Thanks, Kova.
I can only go by what I saw - and in the whole highlights package (5min2sec) I don’t recall hearing Mika’s name. Might watch the whole game later tonight, but it won’t surprise me to see a Bread turnover or three but I’ll temper that with the fact he’s 4th OA in points and 5th OA in goals. If he can cure the brainfarts he’d be on another level entirely.
I’m hard on the team but it’s because the last cup I saw was the year I got married and it’s giving me the shits seeing us come so close every few years and throwing it away. I’ve made the pilgrimage to MSG from Oz a few times now and don’t consider myself a “plastic” fan or a fair weather supporter.
But it’s hard, man. And I ain’t getting any younger. Stuff the President’s trophy, I want Lord Stanley.