовало делать, с такой скоростью, какую нужно было включить. Они и забивали, и делали игру умной, захватывающей. Они делали игру игрой, а не нудной работой. Увы, большинство футбольных тренеров того времени, да и нынешнего тоже, только и повторяли: работай, работай, двигайся больше! В хоккее хоть проще: оттолкнулся раз — и всю площадку пересек. В общем, остался я в хоккее.
→ Source: Vladimir Dvortsov & Zinovi Yurev, Форвард № 17. (1984)
Viktor Yerfilov:
"Kharlamov played in a way that only a talented player can. And I realized that it would be a loss for him and our game if he quit hockey."
Так вот, Харламов сыграл тогда так, как может сыграть только талантливый игрок. И я понял, что, если он бросит хоккей, это будет потерей н для него, и для нашего хоккея.
→ Source: Vladimir Dvortsov & Zinovi Yurev, Форвард № 17. (1984)
Vladimir Dvortsov &
Zinovi Yurev:
"He trained at the hockey school of CSKA for four years. During this time, his muscles got used to great physical exertion and his heart became attached to the game."
Он уже четыре года тренировался в хоккейной школе ЦСКА. За это время его мышцы привыкли к большим физическим нагрузкам, его сердце привязывалось к игре.
→ Source: Vladimir Dvortsov & Zinovi Yurev, Форвард № 17. (1984)
3) Transition to senior hockey
In 1966-1967, Kharlamov won the Soviet Under-19 Championship with CSKA. Among his teammates were Alexander Smolin and Vladimir Lutchenko. All three of them were recommended to Tarasov by their coach Viktor Yerfilov. Interestingly, Kharlamov's teammate Vladimir Bogomilov didn't receive a recommendation, even though he had just been named Best Forward of the final tournament.
While Yerfilov and Boris Kulagin lobbied for Kharlamov, Anatoli Tarasov was sceptical about his prospects. Since CSKA had lost the domestic championship to Spartak Moscow, Tarasov thought his team needed to get bigger and more rugged, which is why he brought in Petrov and Mikhailov. Kharlamov didn't fit in his plan.
Vladimir Dvortsov &
Zinovi Yurev:
"What Kharlamov didn't know was that the CSKA coach had decided to bet on big guys. (...) If Kharlamov's speed was more or less comparable to that of the senior players, then he obviously lacked mass. (...) Having absendmindedly listened to his assitants who recommended the 18-year-old Kharlamov, Tarasov uttered a phrase that many would later recall: '
Well, he's pint-sized. What's the point?
Anatoli Vladimirovich was a temperamental man and tended to use exaggerations. Of course, Kharlamov was not a strongman, but it was questionable to call a guy who was 174 cm tall and weighted 72 kg '
The helpers led Kharlamov to the hockey autocrat. He gave Kharlamov a sharp look, shrugged and said: '
Well, if you want to take a chance, go ahead. If you make it – well done. If you don't cut it – there will be no-one to blame.'"
Не знал Харламов, что тренер ЦСКА в то время решил сделать ставку на крупных ребят. (...) И если скорость у Харламова была более или менее сравнимой со скоростямн мастеров, то массы ему явно не хватало. (...) Рассеянно выслушав своих помощников, рекомендовавших ему восемнадцатилетнего Харламова, ои произнес фразу, которую многие потом вспоминали: — Ну, вот, еще один метр с кепкой. Зачем он нам?
Анатолий Владимирович — человек темпераментный — часто пользуется в разговоре преувеличениями. Харламов, конечно, богатырем не был, но и «метром кепкой» назвать парня ростом 174 сантиметра и весом 72 килограмма было трудно.
Помощинки привели его к хоккейному самодержцу. Тот остренько посмотрел на Харламова, пожал плечами и сказал: — Ну что ж, хочешь рискнуть — давай. Пробьешься — молодец. Не пробьешься — винить некого будет.
→ Source: Vladimir Dvortsov & Zinovi Yurev, Форвард № 17. (1984)
Kharlamov was drafted into the army. In the 1967 offseason, he attended the CSKA training camp and improved his physical strength.
Vadim Nikonov:
"When he took his shirt off, I just didn't recognize him. His torso was so powerful. It seemed like he was literally all made of muscles. It was rather strange and even scary to see him like that."
Когда уже Валерка приехал ко мне, он снял майку и я просто не узнал его. Такой мощный торс у него был. Казалось, что он весь буквально был соткан из мышц. Даже как-то непривычно, даже пугающе немного было видеть его таким.
→ Source: Maxim Makarychev: Валерий Харламов. (2015)
But when the new season got under way, Tarasov's opinion of Kharlamov had not improved. During the first month, he didn't see any game action at all.
Vladimir Dvortsov &
Zinovi Yurev:
"Kulagin and Yerfilov kept lobbying for Kharlamov. '
Let's try him in a game', Kulagin suggested to Tarasov.
Кулагин и Ерфилов продолжали ходатайствовать за Харламова. — Давай попробуем, — предлагал Тарасову Кулагин, — паренька.
→ Source: Vladimir Dvortsov & Zinovi Yurev, Форвард № 17. (1984)
On October 22nd, Kharlamov finally got his chance. He was used as a spare in a game against Sibir Novosibirsk, but didn't do much in that game. Tarasov wasn't impressed at all.
Anatoli Tarasov (October 1967):
"He's nothing special, he's like a little pony out there."
Ничего особенного, какой-то «Конек-горбунок».
→ Source: Vladimir Dvortsov & Zinovi Yurev, Форвард № 17. (1984)
Viktor Yerfilov (2014):
"He didn't believe in him at all. His take was that Valeri was small, skinny and frail. Okay, he was agile, but he wasn't a player who could stand up to the Canadians. At that time, in 1967, Tarasov had the Canadians on his mind. He was preparing for them."
Неверие в него, он в него не верил абсолютно; Валера, по его мнению, был маленький, дохлый, хилый, пусть верткий, но это не был игрок, который мог противостоять канадцам. У Тарасова же тогда в 1967 году были одни канадцы в голове. К ним он готовился.
→ Source: Maxim Makarychev: Валерий Харламов. (2015)
4) Sent down to Chebarkul
In November, Kharlamov found himself cut from the squad altogether. He was assigned to a farm team in the third league, Zvezda Chebarkul, "for probation" – often a one-way ticket with no return. Accompanying him was defenceman Alexander Gusev who was sent to Chebarkul as punishment for a "violation of the sporting regime".
Valeri Kharlamov:
"And then coaches told me that I wasn't able to improve my skills with the senior club team and therefore they decided to send me to one of the army teams for probation."
А потом тренеры мне сказали, что, выступая только за клубную мужскую команду, я не смогу повышать свое мастерство, и потому в ноябре они решили направить меня на стажировку в одну из армейских команд.
→ Source: Valeri Kharlamov, Хоккей - моя стихия. (1977)
Later, after Kharlamov had become a star, Tarasov would try to portray the assignment and his earlier opinion of Kharlamov in a slightly different light.
Anatoli Tarasov:
"I saw that he was a talented, remarkable guy, but it was too early to be on the ice with the masters. He was lacking in skills and experience. (...) I invited Kharlamov to play for one of our middle-class army teams for one season, so that the could develop independence in his game, improve his stickhandling, learn new dekes and test them against real opponents."
Видел, что он — человек способный, незаурядный, но выпускать его на площадку с мастерами было еще рановато, не хватало у парня умения, опыта. (...) Чтобы Харламов смог развить в себе игровую самостоятельность, усвовершенствоваться в обводке, разучить новые финты и опробовать их на реальных соперниках, я предложил ему один сезон поиграть в одной из наших армейских команд среднего класса.
→ Source: Boris Levin (editor), Три скорости Валерия Харламова. (1984)
In reality, Kharlamov was not "invited", and of course, Tarasov wasn't eager to recall the more colourful assessments (pint-sized, little pony) he had used in 1967. It's true, however, that Kharlamov's development was in Tarasov's focus: he gave the Chebarkul coaching staff clear instructions on how to deal with the youngster – including the specification that he should play 42 minutes each game!
Anatoli Tarasov:
"Make sure he trains three times a day. In scheduled matches, Valeri should spend at least 70% of the time on the ice, regardless of how the game develops."
Вы должны создать ему условия для ежедневных трехразовых тренировок. В календарных встречах Валерий должен проводить не менее семидесяти процентов времени на льду независимо от того, как складывается игра.
→ Source: Maxim Makarychev: Валерий Харламов. (2015)
Having arrived in Chebarkul, a town just east of the Ural Mountains dividing the European part of Russia from Siberia, Kharlamov didn't make a favourable first impression on the coaching staff of the local army team. That changed quickly though.
Boris Kulagin:
"I remember the first conversation with the leadership of Chebarkul. They thanked us for giving them Gusev and expressed doubt about Kharlamov: this kid will have a hard time in our league, they said – he will be pushed and they will supply him with so many bruises that he will run away from hockey. I chuckled to myself and told them: Well, let's see... Soon I returned to Chebarkul to see how Valeri and Alexander were doing. And the very leaders who had doubted whether Kharlamov 'would cope' literally couldn't find words to express their admiration for his game."
Помню первый разговор в Чебаркуле с руководством. Поблагодарили нас за то, что дали в команду Гусева и выразили сомнение насчет Харламова: мол, в нашей лиге этому малышу трудно придется — затолкают его, столько синяков наставят, что он из хоккея убежит. Я слушал и про себя посмеивался. А вслух сказал: «Ну что ж, посмотрим...». (…) Вскоре я вновь приехал в Чебаркуль, посмотреть, как поживают Валерий и Саша. И те самые руководители, которые сомневались, «потянет ли Харламов», буквально слов не находили, чтобы выразить восхищение его игрой.
→ Source: Boris Levin (editor), Три скорости Валерия Харламова. (1984)
Valeri Smagin,
teammate of Kharlamov in Chebarkul:
"We appreciated Valeri for his high skill level and as a kind and caring comrade. I remember that I was greatly impresed by him in a match against the team of Nizhni Targil (...). They were stronger than our team. But we beat them, largely thanks to Valeri, who scored three goals. One time he skated around four opponents before he scored! After this game, our players began to take a closer look at his dribbling. We learned a lot from him."
Мы ценили Валерия за высокое мастерство и как доброго, отзывчивого товариша.
На меня, помню, огром ное впечатление произвела его игра в матче с командой Нижнего Тагила (...). Тагильчане были сильнее нас. Но мы их обыграли, во многом благодаря Валерию, забившему три гола. Одну шайбу он забросил, обведя четверых игроков сопейника! После этого матча игроки «Звезды» начали внимательнее присматриваться к дриблингу Харламова. Многому мы у Валерия научились...
→ Source: Vladimir Dvortsov & Zinovi Yurev, Форвард № 17. (1984)
Kharlamov became a local hero in Chebarkul and a sensation in the third league.
Alexander Gusev:
"He played unselfishly and improved his skill with each day. (...) Hundreds of spectators attended our training sessions. During the games, the arena couldn't accommodate everyone. (...) When we came to a new town on road trips, his reputation had already arrived before him."
Играет самоотверженно и в мастерстве прибавляет день ото дня. (...) На тренировки приходят сотни зрителей. Во время матчей стадион не может вместить всех желающих. (...) так что, когда мы в новый город для игр приезжали, слава о нем.
→ Source: Maxim Makarychev: Валерий Харламов. (2015)
Kharlamov spent four months with Zvezda Chebarkul. At the beginning of March 1968, Boris Kulagin attended a game by the Chebarkul team. Since a few CSKA defencemen had picked up injuries, Gusev was the primary target of the scouting trip, but Kulagin came away most impressed by Kharlamov.
Boris Kulagin (March 1968)
to Tarasov:
"The young player has literally unfolded over the season and showed a great game."
Молодой хоккеист буквально раскрылся за сезон и показывал великолепную игру», — доложил Кулагин Тарасову об игре Харламова.
→ Source: Maxim Makarychev: Валерий Харламов. (2015)
A few days later Kharlamov was finally recalled to CSKA.
5) Breakthrough
Kharlamov played for CSKA in the remaining 14 games of the Soviet league season. He was used as a spare and tried out in various line-up combinations.
Vladimir Lutchenko:
"I remember how happy and self-confident he was when he returned from Chebarkul. His eyes were shining. And most importantly, he showed great strength. (...) He skated to the goal and he wasn't bothered by anything. He was unafraid and had a lot of confidence in what he did. (...) During training, I ran into him and almost bounced off from him. Surprised by his strength, I approached him and said: when did you get so pumped, Valeri?"
Вспоминаю, какой счастливый и уверенный в своих силах вернулся он из Чебаркуля. Глаза блестели. И главное, он показывал огромную мощь. (...) И катил на ворота, и всё ему было нипочем. Ни страха, огромная уверенность в правильности своих действий. (...) Тогда я столкнулся с ним во время тренировки, чуть не отскочил от него. Подъехал, удивленно, признавая его силу, говорю: Где ты так накачался, Валер?
→ Source: Maxim Makarychev: Валерий Харламов. (2015)
In late April, he scored his first two league goals (against Krylya Sovietov). A few days later, CSKA played their last game of the season against Spartak Moscow and Kharlamov first drew the attention of Vsevolod Bobrov, then Spartak coach.
Vsevolod Bobrov (1971):
"I remember his first match against us very well. A skinny, rather small guy appeared on the ice. During the warm-up, he looked like a frowning little sparrow. After taking two or three shots on goal, he collided with another Army player and skated off the ice. He was either upset or unwell. '
Looks like a weakling', [Spartak defenseman] Vladimir Migunkov said. But already after the first period, during the break, he, wiping his forehead with a towel, admitted: '
I was wrong. A strong guy!' I cracked a smiled: he had given Vladimir something to handle. Several times Valeri had passed him and others of our experienced defencemen at great speed, demonstrating flawless stickhandling."
Отлично помню матч его дебюта. На лед вышел худенький, небольшого робта паренек. На разминке он выглядел эдаким насупившимся воробышком — ударил два или три раза по воротам, столкнулся с кем-то из армейцев и отъехал к борту. Не то обиделся, не то почувствовал себя неловко. — Вроде бы лапша, — сказал пристально наблюдавитий за ним Володя Мигунько. Но уже после первого периода, в перерыве, он, вытирая полотенцем залитый потом лоб, признался: — Ошибся. Силён парень! Я улыбнулся: дорого далось это Володе. Валерий несколько раз на огромной скорости обходил его и других наших опытных защитников, демонстрируя безупречную обводку.
→ Source: Boris Levin (editor), Три скорости Валерия Харламова. (1984)
The next season (1968-1969) started like the prior one had ended with Kharlamov in a spare role, but he managed to establish himself more and more. By late October 1968, a youth line with Kharlamov (20) at right (!) wing, Alexander Smolin (20) at center and Yuri Blinov (19) at left wing emerged for a few games. Then he was tried out in place of veteran left wing Veniamin Alexandrov on the troika with Vladimir Petrov and Boris Mikhailov for a game. It was a one-off, but a month later Alexandrov picked up an injury and Kharlamov got to play with Petrov and Mikhailov again. The three developed chemistry quickly, something Alexandrov had never really had with Petrov and Mikhailov.
Boris Mikhailov:
"It seems that even Tarasov didn't expect we would find a common language with Valeri from the first minute of the game. The other CSKA players said they were pleasantly surprised that the three of us played together in harmony as if we had been training and playing together for ages."
Думается, даже Анатолий Тарасов не ожидал, что с первых же минут игры мы найдем с Валерием общий язык. Потом армейские хоккеисты говорили, что были приятно удивлены тем, что втроем мы играли столь слаженно, как будто давно тренировались и выступали вместе.
→ Source: Boris Mikhailov, Такова хоккейная жизнь. (2008)
Kharlamov became the leading player of the new troika, even though his game still had to develop.
Valeri Kharlamov:
"When I joined their line, I basically had only one advantage: my good (or, as the coaches said, 'non-standard') stickhandling. Everything else I had yet to figure out: an error-free defensive game, the ability to score and the art of passing."
Когда я попал к ним в тройку, у меня, по существу, было только одно достоинство – неплохая, или, как говорили тренеры, нестандартная обводка. Все остальное предстояло постигать – и безошибочную игру в обороне, и умение добивать шайбу, и искусство игры в пас.
→ Source: Valeri Kharlamov, Хоккей - моя стихия. (1977)
Vsevolod Bobrov (1971):
"Stickhandling is one of the passions and one of the greatest strength of this player. In the beginning he even overused it, but then he straightened everything out and established himself on the line."
Обводка — вот одна из страстей и одна из самых сильных сторон этого игрока. На первых порах он даже злоупотреблял ею, но потом все образовалось, и Валерий поставил ее на службу эвену.
→ Source: Boris Levin (editor), Три скорости Валерия Харламова. (1984)
Valeri Kharlamov:
"Boris and Vladimir played for me, they played without unnecessary words and reproaches. They hurried to help me when, having lost the puck, I didn't get back in time due to my inexperience, they patiently waited for the pass to which in the beginning I wasn't inclined. They told me: '
Play your game, but look at us, look for us on the rink.' It took a while before I learned to see the whole rink, to play for the partners and to give them precise passes. (...) It was Vladimir and Boris who made me Kharlamov."
Борис и Владимир играли на меня, за меня, играли без лишних слов, без упреков. Они спешили мне на помощь, когда, потеряв шайбу, я по неопытности не успевал вернуться назад, терпеливо ждали паса, к которому я поначалу не питал особого пристрастия. Они говорили мне: "Играй в свою игру, но посматривай на нас, ищи нас на площадке". Прошло немало времени, прежде чем я научился видеть всю площадку, играть на партнеров, выдавать им точные пасы. (...) Именно Володя и Борис сделали меня Харламовым.
→ Source: Valeri Kharlamov, Хоккей - моя стихия. (1977)
Even though his passing game was still work in progress, Kharlamov emerged as something of an unorthodox playmaker.
Leonid Trachtenberg:
"He was not a soloist in the usual sense. He scored less than his partners. In the beginning he rarely passed to them. But the situations he created alone by himself opened an excellent chance for his comrades to attack the goal."
Он не был и солистом в привычном понимании. Он и забивал меньше, чем партнеры. А пасовал им вначале и вовсе редко. Просто ситуации, им создаваемые, сами по себе открывали товарищам отменный шанс непосредственно атаковать ворота.
→ Source: Boris Levin (editor), Три скорости Валерия Харламова. (1984)
The troika Kharlamov – Petrov – Mikhailov quickly became one of the top-scoring forward lines in the USSR and they played for for the Soviet B (second) national team at the international tournament in Moscow (December 1968). Their performance there earned them a call-up to the national team for their annual tour of Canada (January 1969). For Kharlamov, the success in those encounters with the Canadian national team was a big confidence booster.
Vladimir Dvortsov:
"I remember Kharlamov telling me that after the first tour of Canada, he believed in their strength as hockey players."
Помнится, Харламов рассказывал, что в свои силы хоккеиста он поверил после первого турне по Канаде.
→ Source: Boris Levin (editor), Три скорости Валерия Харламова. (1984)
At the 1969 World Championship, the troika Kharlamov – Petrov – Mikhailov made a big impression and Kharlamov received the 4th most All-star votes among all forwards (behind Ulf Sterner, Anatoli Firsov and Václav Nedomanský).
Boris Mayorov:
"Never in the history of our hockey has an entire troika of forwards had such an overwhelming takeoff. Within one season, three young guys became national team players, World Champions, honored masters of sports and recipients of national awards."
Столь головокружительного взлета целой тройки нападающих не знает история нашего хоккея. За один сезон три молодых парня стали игроками сборной, чемпионами мира, заслуженными мастерами спорта, кавалерами правительственных наград.
→ Source: Boris Mayorov, Я смотрю хоккей. (1970)
The troika played together until the end of the 1970-1971 season. Individual recognition during those three seasons (Soviet Best Player voting; Soviet All-star honours; World Championship All-star honours):
Kharlamov: 4th, 4th, 5th. One time Soviet All-star (1971). One time World Championship All-star (1971).
Mikhailov: 5th, 9th, no votes. One time Soviet All-star (1969).
Petrov: 8th, 13th, no votes.
6) Away from Petrov and Mikhailov
In the 1971 offseason, the troika Kharlamov – Petrov – Mikhailov was broken up. Petrov and Mikhailov got a new left wing and Kharlamov was put on a line with Anatoli Firsov (who switched from LW to center) and Vladimir Vikulov (RW).
Valeri Kharlamov:
"When Tarasov told us about his idea, the team was at a training camp in East Germany, in Berlin. We were terribly upset." (...) And I had mixed feelings. On the one hand, I was sorry to part with my friends, it was a shame that the leading line of CSKA and the national team was broken up and that everything we had worked for so hard was broken up. On the other hand, I now stood next to Anatoli Firsov and Vladimir Vikulov. It was simply impossible to play poorly in that company."
Когда Тарасов поделился с нами своей идеей, команда была на тренировочном сборе в ГДР, в Берлине. Мы ужасно обиделись. (...) А мною владели двойственные чувства. С одной стороны, мне жаль было расставаться с друзьями, было обидно, что ведущее звено не только ЦСКА, но и сборной расформировали, что пропадает все, чего мы с таким трудом достигли. С другой же... Я выступал теперь рядом с Анатолием Фирсовым и Владимиром Викуловым, выступал в компании, где плохо играть было просто невозможно.
→ Source: Valeri Kharlamov, Хоккей - моя стихия. (1977)
Vladimir Dvortsov:
"There were several reasons for it. One was that Tarasov wanted to extend the career of an outstanding player, Firsov, by then a veteran. Thus he decided to add Kharlamov to him and Vikulov. The other reason: moving Kharlamov gave him the opportunity to frighten his partners [Petrov and Mikhailov] who were often arguing, not only among themselves but also with the coach. It was a message to them: '
If you make a fuss, I will disband your troika...'."
Причин для этого было несколько. Во-первых, Тарасов хотел продлить жизнь в хоккее выдающегося форварда, к тому времени ветерана Фирсова. И для этого к нему и Викулову решил добавить Харламова. Во-вторых, забрав Валерия, он имел возможность «постращать» его партнеров, которые искали истину в споре не только между собой, но и нередко в полемике с тренером. Этим он как бы намекал: будете «бузить», разгоню вашу тройку...
→ Source: Boris Levin (editor), Три скорости Валерия Харламова. (1984)
Anatoli Tarasov
"In terms of skill, he satisfies the most demanding partner, and therefore I was convinced that Kharlamov would complement this company on equal terms, strengthen it and make the actions of this line more interesting and varied. The way he plays is quite attractive and convincing. His magnificent stickhandling, unusual decisions and fearlessness are complemented by a willingness to neither spare himself nor the opponent, an insatiable thirst to score and great athleticism.
Valeri's weakness: his passing game is not on the same level. But firstly, this is fixable, and secondly, you can allow the front player to pass less. Not all the players should act in the same manner, for what kind of hockey would it be if every player passed and beat his opponent following a single model! Let Kharlamov remain himself – the closeness of his outstanding partners alone will make him pass to them."
Манера игры Валерия достаточно привлекательна и убедительна. Великолепная обводка, необычные решения, бесстрашие дополняются беспощадностью к себе и к противнику, неутолимой жаждой забивать, прекрасным атлетизмом.
Недостаток Валерия – хуже играет в пас. Но это, во-первых, поправимо, а, во-вторых, переднему игроку можно, согласитесь, позволить меньше играть в пас — не должны же все хоккеисты действовать одинаково: что это за хоккей, если игроки пасуют и обводят соперника по единому стандарту! Пусть он останется прежним Харламовым — уже сама по себе близость выдающихся партнеров заставит его играть с ними в пас.
→ Source: Anatoly Tarasov, Путь к себе. (1974)
At the same time, Tarasov revived his 1-2-2 system. Together with defencemen Alexander Ragulin and Gennadi Tsygankov, the new forward line was advertised as a 1-2-2 unit with Kharlamov and Vikulov as forwards, Firsov and Tsygankov as midfielders and Ragulin as stopper.
Valeri Kharlamov:
"The game in the new unit taught me a lot and gave me a lot. I began to complain less. Maybe because I had more space (the width of the rink was divided between two forwards, not three like before) or maybe because I began to see hockey with different eyes. Playing next to such masters as Anatoli Firsov, I discovered many finer points from anew, I gained a deeper understanding of the tactics of hockey. The new partners taught me to act with more consideration, to follow the game plan more strictly, to prepare in advance for one or another tactical formation which the coaches wanted us to use to puzzle the opponent. In each match, Vikulov and Firsov not only carried out the pre-thought game plan but they were also creative, they improvised and they confronted the opponent with one riddle after the other. They played in both the attack and the defence. And if I played more ahead with my former partners, with little concern for the defence and for helping the defencemen, now, being on the ice with such distinguished players, I couldn't help but follow their example. To play in a different manner and to work less on the ice would have been disrespectful."
Игра в новой пятерке многому меня научила, многое мне дала. Я стал меньше суетиться. Может быть, потому, что теперь у меня был больший простор (разделите ширину площадки -- 30 метров -- не на троих, как прежде, а на двоих), а может быть, потому, что стал иначе видеть хоккей. Играя рядом с таким мастером, как Анатолий Васильевич Фирсов, я заново открывал для себя многие тонкости, иначе, глубже понимал тактику хоккея.
Новые партнеры научили меня действовать на площадке более вдумчиво, строже выполнять планы, разработанные перед матчем, заранее готовиться к тем или иным тактическим построениям, которыми, по замыслу тренеров, мы должны были озадачить соперника. Викулов и Фирсов в каждом матче не только выполняли заранее продуманный план игры, но и творили, импровизировали, предлагали соперникам один ребус за другим. Они действовали и в нападении и в защите. И если с прежними своими партнерами я больше играл впереди, мало заботясь об обороне, о помощи защитникам, то теперь, находясь на льду рядом с такими прославленными игроками, не мог не следовать их примеру. Играть иначе, чем они, меньше трудиться на льду было бы неуважением к ним.
→ Source: Valeri Kharlamov, Хоккей - моя стихия. (1977)
Anatoli Tarasov:
"Having come to the new line, Kharlamov infected such established players as Alexander Ragulin and Anatoli Firsov and Gennadi Tsygankov with his incredible energy and his inexhaustible optimism. Vladimir Vikulov also played his best game in the very season he was put on a line with Valeri."
И, придя в новое звено, сумел зарядить своей невероятной энергией, своим неиссякаемым оптимизмом и Александра Рагулина, и Анатолия Фирсова, и Геннадия Цыганкова — игроков к тому времени уже именитых. Лучшая игра Владимира Викулова тоже приходится на тот сезон, когда он выступал в одном звене с Валерием.
→ Source: Boris Levin (editor), Три скорости Валерия Харламова. (1984)
The unit had success at the 1972 Olympics, but after the tournament, Chernyshov and Tarasov were let go as coaches of the national team. The new head coach Bobrov decided to scratch two veterans from the roster: Davydov (captain of Chernyshov's club Dinamo) and Firsov (captain of Tarasov's club CSKA). He might have viewed both as too loyal to their club coaches. With CSKA Moscow, the troika Kharlamov – Firsov – Vikulov kept playing together, but at the national team level, Firsov was replaced by Alexander Maltsev. The Soviet team failed to win the 1972 World Championship, but Kharlamov made the All-star team together with Maltsev and Vikulov. The three also became Soviet All-stars and to top it off, Kharlamov shared a win in the Best Player survey with Maltsev.
7) Reunited with Petrov and Mikhailov
In 1972-1973, Kharlamov impressed North American observers with his performance against Team Canada in the Summit Series. His linemates Maltsev and Vikulov were less outstanding. After the Series, Bobrov decided to dissolve the troika and reunited Kharlamov with his old partners Petrov and Mikhailov. At the club level, Kharlamov initially kept playing with Firsov and Vikulov like in 1971-1972, but the Soviet hockey federation pressured Tarasov into following the example of the national team (January 1973). The following years (until the end of the 1975-1976 season) constitute the prime era of the troika Kharlamov – Petrov – Mikhailov. Individual recognition during that time (Soviet Best Player voting; Soviet All-star honours; World Championship All-star honours):
Kharlamov: 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 5th. Four time Soviet All-star. Two times WCh All-star, one time WCh Best Forward.
Mikhailov: 2nd, 5th, 5th, 10th. Three time Soviet All-star. One time WCh All-star, one time WCh Best Forward.
Petrov: 2nd, 4th, 9th, 12th. Two time Soviet All-star. Two times WCh All-star.
The period ended when Kharlamov had a car crash in May 1976. He suffered a two-fold fracture of the right tibia, fractures of two ribs, a concussion and several bruises and abrasions. The doctors who treated him told him his career was over, but Kharlamov started working for a comeback as soon as he was back on his feet.
Anatoli Tarasov:
"When he began to participate in game exercises, the passing and shooting skills returned and he skated as fast as before, but I noticed that his famous stickhandling was missing. And it's not that he had lost his skill or forgotten the dekes, no, he was timid, as if he didn't believe in himself. He rarely tried to outplay an opponent. (...) It seemed to me that it was not a matter of technique or of coordination of movements – he was performing the different tricks perfectly well. The reason was different: the pyschological confidence in his ability to outplay the opponent was gone."
Когда он стал участвовать в игровых упражнениях, восстановил навык передач и бросков, начал кататься с привычной скоростью, я заметил, что у него как-то не идет его знаменитая обводка. И не то, чтобы утерян навык или забыты финты, нет, он робко, словно не веря в себя, лишь изредка пытается обвести соперника. (...) А мне казалось, что дело не в технике, не в координации движений — выполняет же он идеально точно другие приемы. Причина в ином — утрачена психологическая уверенность в себе, в своей способности переиграть соперника. И я посоветовал ему включить в дневной цикл, а он состоял у команды из двух-трех тренировок, дополнительную ровку.
→ Source: Boris Levin (editor), Три скорости Валерия Харламова. (1984)
Tarasov says Kharlamov's self-confidence grew step by step through the training, but when he returned to play for CSKA in mid-November 1976, the issue had not disappeared.
Vladimir Dvortsov & Zinovi Yurev:
"Independ of his mind and will, his body – remembering the grave injury – instinctively went into self-defence mode. (...) Kharlamov was not afraid, but his muscles and nerves were. Yes, he went to the battle. He ordered the muscles to rush into the thick of the fight, but the instincts sent their signal: this is dangerous! The instincts slowed down the brain commands a little bit, and this little bit was enough for him to be late."
Совершенно независимо от ума и воли тело его, помня о тяжкой травме, инстинктивно обеегало себя. (...) Не он боялся, боялись мышцы, нервы. Да, он шел на схватку. Он приказывал мускулам бросаться в пекло борьбы, а инстинкты посылали свой сигнал: это опасно. Инстинкты чуть тормозили команды мозга, чутьчуть, и этого чуть-чуть было достаточно, чтобы опоздать.
→ Source: Vladimir Dvortsov & Zinovi Yurev, Форвард № 17. (1984)
Dvortsov claims that Kharlamov forced himself into physical battles to overcome his hesitation and that his self-confidence slowely returned. Perhaps it did, compared to his level right around the time of his comeback in fall 1976, but the general perception seemed to be that he was not quite the player he had been before. Individual recognition in this period (to the end of the 1980-1981 season):
Kharlamov: 3rd*, 6th, 7th, 8th, no votes. One time Soviet All-star.
Mikhailov: 1st, 1st*, 3rd, 3rd, retired. Three times Soviet All-star. One time WCh Best Forward and All-star.
Petrov: 2nd, 5th, 6th*, 8th, no votes. Two times Soviet All-star. Two times WCh All-star.
(*Izvestia European Poll instead of domestic voting, 1978-1979)
In August 1981, Kharlamov was involved in another car crash. This time it was lethal, not only for him but also for his wife and her cousin.