Perhaps because Phaneuf is:
1. Dumb. I can't get over the number of stupid decisions he makes, game in and game out, in all areas.
2. A Terrible Skater. Is there another d-man in the entire league who looks so awkward on his skates. Strange stride and he goes off balance on a regular basis.
3. A Terrible Shot. Just horrific accuracy with his shot. How many times does he ring clear point shots off the glass?
4. An Ice Hog. I'm hoping this changes under Carlyle, but Phaneuf just never wanted to come off the ice under Wilson. He was playing far, far too much, especially in key situations and on the PP. He'd just stay out forever. Assume Wilson gave him the leeway to do this, but it sure didn't help either Dion or the team.
5. Spectacularly Overpaid. Enough said. For what Phaneuf brings to the table, he's wildly over-compensated.
6. A Head-Hunter. Going back to Calgary, you could always count on Phaneuf to take his big runs at little guys or softer players who wouldn't get up and beat the crap out of him. He really picks his spots, only lowering the boom on safe players. I've never respected this.
Anyhow, I know I won't convince the fanboys here, but I wasn't a fan of Neon in Calgary and nothing he's done in Toronto has changed my mind.