Really... please show pictorial evidence, that clearly shows the PUCK over the line. This has to clearly show the PUCK itself, while over the line. The links to page 14, do not show a puck, at any point. Show the puck over the line... if there is nothing, the play cannot be overruled, and changed to a goal.
If the referees saw that motion, they have the discretion to call it a goal, but that is left to human error. Once they made that error, or didn't see it, we need video evidence, showing the PUCK over the line. An action that suggests he dragged it out, without showing the PUCK itself, while over the line, is not conclusive evidence by the NHL. We can disagree with that, but it is the rule. Maybe we can agree that sucks... but show my a PUCK over the line, at any point. Just the puck.