Because he’s an offensive defenseman, who wasn’t lucky enough to be born with the name Brian LeetchHaving trouble understanding how people are hellbent on trying to undermine everything good ADA does by harping on his mistakes. Dude is the most promising defensive prospect we've had in a dillion fortnights.
Yeah he really is. He creates offense, makes great passes and he’s gotta be the one of the best D on the team at breaking out of his own zone. Plus he’s way better in his own zone than he gets credit for.Having trouble understanding how people are hellbent on trying to undermine everything good ADA does by harping on his mistakes. Dude is the most promising defensive prospect we've had in a dillion fortnights.
Having trouble understanding how people are hellbent on trying to undermine everything good ADA does by harping on his mistakes. Dude is the most promising defensive prospect we've had in a dillion fortnights.
Fun to watch him play. Ride him all the way to game 82Having trouble understanding how people are hellbent on trying to undermine everything good ADA does by harping on his mistakes. Dude is the most promising defensive prospect we've had in a dillion fortnights.
Having trouble understanding how people are hellbent on trying to undermine everything good ADA does by harping on his mistakes. Dude is the most promising defensive prospect we've had in a dillion fortnights.
Indeed. I’ve been saying that since the day of the trade.Best piece of the Stepan trade - come at me bros.
Another mythADA looks great... except when he's defending
What else is new? Its amazing this guy had top 4 mins prior to coming to NY.Shatty had an absolutely brutal game