OT: The Music Thread Part Xi

I bow to no one in my morbid fascination and obsession with apocalypse.

Even so, this is hilarious. Check the dancers in the background. And note the Dylan harmonica rip off.

This single sold a million in 1965.

There's a sucker born every minute, and someone is always making a buck,

Ready for some real End of the World porn?

Why, I thought you'd never ask,

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I bow to no one in my morbid fascination and obsession with apocalypse.

Even so, this is hilarious. Check the dancers in the background. And note the Dylan harmonica rip off.

This single sold a million in 1965.

There's a sucker born every minute, and someone is always making a buck,

Ready for some real End of the World porn?

Why, I thought you'd never ask,

Before the Deluge is an all-time favorite.

I was 12 when Eve of Destruction was out. It was pretty unique at the time. I bought it. Never felt like a sucker.
Losing streak on,

so many moons ago I was up into the wee hours of the morning doing what I did at that age and watching Much Music, some show featuring new artists or something, I heard this tune for the first time and thought to myself, this is gonna be huge.

I went out and bought the cd, this and Fume I had blasting forever, my roommates initially thought it was all crap but they came around and loved it
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Granted, much of this was McLaren's doing, which is to say much of it is rubbish

I am aware that some here are not crazy about this record, and it's easy to see why. Even so, diamonds among the dreck.

Discard the rest, but the title tune and its backing vocals, which recall their best work, is killer.

(That's not Lydon, btw. It's provisional "lead vocalist" Edward Tudor-Pole.)

As to the rest, listen or no.

Recorded odds & sods slapped together to make a buck.

A gem or more,

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