First Ping Pong Ball
Any fan fights?
I posted a bunch of videos but the mods censored it
Any fan fights?
Any fan fights?
From what I understand, the Rangers fans pretty much brought it on themselves.
There's a fine line you can't cross with those animals. When I went there I pushed it, but didn't cross it. Believe it or not though, the jerk offs sitting behind me who were taunting me and my buddy and threatening beer showers actually had the decency to shake hands with me immediately after the game and leave it at that. This would never, ever happen in any other sporting event other than hockey in Philly. It's just that (very, very, VERY deep down inside) there's a sense of unity between hockey fans that sometimes reaches the surface. It's just a hell of a lot more rare in Philly.
I have been to Philly for 3 or 4 Giants-Eagles games, including the old 700 level at the Vet and about 20-25 Rangers-Flyers games. Never had a problem. Closest was after a Flyers-Rangers game. Was in mens room and while I was standing at the urinal some clown said I am lucky I don't get my ass kicked for wearing that jersey. Finished, looked at him and said, "By who? because you are not kicking my ass." He then said, "Yeah, but there are 50 of us in here." I laughed at him and walked away.
Now that the Rangers and Rangers fans are gone from Philthy, do the Cryer fans beat each other up after a loss?