we need a shorter nickname than blueshirts
I've corrected people in real life who have used Rags merely as a short-hand, unaware that it comes with a negative connotation.
It definitely was created with a woman's menstrual cycle in mind. That's the only logical explanation why this slur would persist.
I usually just insert <away team name> instead of potvin every time that gets goingI would prefer we get rid of the "Potvin Sucks" chant first.
Maybe the "ladz"
If I report every time Rag is used on the main board will it be removed?
we need a shorter nickname than blueshirts
we need a shorter nickname than blueshirts
Nah, they only use that term in the UK. I take it from the St. George's cross on your avatar you're from England?
We typically say "boys" over here.
Not sure, never really thought about it. I mean when you think about it, what the hell is a Ranger? I can't do this... I lost enough of my childhood trying to figure out what a Met and Knick were
The nickname of George Lewis aka Tex Rickard (Tex's Rangers). Who was the founder of the New York Rangers.
He was awarded an NHL franchise in 1926.