OT: The Music Thread: Part XI

Words can’t possibly describe what a huge part of my life Ozzy has been for the last 45 years or so. Actually embarrassing the large chunk of my life spent listening and watching everything the man has ever done. I’m sure I average 20 plus hours per week listening to his entire, vast catalog.
I feel like the people who think of Ozzy and immediately think of “the bat” or the tv show have missed out on four and a half decades of great music. Everything from Blizzard to Patient Number Nine and everything in between has brought me countless hours of enjoyment.
I hope his career continues after July 5th with another album. In the meantime there is 45 years worth of excellence for all of us to enjoy. I just hope that if I end up in a home some day in the future that the rest of the oldsters are ok with listening to Ozzy all day long.

That is rather the image.

I never watched the show. Not once. Good luck to Jack & Kelly.

{And Sharon, despite some shady moves through the years. John isn't innocent in that regard, either.}

Party on, Dr. Oz,


Ha! I didn't know about half of these.

Thank you for posting.

Recall a tribute album, which I assume was "If I Were a Carpenter."

Will ✅ Shonen Knife & Sonic Youth covers.

Yes, they are all from If I Were a Carpenter. There's more too, but those are the highlights.

And anytime you are feeling down, play Shonen Knife's version of Top of the World and you won't feel down for long.
My dad was a big country music fan so growing up I listened to a lot of what are now considered the classics. Here's one by Patsy Cline



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