I hear you. Regs are important...
But I have been self regulating even before state agencies figured out to leave bass on beds or trout on redds alone...those things didn't exist in the 80's yet ethical fishermen knew enough to leave them alone. It was ethical sportsmen along with biologist that got many of those regs put in place.
I find if you operate with a high ethic level, you're never going cross a Fish and Game regulation as long as you know the season dates...and even season dates are typically dictated by natural cycles that if you are in tune with you'll never have a problem. So when I head to the water I rarely concern myself with regulations.
If mayflies are hatching on a river, it's never going to be a closed date. My equipment choices cause minimal harm and with a self imposed 0 creel limit....I will never be in violation of a rule...I don't even carry lead on me anymore.
Didn't want you to think I was some yahoo that didn't follow the law... I'm just old and have seen a good portion of it created