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It is really impossible to know whether a coach is going to succeed in a given circumstance: it is much easier to tell when a choice to doomed to failure. Most coaches turn out somewhere in the middle.
Every coaching philosophy can succeed and every coaching philosophy can fail: its only in retrospect that a choice seems ordained or doomed. You just don't know (well, maybe with the exception of Trottier). If I recall, Torre wasn't even high on the Yankee list and only got the job when others declined (I'm a Met fan so my memories might very well be wrong). Its only with hindsight that we can say that he had the right skills in the right circumstance, with the right personality.
I've also realized, in my 50+ years as a sports fan, that the only person who can manage a team the way I want is me........and aside from being a Little League coach, that isn't going to happen.
Sather's track record here is mixed: three horrible coaches (Muckler, Low, Trottier), one coach who I liked a lot (Renney) and one (Torts) who I didn't like but got us further than we had gone in years.
I would have no problems (again having to personally accept that their coaching styles are different than mine...not that they care; plus knowing that very style and philosophy could succeed or fail) with Ruff or AV. I would have no problem with Eakins and sort of like having a young up and comer coach, Not that it factors in to it, but I have great memories of him during the 97 playoffs when we are decimated by injuries in the conference finals against the Flyers, and he was called up from the AHL and performed so well (and way over his head). As a fan, I was so proud of that team. I would be thrilled with Babcock and happy with Tippett. We don't know what happened in Tampa Bay with Boucher, but something happened between him and the players that makes me leery.
Here's who I don't want. I love Pierre. He is an unabashed and enthusiastic fan of the game at a time when most people enjoy putting the game down. I find his insights and analysis to be top notch. But I can't see him as a coach. Likewise, I love Mess (how could you not?) but I don't know if his leadership skills as a player would translate to coaching.
Look, there is no universally agreed upon choice here and a large percentage of us are not going to be happy no matter who Sather opts for (yes, I'm with most of you in believing Sather's time is come and gone but that he has this job for as long as he wants it). As long as Sather doesn't go completely off the wall here (again thinking of Trottier) almost all the "candidates" have something to offer. All could possibly do well. All could possibly fail. Whoever you hire is a gamble. Sort of like signing 30+ year old free just don't know how its going to turn out. Except for an off-the-wall choice, I'm going to be open-minded and see how the team performs next year. Training camp will certainly be interesting. And, in the last resort....the choice isn't mine.
Every coaching philosophy can succeed and every coaching philosophy can fail: its only in retrospect that a choice seems ordained or doomed. You just don't know (well, maybe with the exception of Trottier). If I recall, Torre wasn't even high on the Yankee list and only got the job when others declined (I'm a Met fan so my memories might very well be wrong). Its only with hindsight that we can say that he had the right skills in the right circumstance, with the right personality.
I've also realized, in my 50+ years as a sports fan, that the only person who can manage a team the way I want is me........and aside from being a Little League coach, that isn't going to happen.
Sather's track record here is mixed: three horrible coaches (Muckler, Low, Trottier), one coach who I liked a lot (Renney) and one (Torts) who I didn't like but got us further than we had gone in years.
I would have no problems (again having to personally accept that their coaching styles are different than mine...not that they care; plus knowing that very style and philosophy could succeed or fail) with Ruff or AV. I would have no problem with Eakins and sort of like having a young up and comer coach, Not that it factors in to it, but I have great memories of him during the 97 playoffs when we are decimated by injuries in the conference finals against the Flyers, and he was called up from the AHL and performed so well (and way over his head). As a fan, I was so proud of that team. I would be thrilled with Babcock and happy with Tippett. We don't know what happened in Tampa Bay with Boucher, but something happened between him and the players that makes me leery.
Here's who I don't want. I love Pierre. He is an unabashed and enthusiastic fan of the game at a time when most people enjoy putting the game down. I find his insights and analysis to be top notch. But I can't see him as a coach. Likewise, I love Mess (how could you not?) but I don't know if his leadership skills as a player would translate to coaching.
Look, there is no universally agreed upon choice here and a large percentage of us are not going to be happy no matter who Sather opts for (yes, I'm with most of you in believing Sather's time is come and gone but that he has this job for as long as he wants it). As long as Sather doesn't go completely off the wall here (again thinking of Trottier) almost all the "candidates" have something to offer. All could possibly do well. All could possibly fail. Whoever you hire is a gamble. Sort of like signing 30+ year old free just don't know how its going to turn out. Except for an off-the-wall choice, I'm going to be open-minded and see how the team performs next year. Training camp will certainly be interesting. And, in the last resort....the choice isn't mine.