Those journalists are either bought off or are afraid of getting on gaming corporations "**** lists". They're literal shills. The industry is mostly made up of them.
That's why I was so frustrated when journalism ethics was so soundly dismissed by anti Gamergate people.
I knew that some of the GGers were playing the ethics card to deflect away from criticism of their doxxing bs.
Simultaneously though there IS an enormous issue with games journalism and ethics with the companies involved in gaming.
I don't know why it was so hard for people to say "This GG stuff went way too far with the doxxing and harassment but we do legitimately have a massive issue with ethics. So let's condemn the IDIOTS who dox and harass while addressing that other massive issue."
Guess it's hard to say "I'm right" unless you pretend it's one side vs another even when it's a multi layered problem.
I saw this coming years back when they invented DLC. Now they're cutting out portions of a game and selling it to us through ULTIMATE editions or pre order bonuses or later down the road. We've found games with DLC literally locked onto the disc. HUT and MUT and FUT etc are the only modes EA SEEMS to care about (and it makes them a **** ton of money ) but I'd love to see legislating powers crack down on loot boxes. It's all so damn corrupt now. I'm showing my age but I remember a day when you bought a game and got the whole thing. You could unlock secrets and other things through game play.
I loved the original Shadow of Mordor but won't buy the sequel because they purposely made it a grind so people would pay for the XP boost, just like AC now. I won't support companies who purposely ruin aspects of their game so we pay them to fix problems they created.
You pretty much echoed my thoughts exactly. I would buy 6-10 games on release every year. I was such a huge proponent of supporting the devs so I never bought used. Now? I waited 5 years to get the PS4 and Xbox 1 and I go out of my way to buy used games for 10 bucks or less. Great for my wallet. I refuse to reward these major companies. The industry needs to crash and clean house.
I was SHOCKED that the gaming community grew a pair of balls and eviscerated EA over Battlfront's loot boxes. Too bad it was probably a one time thing.