Tip MY Hat TO Ovechkin

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Okay, my whole 2 cents on the "Russia issue"

Everyone on these boards need to realize that there is a difference between showboating, being cocky, ect... and what the Russians did.
Cockiness and showboating aren't neccesarliy bad things. Like Bure's swagger after he scores, maybe a little overconfidant; there's definately some swagger there.

But what the Russians did against the US was not that. They DISRESPECTED the Americans.

For example, look at Shirokov's ear move. If he was doing that just for laughs (like someone else said, to imitate hulk hogan or something similar), I would have been fine with it. That sort of thing is something you could do in a home game, to work a crowd. But what Shirokov did was ment to taunt the Americans, you don't gloat like that. And you just don't do that sort of thing in the other teams arena.

If you play hockey there are a few unwritten rules you don't break, even if it is an extremely heated game. You don't celebrate goals directly in front of the other teams bench. You don't gloat during the game, no pointing to the scoreboard, ect... Thats crap that you stop at bantam.
Ovechkin is a showoff and a pukett and someone who has no respect for the game. I don't care how old you are, no captain of a team does what he did in the game against the USA. Anything he did to try and save face is an act. He can stay in Russia if he really wants to the NHL doesn't need players like him ruining the sport more than it already is. Slava Fetisov should give him a talkin' to.
During the game I watched Ovechkin as a cocky jerk, with skill I might add, who would guaranteed get picked on by the bigger, stronger, more physical players. However, what he did after the game, and his congratulatory post game comments, I saw him as a true class act, and a player to respect. His actions were during the heat of the game, and he really didn't think it through before acting out. His post game actions prove to me that the Washington Capitals picked up a star in the making.
I love how not even a day ago everyone was "Oh, I hate Ovechkin, he's going to get it against Canada" "What I cocky player, too much disrespect".

Now that he cries after a loss everyone wants to have his baby. :lol
Ron Wilson is another classless peice of garbage person and hes american also.
With all due respect to everyone's opinion, whoever thinks this guy even resembles a class act, is flat out wrong, no question.
I don't hate cocky players, as long as it's just a little. But someone like AO, who thinks he's so hot that he points to the back of his jersey. "Yeah I'm Ovechkin, no. 8 right here, better than anyone else!" - is pretty much what that jesture represents, that he thinks he's gods gift to hockey.

I don't care if he writes a letter in blood saying he respects Canada's win! You think he's really sincere? He's just saying "good game" for the cameras, everybody does it. You hide your emotions if you are in the public eye, you try to never say the wrong thing. Jesus christ, to think that some of you guys actually buy what he's saying makes me think you are the most gullible people on earth.

When they interview someone from Canada's squad, they aren't going to say what they really think. Bergeron isn't going to be interviewed and say, "Well, we whooped everyone's @ss big time. No one even challenged us. I also F'ed up the #1 overall pick from last year! HAHAHAHA!! Go Canada!! WOOOOO!!! I'm MVP too Bi*ch!! What!!!"
It's going to go something like "Well, we just worked hard and got lucky, Russia's a really talented team, it was an honor to play against them."
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go kim johnsson said:
With all due respect to everyone's opinion, whoever thinks this guy even resembles a class act, is flat out wrong, no question.

I think we should really give this opinion some merit....I mean he hails from Philadelphia, he should know a thing or two about lack of class when it comes to sports....and I for one respect an experts opinion
Mothra said:
I think we should really give this opinion some merit....I mean he hails from Philadelphia, he should know a thing or two about lack of class when it comes to sports....and I for one respect an experts opinion

What does being from Philadelphia have anything to do with it? I'm not one of those 700 level losers who throw snowballs at Santa Claus and attack fans of opposing teams. Maybe my opinion should have more merit because it's not based on where a player is from. Maybe you have nothing else to say because you know I'm right anf you're wrong? Or was it just a constipation of thought on your behalf so you need to bring out some lame insult?

or maybe you're a Caps fan who is in denial that the guy who is supposed to save the organization is a little punk who needs to taunt other players after scoring emprty net goals?
modestfwd said:
Okay, my whole 2 cents on the "Russia issue"

Everyone on these boards need to realize that there is a difference between showboating, being cocky, ect... and what the Russians did.
Cockiness and showboating aren't neccesarliy bad things. Like Bure's swagger after he scores, maybe a little overconfidant; there's definately some swagger there.

But what the Russians did against the US was not that. They DISRESPECTED the Americans.

For example, look at Shirokov's ear move. If he was doing that just for laughs (like someone else said, to imitate hulk hogan or something similar), I would have been fine with it. That sort of thing is something you could do in a home game, to work a crowd. But what Shirokov did was ment to taunt the Americans, you don't gloat like that. And you just don't do that sort of thing in the other teams arena.

If you play hockey there are a few unwritten rules you don't break, even if it is an extremely heated game. You don't celebrate goals directly in front of the other teams bench. You don't gloat during the game, no pointing to the scoreboard, ect... Thats crap that you stop at bantam.

What is your problem? You make it sound like there's a war going on, instead of a hockey game. While I think that the russians acted childishly, reactions like this are much more childish. 'DISRESPECTED the americans'...give me a break. If your self esteem is so low that you can't take something as minor as that taunting/showboating was, maybe it's time to take a good look at the mirror. Grow up.
go kim johnsson said:
With all due respect to everyone's opinion, whoever thinks this guy even resembles a class act, is flat out wrong, no question.

Thank you for your well balanced opinion, sir.
Boucicaut said:
Thank you for your well balanced opinion, sir.

it is very well balanced being that I'm usually leading the charge against the people who blow things way out of proportion.
go kim johnsson said:
it is very well balanced being that I'm usually leading the charge against the people who blow things way out of proportion.

I understand that his actions irritated people, but it just seems to me that people are overreacting.
Perhaps, just perhaps Ovechkin, Malkin and the rest of the Russians got caught up in the moment - a huge game on an international state, beating the team that knocked them out last year, beating that team on their home ice, dealing with slurs from the stands, and over-reacted. And while we'd like them to be completely professional while on the ice, the simple fact is that they are a team of young kids (at least emotionally) and the combination of emotion, testosterone, and group mentality caused a lapse of judgment. (Remember a person is smart, but people are stupid).

Be that as it may, I'm not excusing the Russians for their behavior (nor am I excusing the Americans either) but I'm not going to condemn them forever because of it.

Both teams behaved badly at the end of the game. The Americans were too careless with the stick and late hitting once the game got out of hand. The Russians were a bit to free in their showboating and taunting. Both made mistakes. I’d like to think the players would grow up a bit. I’d really hate to condemn any player on the ice that night for the rest of his playing career based on the careless, thoughtless actions of one game.

I take real issue with the behavior of the coaches that not only refused to discourage the taunting from the Russian players, but actually engaged in it themselves. The players were kids, and as such sometimes engage in incredibly stupid behavior. The coaches, well they were the adults and should have acted like, well, adults.

Now, if this becomes a pattern of behavior, then I will take issue with it. Until then, I think the Americans need a lesson in losing with dignity where the Russians need a lesson in gracious winning.

Regarding Ovechkin specifically – all reports have him as being somewhat cocky (I think a by-product of being extremely talent) but being cocky and playing with swagger is not necessarily a bad thing. If he becomes too cocky when playing in the NHL, teammates and/or opponents will quickly cure him of that habit. Reports also have him as being extremely gracious, well mannered, and respectful. I’d like to think this was an isolated incident for both him and Malkin (as I really can’t recall reports of bad behavior from them).

After this rather verbose response, I do think Ovechkin was genuine in his praise for Team Canada’s win. He is a student of the game and recognizes talent, hard work, and determination when he sees it.
George Harrison said:
I applaud him for being the best player in the tournament.

I can name 4 players from team Canada alone who were better than him.
HockeyCritter said:
Perhaps, just perhaps Ovechkin, Malkin and the rest of the Russians got caught up in the moment - a huge game on an international state, beating the team that knocked them out last year, beating that team on their home ice, dealing with slurs from the stands, and over-reacted. And while we'd like them to be completely professional while on the ice, the simple fact is that they are a team of young kids (at least emotionally) and the combination of emotion, testosterone, and group mentality caused a lapse of judgment. (Remember a person is smart, but people are stupid).

Be that as it may, I'm not excusing the Russians for their behavior (nor am I excusing the Americans either) but I'm not going to condemn them forever because of it.

Both teams behaved badly at the end of the game. The Americans were too careless with the stick and late hitting once the game got out of hand. The Russians were a bit to free in their showboating and taunting. Both made mistakes. I’d like to think the players would grow up a bit. I’d really hate to condemn any player on the ice that night for the rest of his playing career based on the careless, thoughtless actions of one game.

I take real issue with the behavior of the coaches that not did not discourage the taunting from the Russian players, but actually engaged in it themselves. The players were kids, and as such sometimes engage in incredibly stupid behavior. The coaches, well they were the adults and should have acted like, well, adults.

Now, if this becomes a pattern of behavior, then I will take issue with it. Until then, I think the Americans need a lesson in losing with dignity where the Russians need a lesson in gracious winning.

Regarding Ovechkin specifically – all reports have him as being somewhat cocky (I think a by-product of being extremely talent) but being cocky and playing with swagger is not necessarily a bad thing. If he becomes too cocky when playing in the NHL, teammates and/or opponents will quickly cure him of that habit. Reports also have him as being extremely gracious, well mannered, and respectful. I’d like to think this was an isolated incident for both him and Malkin (as I really can’t recall reports of bad behavior from them).

After this rather verbose response, I do think Ovechkin was genuine in his praise for Team Canada’s win. He is a student of the game and recognizes talent, hard work, and determination when he sees it.

Congrats. I think this is one of the best posts on the topic. Voice of sanity.
Boucicaut said:
I understand that his actions irritated people, but it just seems to me that people are overreacting.

It's one thing if you're just being an ass, I can handle when players do that. The line is drawn when you show no respect to your oppoents, other fans no less and hurt the integrity of the game.
go kim johnsson said:
It's one thing if you're just being an ass, I can handle when players do that. The line is drawn when you show no respect to your oppoents, other fans no less and hurt the integrity of the game.
Excuse me? But how does this one incident hurt the integrity of the game?

I would think that a lockout hurts the integrity of the game; That reports of bribes paid to referees hurts the integrity of the game; That Hull telling the fans he doesn’t give a fig about them hurts the integrity of the game . . .
go kim johnsson said:
What does being from Philadelphia have anything to do with it? I'm not one of those 700 level losers who throw snowballs at Santa Claus and attack fans of opposing teams. Maybe my opinion should have more merit because it's not based on where a player is from. Maybe you have nothing else to say because you know I'm right anf you're wrong? Or was it just a constipation of thought on your behalf so you need to bring out some lame insult?

or maybe you're a Caps fan who is in denial that the guy who is supposed to save the organization is a little punk who needs to taunt other players after scoring emprty net goals?

Your posts and attitude are exactly that of a "700 level loser"

tell me exactly what Ovechkin did to taunt other players after scoring on the EN? All I saw was him on the bench pointing to his name on the back of the sweater, towards the fans......his celebration was with his teammates after he iced the game....

I have seen NHL players taunt players before...Sandy McCarthy (as a Flyer) and his chicken dance....Domi and his heavyweight belt antics.....and Barnaby on many occasions (and some of those directed at the opposing bench)
HockeyCritter said:
Excuse me? But how does this one incident hurt the integrity of the game?

Maybe not one incident but how many things have happened in the past 10 years that put a black eye on the sport? There is no reason for 20 year olds, and a captain of a team to go out and taunt other people like he did. Every coach teaches their kids that from the age of 7, espically the captain
Mothra said:
Your posts and attitude are exactly that of a "700 level loser"

You've obviously never been to Philadelphia long enough to know so let's keep the name calling alone.

tell me exactly what Ovechkin did to taunt other players after scoring on the EN? All I saw was him on the bench pointing to his name on the back of the sweater, towards the fans......his celebration was with his teammates after he iced the game....

Exactly that. That was totally way out of line, espically for an international tournament.

I have seen NHL players taunt players before...Sandy McCarthy (as a Flyer) and his chicken dance....Domi and his heavyweight belt antics.....and Barnaby on many occasions (and some of those directed at the opposing bench)

...and these guys looked just as pathetic. But it's one thing to be a 4th line agitator/goon/waste of roster space and do this. It another thing to be one of the guys the NHL is touting as one of their future superstars and one of the cornerstones of the sport for years to come. There's no place for any of this in the game.
Mothra said:
I have seen NHL players taunt players before...Sandy McCarthy (as a Flyer) and his chicken dance....Domi and his heavyweight belt antics.....and Barnaby on many occasions (and some of those directed at the opposing bench)

Well let's see McCarthy, Domi, and Barnaby are known to be some of the worst representitives of the sport....

You wouldn't expect similar antics out of a top player in the game.
modestfwd said:
If you play hockey there are a few unwritten rules you don't break, even if it is an extremely heated game. You don't celebrate goals directly in front of the other teams bench. You don't gloat during the game, no pointing to the scoreboard, ect... Thats crap that you stop at bantam.
they may be unwritten rules, but i didnt mind it and ive played all my life. people get too carried away with the "rules". i agree that sometimes its uncalled for but,.....the us guys didnt do squat about it. its up them to hold those guys accountable not us. we have no idea what was going on out there, and what was said. they came into our house and gave us a smack down, and shoved it down our throat. i think everyone is angry because no one did anything about it....because we werent good enough to do anything. i was pissed at the time, but iwas more upset the americans just sat there after. ao and malkin will have tremendous careers and the majority of people are going to pay a lot of money to see them dominate. a couple of peoplearound here will be saying 10 years from now "that guy sucks, he was a ***** when he showed up our junior team in 2004". me...im going to enjoy watching them grow up playing a game, cuz thats all it is.
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