“No men on either team, however, played more brilliantly than the two goalers. Moran in particular distinguishing himself”
“Moran in Quebec’s goal did some most phenomenal stopping and the game was mostly won by him and Quebec’s defence”
“Moran, the goalkeeper of the easterners, was invincible, and stopped shot after shot in rapid succession”
“Moran in the poles was a tower of strength, stopping shots that seemed almost impossible”
“Moran did a lot of slashing with his stick and had to be ruled off several times- a thing that is no usually the case with goal tends”
“only the phenomenal stopping of Moran prevented the rubber being netted”
“But their weak point was in the defence, although Moran, in goals, stopped a large number of dangerous shots, but could not be expected to do all the work alone”
“... and the one reason for the score not being larger than it was, was on account of Moran’s great stopping”
“Moran, who is now the captain of the team and still plays the position in goals, stopped some hard looking shots”
“They have a star goal man in Moran and Power, who was tried out on Saturday at cover, made good”
“Moran in goals stopped phenomenally”
“Both goal-keepers stopped splendidly, Moran having a great many more stops to make than Nicholson”
“Moran put up a fine game and made several phenomenal stops”
“Moran the Quebec goal man deserves credit for several brilliant plays. He stopped a great many shots at close quarters which would have run up the score very much higher”
“The Quebec, with the exception of Moran, the goalkeeper, were outclassed. Their point and cover point were not able to cope and with the rushes of the Gilmours, McGee and Westwick, and Moran was afforded but little protection. He was the magnet for swift shots dozens of times, but he cleared the nets coolly and deftly, and though the puck went by him ten times, the wonder was that the Ottawa score was not double what it was”
“Moran, in the nets, also played his usual game, stopping time and again shots which looked like sure games”
“... it was the excellent work of Moran in the poles that saved Quebec from having more tallies against them. The Quebec goaler proved himself to be in the top notchers and the Vic forwards gave him plenty of work to do”
“Moran, in the flags, bore the brunt of many an attack, and came out of them with honors”
“Moran, for Quebec, was unsurpassable and was well supported”
“Their [Quebec’s] defence is not so strong, although Moran in the ents stopped some hard shot and worked hard to relieve the pressure, which at times was strong”
“At time they poured in shots on Quebecs goal which looked like sure games, but Moran did some wonderful stopping, and incidentally he was principally responsible for Quebecs victory”
“... but the Quebec defence, especially Moran in goal, effectively squelched their aspirations”
“Moran was in good form and blocked away volleys of stiff ones that managed to elude the watchful outposts, and his really wonderful work evoked generous applause on many occasions”
“P.J. Moran has played goal for the Quebec Lacrosse Club, the old Dominion Hockey Club, and the Crescent Hockey Club. He succeeded in stopping in the goals of the Quebec Club and is regarded as the best goal keeper of the day in Canada”
“Jordan played the most brilliant game of the forward line, while Moran, in goal, and Hogan at cover were the particular stars of the team”
“The story of the game is best told when it is said that Paddy Moran distinguished himself in Saturday night’s contest”
“The Quebec goal keeper, Moran, is a good one, but there were numbers of shots made by the Shamrocks which he never was obliged to ward off”
“[o]nly Moran’s good work saved his team”
“Moran, as usual, showed himself a king of goal minders”
“It was regrettable that Moran was the central figure in the incident, as Paddy never showed a clearer claim to the title of premier goal-minder than he did Saturday night. His work was phenomenal throughout and he ranked as individually the most prominent man on the ice. In condemning his slashing of Gilbert, it must be remembered that the Vic line is the most aggressive in the game”
“Frye in goals has played on all three Victoria teams, this being his first year in senior ranks. He has shown improved form each season and promises to rival Paddy Moran before he quits the game”
Moran was the “almost unanimous choice” for best goaltender in the East in 1905, according to a newspaper write-in All Star team.
He was also named to another 1905 team-
“For the thankless position of goalkeeper we have elected Mr. Moran, of Quebec, with his big shin-pads. These have stopped many a goal, but Moran is not particular whether he uses them or not. He frequently projects his face in the way of the puck, anything to stop it.”
“Moran showed his class by some great stops from every angle of the ice”
“He is the Moran of old, but did not get the same support that came the way of Hague”
“Few games pass in which Moran is goaltend and Bowie forward without a mix-up of some sort between the two. Moran wants no one to bother him in the nets, and Bowie accepts all chances and goes in to score when the opportunity offers”
“Moran’s work between the posts for the visitors went far towards preventing the VIctoria forward line from running up an almost uncountable tally during the first ten minutes of play. He is quick as lightning and handles himself with the agility of a cat”
“He [Moran] was always in the way, and played one of the most remarkable goal-keeper games witnessed in Montreal for a long time”
“had it not been for Moran’s remarkable playing, they doubtless would have made the score much larger”
“Moran, in goals, was every much excited and shouted out valuable hints on how to play the game at the top of his voice”
“Moran, Quebec’s goal tend, did magnificent work in the first fifteen minutes”
“Mr. Pat Moran is an excitable young person but nevertheless he is one of the neatest goal tends in the business”
“Moran did but mediocre work at goal”
“Moran has often done better than he did on Saturday”
“The rusky Quebec goal tend [Moran] had to stop pucks with every bit of his anatomy, and on three occasion had to resort to tricks to save his nets. Once he carried out the rubber folded in his arms, once a timely fall was advantageous, and on the third occasion a quick poke into the midst of a group of struggling players proved useful”
“Shamrocks came near tallying from a mix-up in front of Moran’s citadel, but the wily Quebec goalkeeper was too quick”
“while Moran, as in the Wanderer game, was off color”
“Moran, in the congenial atmosphere of the Arena, was at his best, and stopped in fine style. In this respect Brophy was not far behind”
“Moran had an off night, and was beaten out by three easy ones. Moran’s best performances this year have been away from home”
“Moran was in form equal to his other appearances at the arena this year, and that is at the best in the goalkeeper’s line”
“Moran was again disappointing in goals, and wound up a rather disastrous season on local ice by allowing most of the shots of the first half to go by him. His work improved in the second period, but he was evidently bothered by the poor lighting of the Quebec rink”
“The defence outside of Moran in goal is the weak spot on the team. Moran is a dandy and made some beautiful stops”
“Paddy Moran, their goalkeeper, again proved himself as good as gold, getting applause, even from the warmest Ottawa supporters. Blair and Power seemed to place explicit confidence in Moran, for they separated whenever an Ottawa man rushed, allowing him to shoot”
“Moran in Quebec’s goal gave an exhibition which was little if anything behind that of Lesueur, while Blair and Joe Power made up a fairly strong defence”
“Moran, in the Quebec flags, was a wonder”
“Moran’s work in goals was a mixture of good and bad”
“... Moran in goals, who had shot after shot rained in upon him and did some excellent work”
“Moran, in Quebec goal, made himself unpopular among Shamrock supporters by the tactics used at times when his goal was menaced, of rushing out and charging the advancing Shamrock”
“Alf Smith’s side-shots played havoc with Moran”
“Moran in the nests for Quebec put up a wonderful game and stopped many hard drives that looked good to score. The Ottawas’ defeat was due in no small measure to his efforts”
“Paddy Moran, who has often been picked as the most useful goalkeeper in Eastern Canada, was in the nets for Quebec”
“Moran, the Quebec goal tend, is the individual whom Ottawa may thank more than any other for their defeat. It is safe to say that his exhibition of last evening was little short of marvellous, and by ar the greatest of his career”
“Moran once more proved himself a peerless goal tend, and never played better”
“Scoring a dozen games against the Quebec defence, particularly Paddy Moran, who is almost impregnable against a shot at fair range, is a big feet and the Vics only rolled up a large score by taking the rubber disc right to the mouth of the cage”
“Pat Moran clinched his claim to the title ‘King of Goalkeeps’”
“Mr. P. Moran, Quebec’s sturdy goalkeeper, was there with the goods, according to his time-worn custom”
“If no other part of his anatomy happens to be available during a crisis, Mr. Moran does not hesitate to stop the puck with his eyebrows”
“Of the Ancient Capital team, Paddy Moran, the goal-keeper, was the top-liner. Moran’s work in the nets characterized him as the best visiting net-guardian seen here this season. He was cool, even in the most exciting moments and the stops which he pulled off with his gloves, chest, pads and stick were nothing short of marvelous”
“Individually, by far the cleverest man of the fourteen was ‘Paddy’ Moran, the man before the twine for Quebec. The exhibition of goal keeping which he gave has never been surpassed or equalled anywhere else”
“Only Moran’s great work prevented him from figuring more largely in the scoring”
Moran was named to both the all-star team voted by fans and the all star team published by the Ottawa Free Press-
“Paddy Moran, of Quebec, has a mortage on the net position. He is known as an aggressive goalkeeper, somewhat of a misnomer for a man in that position. Very few forwards will venture close to Moran, and it is only at the most hand-to-hand quarters he can be scored upon. Billy Nicholson, of Shamrocks, is the nearest approach to Moran”
“While Quebec won, Shamrocks as a matter of fact seemed to be having the better of the play but for one thing, Moran, who was at the top of his form and gave a dazzling display of goal tending”
“Pat Moran was in his full glory, and the big fellow stopped them at such a rate that it looked as if many of them were blocked with his eyes shut, they came so fast and accurate”
“Moran had less to do than Hern and did not star as he did Thursday, but the defeat was not to be laid at his door, as he was beaten out only when saves were almost impossible”
“Moran had less to do than in the Shamrock game and was outstarred by Hern, who was in top form”
“It was entirely thanks to Paddy Moran in the first part of the match that Montreal did not score oftener”
“P. Moran was among those present, and as usual, he made a noise like a stone wall in front of the nets”
“Even Moran had rather a night off”
“Moran did some brilliant work in the poles”
“Paddy Moran, the veteran goal-keeper of the Quebec team gave what was undoubtedly the greatest performance in the flags ever seen here. Moran had his eye strictly on the rubber throughout and had it not been for his sterling work, the score would have been twice as large. Moran stopped the puck with his hands, feet and body in a remarkable manner. As a goalkeeper Moran is in a class by himself. Last year he was great; this winter he is still greater”
“The Ottawas scored several goals that were not allowed as their opponents’ goal nets had been knocked out of position by Moran falling. He worked this trick several times when the locals looked dangerous”
“Moran was the star on Quebec’s team, his work in goal being splendid”
“In Quebec’s surprising showing, a big factor was the wonderful work of their goal-keeper, Paddy Moran, who in his long career probably never did better work than against Wanderers Saturday night. Moran stopped them from all angles, and his brilliant work put heart into the players in front of him and sent them after Wanderers in a style that threatened to take the champions off their feet”
“Moran was the real star of the team”
“P. Moran is the King of Goalkeepers”
“It is horrible to contemplate what the score might have been had not the versatile Mr. Moran been in goals to shoo the puck away”
“A vast deal of the credit for the good showing of Quebec goes to Paddy Moran”
“Shots of all sorts came his [Moran’s] way- hard ones, easy ones, low ones, and high ones, but they all looked alike to Patrick”
“Lesueur was not called upon to block as many shots as Moran, but he was always on the job when needed. Lesueur is a former Quebec player and tonight he had it on Moran in every way”
“Paddy Moran, whose work in goal is generally a feature of every match, seemed to have lost his eagle eye for once, and only recovered it as the match progressed to its finish”
“Had it not been for the splendid work of Moran in goals, the score would have been even higher”
“Leseur, the Ottawa goal-keep, electrified the populace with some stops that only Mr. P. Moran, of Quebec, can make when in his best form”
“only the stellar work of Paddy Moran in the Quebec nets preventing a much larger tally for Ottawa”
“Paddy Moran distinguished himself with his usual sensational stops”
“Moran is the most sensational goal-keeper in the game. He was warned several times for going down on his knees to block the disc”
“... but for the apparently superhuman efforts of Paddy Moran there might have been many more”
“Lesueur gave a remarkable exhibition in goals and his work was little short of the display put up by Paddy Moran”
This is as far as I’ve gotten in his career, but Dr John Carlson posted this quote a couple weeks ago from 1912-
“Quebec has DULY HONORED her great veterans, Paddy Moran, held by many to be the best goal-minder in the world. Paddy Moran is no 'chiken' [sic] but he's a lively one still. He led the champs in a popular vote - and certainly is one BIG NOISE in the 'Rock City.'' Always with hosts of friends, Moran is idolized by his followers and respected by all”