Currently reading a modern adaptation of an oldie-but-goodie chinese work, loosely translated as "Behind Gilded Doors". I don't say "book" in this case because there are actually 10+ volumes to this work.
Put simply and very succinctly, it details and chronicles the lives of a variety of women living/serving in the harem of Emperor Wanli (1572-1620) of the late Ming Dynasty of China. The complicated story and many characters congregate in a loose but surprisingly coherent overall narrative despite the many diverging viewpoints and motivations.
What I like most about this work is its very high historical accuracy, stark realism of human interactions in the palace, and the genuinely relatable women populating the pages of the books.
Also, I am a history buff and I've read more than my fair share of monographs pertaining to China (culture, history, mythology, economy, imperial dynasties, and more) and I STILL learned quite a bit about etiquette and life as a concubine/servant in the late Ming Dynasty.
I heartily recommend this book series.