OT: The OT Thread: Has spring really sprung? (Warning in post 368)

I talked to younger people today who did no know what The French Connection was (the movie or Sabres legends). That's sad...
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exactly, oblivious

I recall when Eddie Van Halen died how there was some ageist backlash from older fans who didn't know how people couldn't know who Van Halen were. And then pointing out that the time span between their peak and now and their peak and going back in time would mean VH fans would have to know who the top selling recording artists of 1945 were. We kind of get caught up in the passage of time - most people I know over the age of 40 have the conversation that when someone says "20 years ago" they don't think "oh, yeah, 2005", they think "1980" or "1990"... one I know when I said about 20 years ago laughed and mentioned he was thinking of 1975.

But it's not. We lose the lens to tell when things were because of the illusion of how time passes.
In a somewhat related note, my youngest told me that the water bill at my ex-wife's house (that she got me kicked out of in 2012) is still in my name on the drive to school this morning. And my ex told him not to tell me.

I will not be sharing that piece of info with my wife because I do not want the drama.

It doesn't bother me a ton as the negative consequences to not paying it are bigger for her than for me. But, it shouldn't be that hard to change since she obviously got the email address that the meter read requests get sent to updated, so I don't know why she doesn't change it from me to her.

One of my mates had 12 months of free power in his first place when he moved out of home. They repeatedly rang the power company to try and sort it out but were told that their address didn't exist, or it was vacant and was not using any power. So eventually they gave up and moved out later having never paid a cent.
Continuation of the vet story - she told me she had worked out payment while she is abroad and that was a lie. So... I dipped into my rent money (due tomorrow) to pay for the dog visit with her asking what method I wanted funds transferred to me and I let her know Zelle would be best as there is no fee and I need the cash for tomorrow.

So she sends it Venmo which means to have it in time for rent, I have to pay the transaction fee.

She also sent me a text telling me - not asking me - to go pick up the dog's preventative after the fact.

Do you have anyone that can look after the dog for a couple of days when they come back?

Tell her it cost too much so you had it put down.
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Do you have anyone that can look after the dog for a couple of days when they come back?

Tell her it cost too much so you had it put down.

Actually my son is looking into if he can have the dog at his place, my complex wants to fine me for her being here.
My wife and I booked a trip for our 20 year anniversary in May. Then Jetblue changed the itinerary to make it a little inconvenient. Instead of a 2.5 hour layover, it would be 9 hours. Woke up this morning and they changed it AGAIN, so now it would be a 15 hour layover. At this point I'm probably just going to cancel. I'm pissed.
Hope the folks in South Carolina are staying safe. Sing out if you can.
All good. Most of the fires are in back woods areas. Hurricane Helene knocked down a ton of trees in the woods, which can’t be cleaned up. A lot of that dried up and is fueling the fires.

There are 19 majors fires and 18 are contained. The state of emergency bans outdoor fires and frees up assets for first responders, mainly funds and the use of the SC National Guard.

SC does a really good job with disasters. I was in the State emergency operations center most of this weekend. Lots of tired people but they are doing an amazing job. No real need for federal aid right now.

Thanks for asking and thinking of us brother.
All good. Most of the fires are in back woods areas. Hurricane Helene knocked down a ton of trees in the woods, which can’t be cleaned up. A lot of that dried up and is fueling the fires.

There are 19 majors fires and 18 are contained. The state of emergency bans outdoor fires and frees up assets for first responders, mainly funds and the use of the SC National Guard.

SC does a really good job with disasters. I was in the State emergency operations center most of this weekend. Lots of tired people but they are doing an amazing job. No real need for federal aid right now.

Thanks for asking and thinking of us brother.

Friend from HS is in the area evac'd by the Carolina Forest. Fuel loads and low relative humidity at ground level is a combustible risk. Seems like the fire crews were doing a great job getting people out of the way and getting men and material on site to get things handled - my friend was posting videos of the action in the places he was in, fire suppression choppers and such.
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Friend from HS is in the area evac'd by the Carolina Forest. Fuel loads and low relative humidity at ground level is a combustible risk. Seems like the fire crews were doing a great job getting people out of the way and getting men and material on site to get things handled - my friend was posting videos of the action in the places he was in, fire suppression choppers and such.
That’s the area where all the pictures are coming from. It’s the Myrtle Beach area. Bad news is it’s right near a lot of houses and buildings. Good news is that it’s not a big area and there are two waterways in the area which the firefighters are using to contain it. It’s also not really windy here right now, normal coastal breeze but nothing like California.
I watched some clips from the film after he passed (i watched it 20 or so years ago)

The 70s era blood effects always look weird to me. The orange red vs the bright red/dark red they use today is always jarring.

Hey, '70's era anything means we're going to be killed by quicksand or killer bees.
My retirement account is not happy today. Geez. Can we try to avoid these tariff wars going forward? It's probably better for the common man.
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