More into real estate investing however I have been thinking about trying out REITS.
Anyone have an opinion on REITS good or bad?
My two favorite stocks i own are disney and under armour. Got myself some Disney at 94 and UA at 67 then again at 77 recently. Also own fb, twtr, tsla, scty and bank of ireland
Bought DIS about two years ago...haven't looked back since.
Man this company just prints money. And with Star Wars coming out...I still think this company has room to make even more capital gains IMO.
Nice call on Under Armour...that's one of those ones I heard about a little too late. Congrats man.All I hear is good things about the management.
Averaged down on some oil stocks yesterday.
Going to do some buying next week.
Sure, it's easy to look at a chart at a low and a high and think what if you had perfect timing. We'd all be billionairs.
Anyway, I feel I'm way ahead of the game as at least I think about investing and have kept my debt relatively low. Granted, I don't make much money from my job and don't own anything nice or go anywhere, but still.
Considering getting in on Fitbit when it hits. Could be interesting.
The younger we start, the better off we will be. So good for you sir! Nice to have that money working for ya.
And yep, we all have "those" stories.![]()
I seriously considered FB when it was near its all time low (around 12 bucks).
Mistakes were made.
And montreal, ya China is def. iffy in regards to information, but I just feel really strongly about BABA. It's scale alone makes me confident. I bought it after the big dip from the first's been a little of a rough ride, but it's clawing its way back up.
I think that is what hooked me as well (my relative success). In hindsight, I realize I was very lucky to start in 2009. Stocks were still quite low and more than fairly valued.
Good call on short interest...if other people are concerned, you should be too. My main thing is debt level...if it is too crippling, I tend to stay away.
More into real estate investing however I have been thinking about trying out REITS.
Anyone have an opinion on REITS good or bad?
My two favorite stocks i own are disney and under armour. Got myself some Disney at 94 and UA at 67 then again at 77 recently. Also own fb, twtr, tsla, scty and bank of ireland
Oil stocks in general aren't as low as they once were a couple months ago, but I still think you can find some value in this industry.
Agree with your assessment. Any particular ones you looking at more than others?
Question. What would you more experienced investors do in this situation.
Let's say you bought 2000 shares in oil company. For 1. Oil company has great assets and are bought by bigger oil company for 7 per share. Congrats you just made 12,000!
Do you sell immediately take profits and diversify your portfolio with it? Or do you wait?
Adding to current positions in legacy oil and gas, & crescent point energy. Not opening anything new. I am comfortable buying at these levels.
I believe Goldmann is shorting oil so I take everything they say with a grain of salt.
My next new position, I think, will be Wells Fargo. At some point.
What about you? Any companies on your watch list?
Been following WFC ever since the stress tests were last released (I know a little late on the ball lol).
Think it is one of the better run banks in North America. The valuation is kinda high right now though I would say.
I have a big watch list...the ones I am most excited about are PHO (water etf) and JACK (jack in the box). I really think water will be treated as a commodity in the future...want to get in on this industry and an ETF seems like a good way to do it. As far as JACK, I just think it's a smart company with a good niche...late night food at affordable prices. Very well run company with excellent marketing. Also, John Deere and PG as relatively safe stocks. I like DE especially since it is a pretty good value right now IMO.
I'm always looking for new stocks to start watching...I'll take any suggestions from anyone.I learn more each day...that's what makes this field so fascinating.
Question. What would you more experienced investors do in this situation.
Let's say you bought 2000 shares in oil company. For 1. Oil company has great assets and are bought by bigger oil company for 7 per share. Congrats you just made 12,000!
Do you sell immediately take profits and diversify your portfolio with it? Or do you wait?
I have a big watch list...the ones I am most excited about are PHO (water etf) and JACK (jack in the box). I really think water will be treated as a commodity in the future...want to get in on this industry and an ETF seems like a good way to do it. As far as JACK, I just think it's a smart company with a good niche...late night food at affordable prices. Very well run company with excellent marketing. Also, John Deere and PG as relatively safe stocks. I like DE especially since it is a pretty good value right now IMO.
I'm always looking for new stocks to start watching...I'll take any suggestions from anyone.I learn more each day...that's what makes this field so fascinating.
Been waiting for this thread!
The number one thing I've learned is never to panic sell...nothing wrong with getting rid of a loser (we all have them at some point, me included. Had to sell of Petrobras at a significant loss...that one really hurt), but only sell if you truly think the stock is done. History shows that over the long haul stocks generally have peaks and valleys...sometimes have to stick with a loser for long periods of time, but patience usually pays off in this market. Also, I find that I don't really truly understand stock until I watch it for at least three months. The key really is patience and research.
Mistakes were made.
Good call on short interest...if other people are concerned, you should be too. My main thing is debt level...if it is too crippling, I tend to stay away.
More into real estate investing however I have been thinking about trying out REITS.
Anyone have an opinion on REITS good or bad?
I do all my trading through my banks web broker. Very easy to use and understand.
Curious how much per trade? When I first started, I asked my bank....they wanted $30 a trade!!!
I'd have to look at the company closely but the easy answer is to take the profits. Or you could sell like 1500 shares so if it goes up more you still have some skin in, if it goes down some you reduced your risk exposure by a lot.
Ha! I was gonna ask if you were ready to get back into Petrobras....but think you answered that.
anyone looking at the shopify ipo being launched today? 17 bucks a share.