The Mike Yeo Firing Thread/Squad

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Wild fan in WPG
Sep 5, 2011
Winnipeg, MB
My goodness guys we have 9 points and are tied for the 8th playoff spot. There's still 39 games left to go. THIRTY NINE!!!

These boards are so bi-polar at times.


Registered User
Jun 4, 2010
Gotta give Yeo a "bye" for last year, considering the incredible injuries, and the call ups he had to deal with.

So I think you have to give him at least until after NEXT season before considering replacing him. (unless they start the 2013/2014 season 0-20 or something like that)

But we certainly could use some changes to some of our game approaches

1) The PowerPlay HAS to get better ....Yeo was frequently ripped in Pittsburgh because of his Power Play sputtering ... it has continued here - it needs to change.

2) Forechecking - the DUMP and Chase just does NOT work for the Wild. Yeo & staff have to come up with a better way to enter the zone and set up scoring chances. I'm not sure what it should be, but Dump/Chase ain't it.

exactly, if wild still not good after the 2013-14 season then think about getting a new coach


Wild fan in WPG
Sep 5, 2011
Winnipeg, MB
Gotta give Yeo a "bye" for last year, considering the incredible injuries, and the call ups he had to deal with.

This year is a shortened/barely any training camp year. Lots of teams looking bad thus far. Its not Yeo's fault that he didn't get a full camp to realize that Suter is really not that great. SO he's coaching on the fly now, and trying to find the right combos. Plus so many fans out there thought that with Suter/Parise and Granlund, that the Cup was just going to be handed to us. We still are not the most talented team in the league. Top 15 maybe, but no more than that.

So I think you have to give him at least until after NEXT season before considering replacing him. (unless they start the 2013/2014 season 0-20 or something like that)

But we certainly could use some changes to some of our game approaches

1) The PowerPlay HAS to get better ....Yeo was frequently ripped in Pittsburgh because of his Power Play sputtering ... it has continued here - it needs to change.

2) Forechecking - the DUMP and Chase just does NOT work for the Wild. Yeo & staff have to come up with a better way to enter the zone and set up scoring chances. I'm not sure what it should be, but Dump/Chase ain't it.

I've noticed Bouchard is great at entring the opposing zone. He's not the only one, but perhaps down the road if nothing else works, put him on the top line?


Registered User
Mar 31, 2002
Must have instant gratification. Things must happen over night.

This board is starting to sound more and more like a lot of my incoming freshmen...

this providence

Chips in Bed Theorem
Oct 19, 2008
St. Paul
To keep it simple and in a word; yes.

Granted, we were spoiled with a coach like Jacques for so long that everyone else is going to look poor in contrast. As a bench boss, I just don't see what Yeo brings to the table. Quick and dirty big gripes: The lines that he's putting together don't make much of any kind of sense and in-game I don't see a willingness to adjust to the flow or the players and how they're currently going.

Problem is, no idea of alternatives. I'm not one to swing one way or another at the drop of a hat but at certain point he's going to need to show something.


Par too easy
Mar 25, 2012
Still a big fan of Yeo's game when players are sharp and execute well. That being said; puck possession / pass play has got to get more functional.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
i am really excited there is someone with the SN THEALLKNOWING here now. This is going to make things a lot more interesting and entertaining for a while.

But I am not a STH so I shouldn't be mentioning his holiness before asking right?

lol, fire Yeo. Guy had a rookie season, and a clusterf**k of an offseason, goat rodeo of an excuse of a training camp, and struggling in a shortened chaotic schedule. coaching changes every 2 years dampers things even more. Give the guy another year after this and see where it goes.

Bet you though, so many people who right now are lighting their molitov cocktails and sharpening their pitchforks for the mob rally at Yeo's house will be jocking his nuts if the Wild make the playoffs this year.


Doing Nothing
Let's compare some of our stats across the last few coaches.

Goals per game:
2012-13: 26th
2011-12: 30th
2010-11: 26th
2009-10: 20th
2008-09: 22nd
2007-08: 17th

We have been awful for three years now. It started when Rolston left and Gabby got hurt. In 07-08, Gabby scored 42 and Rolston 31. In 08-09, Nolan led the team with 25 goals. In 09-10, Lats with 27. 10-11, Havlat with 22. 11-12, Heatley with 24. Wild haven't had any real quality goal scorers in forever.

Is that the coaches fault? Maybe a few goals on the PP, but other than that? Have we had a guy (before Parise at least) who's been a consistent goal scoring threat being held back by the coach? WHO?

Shots per game:
2012-13: 28th
2011-12: 30th
2010-11: 30th
2009-10: 30th
2008-09: 30th
2007-08: 26th

Wild have been awful in shooting for YEARS. FOREVER. The only year they were ever outside the bottom five IN THE LEAGUE was 2006-07. Literally. Go check. That's three coaches over 13 years. We complained under Lemaire about this, and now two m ore coaches and we'd be happy to "move up" to Lemaire's teams' shooting tendencies. Guess what: it's not coaching. Personnel.

Power play %:
2012-13: 19th
2011-12: 27th
2010-11: 13th
2009-10: 10th
2008-09: 9th
2007-08: 7th

This could be a legit criticism of Yeo. Pittsburgh fans ripped him for his poor power play numbers with Crosby and Malkin on the team. Wild had very good special teams with Lemaire and still good under Richards, although they slipped.

I looked at the points though, and look at the depth of players after the top few. Last year it dropped way off. Look at the points:

Heatley - 19
Koivu - 15
Seto - 13
Spurgeon - 12
Brodziak - 11
Foster - 11
Cullen - 9

Talk about a dropoff in talent! You have two top six players, a top four defenseman...then a borderline top six forward...and then bottom six guys...and then Kurtis Foster? Really?

This year is a problem for sure. We've had five total PP goals, all scored by Parise and Heatley.

But I'd like to see how the team shakes out by year end.

Goals against per game:
2012-13: 16th
2011-12: 13th
2010-11: 16th
2009-10: 21st
2008-09: 2nd
2007-08: 9th

Lemaire almost always had exceptional goals against numbers. Just his coaching style. Probably the biggest impact a coach can have IMO. Look at the dropoff with Richards, from 2nd to 21st? Was it the loss of Martin Skoula? Trading Johnsson 3/4 of the way through the season? Aactually that did probably hurt, but they were out of it by then. Yeo had that team playing very well defensively, even though they were on their heels for half of last year.

Penalty kill %:
2012-13: 11th
2011-12: 15th
2010-11: 14th
2009-10: 14th
2008-09: 2nd
2007-08: 4th

Well, Yeo is maybe slightly better than Richards here...nobody's come close to Lemaire. Can't really complain about top 15, close to top 10 numbers though.

Blocked shots:
2012-13: 8th
2011-12: 2nd
2010-11: 19th
2009-10: 15th
2008-09: 20th
2007-08: 21st

If blocked shots is your thing, Yeo's got them out in front a lot more than Lemaire and Richards did.


I'm seeing that, while Yeo doesn't have the defensive brilliance of Lemaire, he's been a big time upgrade over Richards IN WHAT HE CAN CONTROL. Yeo can't score goals or take shots from the bench. Beyond that, he's going to have more to work with than Richards did, if everyone can stay healthy this year.

Is there another Ken Hitchcock or Dave Tippett out there? Would you be willing to write off the rest of the year as the players learn another new system (for many of them, the second new system in 30 days)? Would you be up for another ultra, ultra defensive trapping coach?

I'd say be careful what you wish for, but pretty sure Fletcher's got this one figured out.


Oct 1, 2011
Chi-Town, Il
If Yeo keeps making decisions like putting Granlund and Seto on the 4th line I'll be jumping on the fire Yeo bandwagon as well.

First off, Granlund and Seto got about 15 min of ice time with Konopka, way more than any regular fourth line.

Secondly, that line spent a hell of a lot of time in the oponents zone.

No one can deny that that line might have worked out better than any of us would have guessed. Konopka can actually create space and cycle the puck better than many of the other forwards we possess.


Oct 1, 2011
Chi-Town, Il
Damn it men, get a hold of yourselves.

God, the emotional rollercoaster on these boards are freaking ridiculous this season. Yes, we signed Parise and Suter. But that doesn't mean we are Gods when we win or we should nuke the franchise when we lose a few close game with a team that has been together for only a few weeks.

x2 man. It's nice to see a reasonable post, and way too rare these last couple weeks...


Hockey State Expat
Aug 11, 2010
Yeo's seat is certainly much warmer this year.

The real question for me is, can we find someone brilliant to pick up the reins immediately? St. Louis dumped some their no-name after only one full season and a string of really sloppy games...but they brought in Hitchcock, who won the Jack Adams and finally squeezed out the talent everyone knew St. Louis was sitting on. The Kings brought in Darryl Sutter after a mediocre 33 game stretch to start the season and look where that got them.

So history suggests that it's not ridiculous to ask if a midseason coaching change will finally get a team most of us can agree is talented enough to start playing consistently and cleanly. If there's not a slam dunk out there, though, then stay the course and see if Yeo can right the ship. No use replacing him with another gamble.


Registered User
Jun 29, 2010
The real question for me is, can we find someone brilliant to pick up the reins immediately?




Reluctant Optimist. Permanently Déclassé.
May 29, 2008
didnt someone move this the first time it happened? the thread i mean.

no, we shouldn't fire Yeo.


Registered User
Apr 12, 2011
I'd say no. Yeo's proven he can coach a winning team (see start of last season) and we're still 0.500 for this season. That's better then some of the other supposedly good teams out there that are struggling out of the gate. LA won the cup last season and they're second last, should they fire their coach?

I say give Yeo this season and see what he does with it. If things don't improve and players have their career-lows in terms of performance, then I'd start questioning Yeo's player management. But remember he only has the pieces he's been given. While the team is a lot better then during the worst years, it might still not be a team designed for Yeo's system? You look at some of the best GM-coach combos in the league and they've had years to build their teams to their specifications. While I think the sign of an elite coach is that he makes do with what he gets, I don't think anybody has ever considered Yeo an elite coach.

But yeah, I'll give him this season. If the same trends continue, I'll get worried. But you can't go changing your coach all the time.


Doing Nothing
Also had a thought yesterday...

One game is an isolated incident.
Five games is a streak (or slump).
Ten games is a trend.

Wild playing a few bad games in a row is not something to really get up in arms over. Wild playing 8 of 10 bad games...yes. Wild dropping say 13 or 14 of 20...yes.


Hockey State Expat
Aug 11, 2010
Also had a thought yesterday...

One game is an isolated incident.
Five games is a streak (or slump).
Ten games is a trend.

Wild playing a few bad games in a row is not something to really get up in arms over. Wild playing 8 of 10 bad games...yes. Wild dropping say 13 or 14 of 20...yes.

Problem is, in a 48-game season, every game counts 1.7x as much. I get that as far as the actual quality of the team goes, that doesn't make it any easier to judge whether it's a slump or a trend, but the fact of the matter is that waiting for 10 games before declaring it a worrying trend means you've seen the equivalent of 17 games go by.


Doing Nothing
Problem is, in a 48-game season, every game counts 1.7x as much. I get that as far as the actual quality of the team goes, that doesn't make it any easier to judge whether it's a slump or a trend, but the fact of the matter is that waiting for 10 games before declaring it a worrying trend means you've seen the equivalent of 17 games go by.

Maybe in terms of points, but you can't evaluate the team that way. We can't pretend we've seen the Wild play nearly 20 games and fully judge the players and coaches. Especially without a training camp and preseason.

Eagle Claw

Registered User
Jan 25, 2013
There are many individual pieces that combined make the current situation a complicated one

The "best" defender suter has not been the best at all though he's starting to get going
Granlund should have been tried on the wing a lot sooner
Heatley thinks he's still playing lock out golf ,he's mentally in some cave and not on the ice. He's performances have been alot worse than granlunds if you compare the expectations versus revenue on the 1 line so far as an entirety
Same with brodziak scratch the guy to wake him up and take larsson to do the job as an early warning ,the guy has no hunger at all or then he's not healthy .
Bäckstöm is over reacting almost storming the puck and causing goals by being out off position ,even one bad mistake a game is bad if you have severe scoring issues

And then we have mike tenderfoot yeo

I like him as an person he seems honest and all but decisions about the lineup change off lines
changes inside games has to be more accurate and sharper
If the game plan or lines dont work then you mix it
If the powerplay is **** then you fix it!

Feels like he's kind off tender to piss people off inside the team, he needs to be more aggressive and dynamic cause unless he gets he's **** together heads will start to "fall"


Jul 4, 2011
Fire Yeo. Hire this guy:




In all seriousness, let's not get knee-jerky here, right? It's way too early to fire a head coach. In fact, unless we completely **** the bed this season, I would wait at least a year before moving to drastic measures.

Players are not the only ones who need to develop.


Registered User
May 2, 2002
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Make it to the 2nd round and i am fine. That is my expectation.

Anything less and its the door.

We cannot wait for Yeo to figure it out.


Registered User
May 2, 2002
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When we were last in the play offs we did not make a move. We were so set for the future why sacrifice that. That was 07-08

DR liked to wait and see; Thelen, Voloshenko, Sheppard, Fiala, Gillies, Pouliot, Cuma, that worked well.

Long list of bad moves. I can actually understand the Leddy trade too.

My patience started to go when Chris Simon was the play off push. I am willing to try anything to make the team better. Right now i think firing Yeo has to be the next move. I do feel we should give the season to Yeo.

Once we signed Parise and Suter we were a team built for the playoffs. Anything less is unaccpetable. The GM got the talent. The coach better be able to work with it.
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