The new overtime


Registered User
Feb 6, 2007
Just because something was good enough once doesn't mean it's good enough now. There was a time when forward passing wasn't allowed it was good enough at one point why not now right? Guessing you don't want to go back to that? Why not? because it would suck that's why.

Yes ties WERE good enough at one point, Women couldn't vote, that was also good enough at one point.

Doesn't mean either thing should be good enough now.

Well apparently nothing is quite good would appear on the surface that the league is trying to do all it can to get rid of the shoot-out. The very thing that they touted as such a great idea when they introduced it. Now here we are years later and they are trying yet another gimmick to solve the problem...a problem that only exist in the minds of the bosses at the NHL.

The first gimmick didn't work after we convinced the sheep that ties were bad,so now let's move on to gimmick number 2...we'll play overtime but it'll be 3-3...and in a few years if that doesn't work then what....2-2?
Maybe go to something really wild....goalie -goalie and play with 2 pucks, put the both at the center line...each goalie starts in his own crease and on the whistle they skate to center...pick up a puck and stick handle to the attack zone and first one to score into the net wins...they can't shoot until they are between the circles AND each team puts a skater in net...if the shot is missed the skater can pick up that puck and take it down the other way and can win the game by scoring into the other net. Thus increasing his teams chance to twice as much with 2 pucks and 2 shooters going on a skater from the other team.
Pretty much guarantee a winner that way...who cares if it bastardizes the sport.


Registered User
Feb 7, 2011
Springfield, MA area
LOL, good ideas, axecrew.

Or, we could take a more pragmatic approach. Since breaking ties is more of an entertainment requirement than a sporting one, let's go all the way with it. Institute a policy whereby all games still tied after 5 minutes of overtime will officially be declared as a WIN for the HOME team, thus sending the fans home happy.

(Before anyone blows a gasket, the above proposal is entirely tongue-in-cheek.)


Registered User
Jun 12, 2006
West Lawn, PA
LOL, good ideas, axecrew.

Or, we could take a more pragmatic approach. Since breaking ties is more of an entertainment requirement than a sporting one, let's go all the way with it. Institute a policy whereby all games still tied after 5 minutes of overtime will officially be declared as a WIN for the HOME team, thus sending the fans home happy.

(Before anyone blows a gasket, the above proposal is entirely tongue-in-cheek.)

That is taking it way too far. A much more fair way to settle it would be based on chuck-a-puck. If anyone gets a puck on the center faceoff dot the home team gets the two points.


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