First impressions:
1. He's holding his coffee cup in the same hand as his workbag, which indicates a creative approach towards problem solving, balancing different needs to the benefit of the entire whole.
2. He puts the bag down before engaging with the players to ensure good handshaking posture, showing that he has the capacity to plan two or three steps ahead, which indicates the ability to soundly out-think his opposing number behind the opposition's bench.
3. He's comfortable with the cup in either hand, indicating that he has no real preference for left or right side talent. He's willing to extend either side the benefit of the doubt when it comes to drafting strategies for the team.
4. He wears a tie, but it's not knotted too tightly, indicating that he wishes to convey respect but is not slavishly devoted to convention and the appearance of doing the right thing at the expense of expediency.
5. Following his coffee, he clearly has a San Pellegrino in his hand later in the video, showing that he's cognizant of the dehydrating effects of coffee and a clear inference that he takes good health and fitness seriously for the team.
6. His use of a notepad in place of loose paper or cards shows an organized willingness to learn, adding additional information to his remarks as opposed to simply bringing his speech in completed form with no room for comments, additions or feedback. It's a clear sign of the fact that believes in the concept of continuous education and learning.