member 262271
Right on, Hunky Dory is great, certainly miles ahead of Man who Sold the World. He was a great innovator and also great at getting some good musicians to record/tour with him. My vinyl collecting has really slown down in the past 5 or so years, I was in a spot where I was buying original pressings on ebay (YIKES) - but I love my collection.Hunky Dory and Let's Dance are mine. I listened to Bowie alot years ago, then kind of forgot about him for a while. But got back into him the last 5 years. Was such a quirky guy, but was a musical creator and had limitless talent. I have a few of his albums on vinyl. Started collecting vinyls 4 years back and now have a decent collection of 500+. Just really love my music haha.
Let's Dance has some good songs, not exactly my ideal Bowie era, but it's really solid compared to what came next.