The Lack of Effort/General Laziness Thread


Registered User
Nov 13, 2009
I cannot believe the BS I am reading in this thread... we got beat by a team that was due. They got lucky and their tender played a little better than ours. Our team was not outworked, nor lazy. I would say our fans are just nuts (the majority in here anyhow). 82 games in a season, a lot changes as the season goes on.

Yes, we outworked the worst team in a league. On the other hand we played really bad hockey. There is no excuse fot that. If we play next 3 games with same effort, result woult be 0-3-0 with goal differential 2-18.


Uh... what?

Come on you really think we earned or even deserved that goal?

This fan base...

Glad you are all finally catching up to us fans who realized Michalek's 35 goals season was a fluke.

I was just the "crazy troll leafs fan" when I brought up getting rid of that chump


DJ Dorion
Jun 29, 2008
Montreal, Canada
In this league, wininning or losing depends heavily on finish, and we didn't capitalize on our chances. Sometimes we missed the net, sometimes dubnyk and Oilers made good saves and defensive plays. You don't have to look much further than that, of course there was other problems (Lehner in the first, lack of PP efficiency and too many penalties again) but the board would be singing a very different tune if we converted more and/or if Lehner didn't give up that 2nd goal. We'd be planning the parade with a 3rd win in a row. That's how bipolar this fanbase is.

I cannot believe the BS I am reading in this thread... we got beat by a team that was due. They got lucky and their tender played a little better than ours. Our team was not outworked, nor lazy. I would say our fans are just nuts (the majority in here anyhow). 82 games in a season, a lot changes as the season goes on.

Please tell me what the coach Paul MacLean knows? He thought they played well, he really shouldn't be a NHL coach at this point. Take anyone from this board instead



Registered User
Jan 31, 2006
Hockey is a business just like any other business and without fans going to the games and eating, drinking, being merry and buying jerseys,hats, etc they will bleed money until the NHL pulls the plug or somebody else steps up with lots of cash.
Melynk has to put a team on the ice that fans are willing to pay good money to come out and see, but it would seem that he has been trying to pinch pennies by trying to ice a team with as low a budget as possible which can become a problem as to attracting good talent if they think that they won't be treated fairly. I don't know what happened in the Alfie contract dispute but I'm sure that Melnyk has to take part of the blame, that can have repercussions with other players as they might not want to resign here when their contracts are up, since Alfie went elsewhere they had to make a trade in which they were at Anaheim's mercy and gave up quite a bit to get a player that might not even be here in 2 years so by pinching pennies or whatever was said to Alfie he decided to leave and we lost him for nothing and if he stayed I doubt that the Anaheim trade would have been made especially in what player's were involved. They traded 3 young players to get one a few years older and if he does not resign here it will be a bad trade to say the least.

As far as your comments about players not having to be part of the community or signing autographs or giving back by setting a good example and donating their time and money I totally disagree.

I didn't make any comments about the content in your last paragraph at all, you made all of that up! What I did say was that it was comical that you were making sweeping character judgments based on the fact that Spezza didn't sign autographs the day you went to a game, and then hung around outside after. Now, you're generalizing even more that a) that Spezza isn't active in the community, and does not invest any time or money in fans, and b) that I'm condoning this behaviour. So much make-believe, so little factual analysis. This might blow you mind but.... Every player doesn't sit outside and sign autographs every game, not even Alfie. Imagine if he wasn't signing at the game you went to either?!?

As for the rest of what you're saying, I'm not sure what the point is. Of course Melnyk is partly to blame. Originally, and perhaps the whole time, he didn't want to pay Alfie 7million, Alfie didn't want to take less, and since none of us really know anything, perhaps there was also some more mitigating factors. Either way, he left.

The "hockey is a business" stuff: you're a customer, simple as that. The business doesn't owe you squat. You don't like it? Then piss off, and let your dollars talk. Being a fan on a hockey team doesn't mean that players all of a sudden owe you something. Do you really think that McDonalds owes you happy pleasant service and a high quality, healthy burger, just because you eat there?

The business will try to cater to fans to get you to purchase their product, but never in a million years does a business operate from the point of view that they owe you.



Registered User
Jan 31, 2006
Wow dude...

You sure know how business operates. :laugh:

Screw the customer...he's replaceable.

Is that what they teach at Algonquin these days?

Without fans, there is no league. Melnyk pays the salaries alright, after charging fans and various businesses an arm and a leg to watch or sponsor something.

Autographs and other community appearances / functions are part of the players' job.

I'd like to see someone operate a business with your attitude. You wouldn't last a month.

This is my response based on your post, I'm sure in real life you're quite lovely.

For someone so negative I'm surprised at your lack of critical though, but hey, I guess they don't teach that at Carlton University anymore...;)

I agree that community involvement is part of a players job, not because they owe it to you JH, no, it's because the boss requires them to do it. The nice thing about having to do nice things as part of your job is that, it feels good, looks good, and the players generally want to do it. Back to how a business is run. It's beneficial for a business to treat customers well so that they buy the product or service being offered, this is how a business makes money, but they don't owe you anything but to offer a product or service that fits within the confines of legal rules, and personal rights, nothing more. They can also not give anything to the community and suffer whatever penalties come with that. Spezza plays a large role in the community and has signed thousands of Autographs. Saying he's a bad captain because a few years ago he left right after one game is comical, and sad at the same time, which is what I was responding to.

As for your witty post about business and replaceable customers, a business like a hockey team will pander to the masses, and does a lot of things in general terms, with a few niche things here and there. They don't care that you're an emotional rollercoaster who feels entitled, and nor should they. Like I have tried explaining, at the base of it all, the hockey team is sports entertainment. Melnyk owes you to put a team on the ice to play another team, since he sold you a ticket for the event, he owes you nothing more. Just because you have expectations for grander treatment, doesn't make it so. Harald Ballard was this kind of guy. Ice a craptastic and cheap team to make money, do the fans appreciate it? No. Did he owe them more? No. Is he one of the most hated Leafs owner? Yes. It's an extreme example, but a factual one. Melnyk of course wants to have a competitive team, and in a small market that creates more interest and more loyalty, excitement, and ultimately the hope is more fan dollars, but make no mistake, he doesn't owe you that, it's just an attempt at good business.

A business owes the customer nothing but the product or service offered. The quality of said product is up to, and at the prerogative of the business owner. Generally a better product sells more, so that's what businesses try and do, though not too good, since you have to balance out the costs versus the revenue in order to maximize profits. However, as the leafs have shown, sometimes you can just sell a crap product to rabid customer base, because hey, YOU DON'T OWE THEM BEYOND THAT!

Now to deal with you specifically, because you're cute :)

Algonquin seems to be a successful business despite your disparaging remarks, I wonder how they do that without your loyal patronage. But you're right, gotta try and insult college educations while you're at it because, hey, you have to let your John Holmes show right?

The life of the entitle customer like yourself is an interesting one to watch unfold on a message board. Watching you get upset, be unable to play nice with others, slap blame around based on what you "think", and generally be a negative poster seems like lots of fun! I wish I knew how a business ran like you do, then I too could be a miserable, entitled, judgmental "poster". Sign me up dude, make a YouTube video, market that stuff, heck, start a business!

The dirty little truth is that it's not just posters on a message board that write off your opinions, the hockey team and it's owners don't actually care about you. I know it's crazy, and certainly an unhappy thought for you, but it's the unfortunate truth. Like you always do when you have no sensible argument, but want lash out with your general snarky negative drivel, you make things up. You are a classic "Appeal to the Extremes" type, but most see through that garbage.

Here's a website for you to read since this is what you do with many of your posts. Read it, make adjustments to your posting, and then people might take you seriously, maybe.

Have a wonderful Sunday over there on the East side :)
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Registered User
Nov 1, 2006
I realize that, but I can't help but noticing teams like Chicago, San Jose, Anaheim, Detroit, all have set plays within the neutral zone and offensive zone that utilize their skill players to create chances, while the little plays that we do make are mostly caused by chance or a lucky bouce. Our transition right now is a disaster, which leads to the first receiver in the offensive zone having no options but to dump it.

You have to blame the coaches of the Sens for not providing the players with a system of play which is effective in the offensive zone and defensive zone. Our team doesn't seem to know how to get out of our own zone cleanly, and can't come up with half decent puck control and scoring chances in the offensive zone. No wonder we look so bad out there.


Registered User
Jun 5, 2006
I think it is not laziness, but a lack of intensity and complacity? The big thing going forward for all NHL teams is finding players who want to WIN and play hard all the time, rather than sitting on their skills and big salaries...


During these difficult times...
Sep 9, 2009
I miss Fisher.

was thinking about this yesterday.
fisher or noesen(a third of the pckg for ryan)? hmmm

chris kelly(solution to our bottom 6) or shane prince?

those moves were part of the rebuild so really until those pieces are inserted into the lineup, that part of the rebuild is not complete. rebuild continues...


Big F$&*in Q
Jan 5, 2005
Ottawa, ON
Yeah, Fisher was probably the most polarizing player on this board for years. ;)

His disappearing act is reminiscent of a current Clarke MacArthur. *ZING*


Do The Right Thing
Aug 8, 2004
Yeah, Fisher was probably the most polarizing player on this board for years. ;)

His disappearing act is reminiscent of a current Clarke MacArthur. *ZING*

I took a beating on here defending Fish & now I'm defending Greening, Smith, Neil, Michalek & Kassian ... bob & weave ... :laugh:

Do Make Say Think

& Yet & Yet
Jun 26, 2007
I took a beating on here defending Fish & now I'm defending Greening, Smith, Neil, Michalek & Kassian ... bob & weave ... :laugh:

Most of the vitriol directed at Fisher were from idiots

It didn't help that Sensfan83 (or whatever his name was) made it really easy to hate on Fisher because of his outrageous posts on Fisher >> Spezza

Fisher was a good heart & soul player for us; the problem was that, while he wasn't bad, he wasn't very good offensively. He put up respectable numbers in the regular season but he never did much for us in the playoffs


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