I think for me it's mostly habit/addiction. The regular season feels a lot like endless/mindless boring repetition and while playoffs are still always exciting, the way they've played out for us so far with this core hasn't been a pleasant experience either. Perhaps this spring we'll finally be rewarded for our patience and loyalty, we'll see.
I've never watched fewer games, or cared less. I used to watch every single game when the team was way worse. And I used to watch a lot of non-Leafs hockey on top of that. It's partly a modern NHL thing, the games aren't worth watching most nights and the amount of nights off that players take is shocking. Watching millionaires float around waving their sticks with dry hair is not a good use of time. The Leafs are the kings of this. The last 20 years has eroded everything fun about the team and the fan atmosphere reflects it. They tried reinventing the wheel, failed, and have refused to address it for almost a decade. What is left? They don't win, they don't battle, and nothing changes except prices and fan ridicule going up. Somehow there are some that act like it's Cup or bust, and people didn't have fun cheering for this team even though they didn't win. At least in the past we could come together and rant about the team, but now peoplekind get upset when you react to the ineptitude of the team. This is a new level of hopelessness.
Side note: I've been watching the PWHL, and it's much more enjoyable.
- 30 game season so every game is very important and less time investment is necessary. 3 points for regulation win, 2 for OT or shootout win.
- 6 teams so every game is competitive. They are likely adding 2 more teams next year, expansion won't hurt the league because a lot of players that are drafted make an immediate impact.
- The players play like they care. The games are played hard and intensely. It is physical and greasy. The atmosphere of the games reflects this, the fans at those games actually look like they're having fun.
- Toronto's team is great, led by Team Canada's manager/coach and has a huge Team Canada influence. They are built and managed like it. They made a huge trade this year of a beloved core identity leader for Canada and Sceptres because it would make the team better going forward. It shows how committed the management is in it's pursuit of winning. Leafs on the other hand are scared of doing anything.

- My favourite hockey player in all of hockey might be the Sceptres' Renata Fast, she's like a Pronger/Niedermayer hybrid. Amazing player.
15 years ago, I never would've thought a women's league was more entertaining than the NHL. But the NHL has replaced emotional investment for speed, flashing lights, and loud music.