Cor I am a bot Jun 24, 2012 69,648 35,247 AEF Nov 29, 2020 #26 Stand Witness said: The name Axel Rindell sounds like a future NHL stars name. You can’t convince me otherwise. I had no idea he was leading his team in points too. Click to expand... Sounds more like the guitarist of the band who plays in the middle of the NHL skills competition.
Stand Witness said: The name Axel Rindell sounds like a future NHL stars name. You can’t convince me otherwise. I had no idea he was leading his team in points too. Click to expand... Sounds more like the guitarist of the band who plays in the middle of the NHL skills competition.
BertCorbeau F*ck cancer - RIP Fugu and Buffaloed Jan 6, 2012 56,831 40,077 Simcoe County Nov 29, 2020 #27 Cor said: Sounds more like the guitarist of the band who plays in the middle of the NHL skills competition. Click to expand... Why not both? NHL star that busts out a wicked guitar solo mid-skills competition? Reactions: Oscar Peterson
Cor said: Sounds more like the guitarist of the band who plays in the middle of the NHL skills competition. Click to expand... Why not both? NHL star that busts out a wicked guitar solo mid-skills competition?
Cor I am a bot Jun 24, 2012 69,648 35,247 AEF Nov 29, 2020 #28 BertCorbeau said: Why not both? NHL star that busts out a wicked guitar solo mid-skills competition? Click to expand... That’s why HF pays you the big bucks Bert
BertCorbeau said: Why not both? NHL star that busts out a wicked guitar solo mid-skills competition? Click to expand... That’s why HF pays you the big bucks Bert