The new and improved concussion thread

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Jan 19, 2013
Outside GZ
Football's next-generation helmet maker eyes the NHL

To quote:

"Officials with the football helmet manufacturer Vicis made a presentation this summer to the NHL/NHLPA concussion subcommittee, the NHL Players’ Association has confirmed, as the Seattle-based company considers entering the hockey industry.

"Vicis staff discussed the company’s success in football with NHL/NHLPA concussion subcommittee members on June 24 in Orlando.

“We found the NHL to be genuinely interested in new technologies that can benefit their players," [Vicis Founder Dave] Marver said in a phone interview on Wednesday with TSN."

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Feb 7, 2012
Interesting to note that Vicis is a Seattle based company. They will likely have lots of local hockey players that can demo this (Junior Hockey, Co-Rec Hockey, Youth Hockey)


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May 18, 2010
Between the Pipes
Football's next-generation helmet maker eyes the NHL

To quote:

"Officials with the football helmet manufacturer Vicis made a presentation this summer to the NHL/NHLPA concussion subcommittee, the NHL Players’ Association has confirmed, as the Seattle-based company considers entering the hockey industry.

"Vicis staff discussed the company’s success in football with NHL/NHLPA concussion subcommittee members on June 24 in Orlando.

“We found the NHL to be genuinely interested in new technologies that can benefit their players," [Vicis Founder Dave] Marver said in a phone interview on Wednesday with TSN."


Interesting and might be a step in the right direction to help reduce concussions, but there is one thing the NHL has that no helmet technology is ever going to protect the players from.... and that is fighting. Not sure the numbers, but what percentage of concussions are a result of being punched in the head?
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Sep 22, 2004
Sin City

While it's admirable all these guys are opening up about their health issues, it's scary so many are hurting so much.


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Jan 19, 2013
Outside GZ
NHL, plaintiffs agree concussion lawsuits should kick off with four trials

To quote:

"The National Hockey League and lawyers for former players suing the league over its approach to concussions have proposed to a U.S. federal court that the lawsuits of four yet-to-be-determined former players head to trial in the spring or summer of 2019.

Former NHL players whose cases could be considered for trial in the new year include Joe Murphy, Reed Larson, Mike Peluso, Daniel Carcillo and Nick Boynton. It’s unlikely that the case filed by the family of the late Steve Montador, who died in February 2015 and was posthumously diagnosed with CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy), a degenerative brain disease that’s been linked to repeated brain trauma, will be considered for trial soon because it was filed in Illinois.

[A lawyer for the plaintiffs, Jeffrey] Klobucar wrote that the initial trial pool should be decided by Oct. 19 and that after the final four cases are decided for trial, discovery would take place over a period of 150 days.

Discovery would mean the NHL would be required to turn over documents and emails related to specific players whose cases are moving forward. It’s possible discovery would also include more depositions of NHL team owners, coaches and other executives, players, doctors and trainers."

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Jan 19, 2013
Outside GZ
Former players defending hits like Wilson's the other day must have the NHL dancing in the street :laugh:

The only street of concern is...


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Sep 22, 2004
Sin City

At this point he may not choose to risk future health once he's past the post concussion symptoms (and healthy again).


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Sep 30, 2017

At this point he may not choose to risk future health once he's past the post concussion symptoms (and healthy again).

He last played in like late April or early May? It’s now early October. That’s a good 5 months. If you aren’t healthy after that long and having had such a long lucrative career, it’s best to retire. Ask savard how he’s been over the past 5 years with his symptoms. Don’t take that chance.


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May 18, 2010
Between the Pipes
Study: No Evidence of EOD in 21 Retired NFL, NHL Players - Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences - University at Buffalo

A key goal was to try to determine if symptoms signaling CTE — specifically EOD — could be seen in retired professional athletes and how they compared with athletes who didn’t play a contact sport. The researchers also wanted to assist former players and their families in addressing changes they were experiencing as a result of aging.

The main finding was that there was no significant difference in brain imaging, cognition, behavior or executive function between the retired professional athletes and the controls. The biggest health differences that were detected between the professional athletes included significant risk for obesity, chronic pain and orthopedic surgeries, as well as significant problems with sleep and anxiety.

Willer and Leddy — who are internationally known for their decades-long research on concussions — agree that much more research needs to be done, especially on a larger number of living athletes who played a contact sport professionally.


I would have to agree... don't think 21 people is a large enough sample size.


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Sep 22, 2004
Sin City
Smashing the stigma: NHL and mental health

Continuing to shed light on the issues of mental health. There is an assumed link between concussions and mental health, but many players have gone public with their issues that it may be even more prevalent and/or pervasive. :duuno:

But the stigma of past decades is lessening and more players are speaking out.

Even before Lehner and Okposo came forward, others in the NHL community were starting to speak abut it. The tragic passing of Wade Belak, Derek Boogaard and Rick Rypien in 2011 prompted conversations about mental health, substance abuse and head injuries. Both Hirsch and fellow former NHL goaltender Clint Malarchuk have taken on public roles in talking about their experiences with mental health. Former NHLer Paul Ranger, in an emotional interview with TSN’s Darren Dreger, revealed that his depression was the “mystery” behind his disappearance from the league. Former Sportsnet broadcaster Daren Millard bravely shared his “A-ha moment” that prompted him to seek professional help in a segment promoting #BellLet’sTalk, which has been a wildly successful initiative to start conversations around mental health. According to the program, almost $7 million has been raised to date.

Still a ways to go.


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Sep 22, 2004
Sin City

Part 2 of Westhead canibis story. Former NHLer Jeff Freisan shares his story. Injuries mounted up, including chronic abdominal pain. Doctors prescribed vicadin for the pain, ambien to sleep, others for anxiety. He was depressed, not himself. Found canibis and it replaced everything, got back to being him. But doctors said he could not continue to use it and play in NHL. Tried it and couldn't play at level he wanted. Walked away from the game.

Doctor in piece quoted as saying there is no study (to date) showing that canibis can replace opioids. Does the NHL/NHLPA/Alumni have the moral responsibility to do that study? Perhaps.


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Jan 19, 2013
Outside GZ
NFL players with brain trauma receive notice of settlements stripped to nothing

To quote:

"For debilitated and often-broke former football players and their families, the National Football League's agreement to pay more than $1 billion in a settlement for victims of chronic brain trauma appeared to be the end of the battle that had consumed them for years.

The money was supposed to provide a measure of peace and stability for the wives, widows and children of tormented players who had died young or are fading away in nursing homes. Not disclosed, however, is the significant portion of the fund that is being withheld from those it was promised.

Sarah Goldston, the 90-year-old widow of Ralph Goldston – who was one of the first black players on the Philadelphia Eagles in 1952 before Alzheimer’s set in during his retirement – learned this month that their family had been awarded $160,000 from the settlement. But that preliminary award dwindled to negative $740 after deductions and “holdbacks,” including thousands the court has kept in case the family owes money for Ralph’s medical bills."



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Sep 22, 2004
Sin City
Genetic risk factor for CTE detected: Findings may offer insight into how the disease occurs

BU researchers have found a genetic risk factor
Researchers have identified a genetic variation that may influence chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) disease severity. TMEM106B is one of the first genes to be implicated in CTE. It may partially explain why some athletes present with severe CTE symptoms while others are less affected despite similar levels of head trauma.



Registered User
Sep 22, 2004
Sin City

And that's for how many players? Seems like a drop in the bucket WRT potential medical issues that might want/need to be covered.

Guessing more deets coming.
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