You'll get a bunch of Albedo or something.
I'm guaranteed Hu Tao !
But watch as the system gets broken and I pull a stupid 4th Qiqi.
Would much prefer Albedo because he is a SS tier support. Qiqi is nice once, but her constellations are f***ing awful, and her healing is absolutely overkill and she doesn't bring anything else compared to 6* character Bennett and his broken burst.
"When the Herald of Frost hits an opponent marked by a Fortune-Preserving Talisman, Qiqi regenerates 2 energy." Yeah cool, it hits a maximum of 4 times, which is like 16-20 energies depending on ER%, and her burst has an energy cost of 80...
"Qiqi's Normal and Charge Attack DMG against opponents affected by
Cryo is increased by 15%." She can't apply cryo consistently... and she's a healer. This should be a passive "constellation" that provide her and teammates with a 10-15% damage bonus against opponents affected by cryo, or to prevent being overkill, when her skill is active, or on enemies marked with a talisman. Because she isn't a viable DPS at all due to poor auto attack scaling + the fact you need atk% on every single artifact to maximize her healing.
"Targets marked by the Fortune-Preserving Talisman have their ATK decreased by 20%. " This one is pretty decent, but C4, considering her burst applies the talisman to many enemies relatively easily.
Adeptus Art: Preserver of Fortune revives all nearby fallen party members and regenerates 50% of their HP." That one is ridiculously amazing if you're bad at dodging like I am, but C6.