OT: The Travel Thread

My better half was tipped a stay at a house in Cabo San Lucas, so we are heading down there on Monday for 10 days. Looking forward to drinking some beer and eating tacos in the sun. Not expecting too much in the way of cultural experiences, but I'm ok with that as we have another trip planned to that end. Definitely will not miss the -20 cold snap we have been enduring...

Anyway, if anyone has any food/bar suggestions, I'm all ears.
Man I dream of warm sand on my feet right now instead of this cold grey winter.
Gonna do a visit to Bucharest for a few days, any must see's or do's? Staying with a local but not the outgoing type that's in the know.

It's about 200 km to Vlad Tsepes AKA Dracula castle, I went there and you couldn't rent a car then so I sold my Yamaha boombox cassette and we had the car of the hotel reception guy for 2 days. I actually got 50 dollars and 50 D marks (before the Euro) as well so it was good business but that was before the fall of Ceaușescu and when western stuff was very valuable.
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It's about 200 km to Vlad Tsepes AKA Dracula castle, I went there and you couldn't rent a car then so I sold my Yamaha boombox cassette and we had the car of the hotel reception guy for 2 days. I actually got 50 dollars and 50 D marks (before the Euro) as well so it was good business but that was before the fall of Ceaușescu and when western stuff was very valuable.

Sounds like dark days back then,images of the movie HOSTEL come to mind. lol. Hope things are better now.

Our friend has a car,but I'll drive nonetheless though. The Castle has been discussed, but weather and time permitting,hope they are Euro friendly.
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Yes those days were dark. People in lines for flour and sugar. I also got 800 Leu but I couldn't find much to spend it on, the restaurants only had chicken (came with claws and all) so I did what needed to be done and bought a lot of alcohol. I am sure it is much better now.
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Yes those days were dark. People in lines for flour and sugar. I also got 800 Leu but I couldn't find much to spend it on, the restaurants only had chicken (came with claws and all) so I did what needed to be done and bought a lot of alcohol. I am sure it is much better now.

People mentioned it was " Paris " of the East,it's not! Stick with Paris:(.
I’ve been in Tijuana, MX since January. I’m due to fly back to Montreal via San Diego in three weeks. I’m hoping the worst of it will be over, but I’m considering extending my trip by a few weeks... over here in Mexico, it’s pretty much business as usual.. Liga MX still going, schools still open, concerts still happening...
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ROTFL! I needed a laugh today.

Today it is one year since my baby boy Snoop passed away, I have been crying a bit looking at old pics.
ROTFL! I needed a laugh today.

Today it is one year since my baby boy Snoop passed away, I have been crying a bit looking at old pics.

Already one year? I remember how you had posted about it. Sorry for your loss.

Real happy I could get a laugh from you. Hopefully the good memories he left you will make it a little easier on you.
I’ve been in Tijuana, MX since January. I’m due to fly back to Montreal via San Diego in three weeks. I’m hoping the worst of it will be over, but I’m considering extending my trip by a few weeks... over here in Mexico, it’s pretty much business as usual.. Liga MX still going, schools still open, concerts still happening...

.......The Cartel slaying.:thumbu:
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Kinda got owned by not being able to get my money back for any of these.

MTL-STL on May 11th
STL-COL on May 14th
MTL-SD on May 23rd
SD-ATL on May 29th
I’ve done a lot of traveling recently. My room to the bathroom. 2nd floor to the kitchen. Kitchen to living room. Etc, etc. :sarcasm:

We still go for a ride and hit some balls,tend to the critters and the fields. Not a happy camper that we missed the window to get to Windhoek though.

