Confirmed with Link: The entire league lacks pride; also are cowards

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Registered User
Feb 22, 2020

There wasn't any thread that felt like this would fit in, so I made one up.

Seems idiotic when a team that is already in the dumpster PR wise is not going to have pride jerseys in warmups because of Kurashev being part Russian and two recent roster additions that are only here due to them being cap dumps.

Hell, even if the org doesn't care (they don't), at least pretend to. They already look terrible given the sexual assault coverup and, rightly or wrongly, still having an Indian head as a logo. Could've had an easy PR win and they still blew it.’s an idea...
Don’t dress Kurashev, Zaitsev and Khudobin
Dress Kaiser, Mitchell, Englund and Mrazek

Hattrick Kane

Registered User
Oct 8, 2018
13,318’s an idea...
Don’t dress Kurashev, Zaitsev and Khudobin
Dress Kaiser, Mitchell, Englund and Mrazek
Let’s not witch hunt players. I know for a fact Khudobin has worn pride jerseys in the past.

This is 100% a management decision. I will judge a player accordingly if they come out and speak against the pride jerseys like Reimer did.
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Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
Sports venues should stick to sports is the wrong venue and a bad idea to ask fans paying hard earned dollars to contemplate some "cause" whatever it socio-political gripes or agendas asking for special status nights" for its cause ...whatever that us.
Fans do Not want to wear clothing with symbols supporting whatever cause in a hockey arena...they are there paying to watch a GAME...not to think of societal problems or whatever another group of alleged victims asks in support of their "cause".
If LGBTQs want to have a Parade down Mainstream ti show their Pride in their own minority identities...fine.. get a permit from City Hall and parade...but it does not mean I should be forced to go there,forced to watch,or forced to wear clothing symbolic of their cause nor be shamed if I refuse to "participate"...

Neither should fans paying to watch a game be forced to watch a special night putvon by tge club for the LGBTQ cause,be shanec into wearing symbolic patches or clothing symbolizing that cause ,nor shoukd tge hockey pjayers ofthe team be forced into wearing tgese symbols of tgat cause ..They are paid to play games not to make socio-political cause "statenents".
Itvis z bad use that sports got taken over by "cause" orpnotion just like politically correct and trendy Hollywood was taken over in thus manner by cause promotion over strictly Entertainment.

You used to watch Johnny Carson for you watch non-funny cheerleaders lije Jimmy Kimmel for the "correct " causes you must '" support" and "include" ...

It has gone way overboard in scale and tge "causes" are by now getting stale ....

But tge bottom oay to attend games to watch a soirts game...not to cheerlead or debate for the latest "in" causes...

Enough with the annual LGBTQ Pride Night...tge novelty has worn its course...getvitvoutta here (Sorry Mark Lazerus will need to find the next cause to demand a special night for).

AND by the way Mark Lazeus special cause night decanters,You want to get in and "supoirt"...then You pay for a ticket ...novsports writer freebie.
Or if Soecial Nights are the new shtick for PC sports teams,then where are the Special Nights Nights for:

.The Blind
.The Deaf
.The Paraplegics and Qudraplegics?
.The Poor
.The Homeless.
.The Carbon Zero Zealots
Hey 41hone games ...why not 41 special nights a year for specific "causes"?

How about we pick 1 worthy cause both straights and LGBTQs can all agree on=in support of Cancer Research?After alk is that not INCLUSIVE for everybody?Even Putin woukd not object ..and everyone...even players would be delighted to wear jerseys and symbols suooirtibg that cause that concerns us all.

LHBTQs have there Pride Parades.. should be ENOUGH for their "cause"...but sports fans should not be diverted fron the game at hand to be forced to get tge LGBTQ message shoved into their brains by a questionable Special Night singling out this "cause"....
AND IFwe must have cause nights at all...there far more worthy causes deserving of our attention than 1 more identity politics divisive issue such as this one.

The teams should dump all soecial group cause nights and Only do Special Nights to help raise money for General Societal Health causes like Cancer and Heart Disease ...Everyone in alk sexual identity groups can get behind thise causes.


Registered User
Mar 18, 2010
Chicago, IL
I think it's most likely a Russian but hockey players tend to run pretty conservative. It could be anyone.

Not anymore man. I play on 4 teams full time. Sub on a couple more. Conservatives are outnumbered 5:1, even on the older teams I play on (I play Over Forty Elite League). I don't know a single f***ing guy who would object to wearing a pride jersey, even the guys in their 50s, who are hard right wingers. And I play with a BUNCH of guys in their 50s and 60s. The world has changed. Conservatism is dying. Thankfully.

Conservatives in the US are mostly lower, and lower middle class, whites. Or boomers. And those people just don't play hockey. Upper middle class white people are overwhelmingly moderate or liberal, much to the "old boy's club's" displeasure.

This move by the Hawks is just straight up stupidity, and out of touch with their fanbase.


Registered User
Jul 23, 2022
Sports venues should stick to sports is the wrong venue and a bad idea to ask fans paying hard earned dollars to contemplate some "cause" whatever it socio-political gripes or agendas asking for special status nights" for its cause ...whatever that us.
Fans do Not want to wear clothing with symbols supporting whatever cause in a hockey arena...they are there paying to watch a GAME...not to think of societal problems or whatever another group of alleged victims asks in support of their "cause".
Agree with the sentiment but disagree that people are there to watch the GAME. Used to be the case but not anymore. People get in their seats late, can't wait for an intermission to get up and leave their seat. Every stoppage of play is a barrage of some sort of bullshit from ads to sausage races etc.

Heaven forbid you would like to discuss the actual game events with your seat partner, nope-stimulation and over stimulation is the name of the game now.

As to all the players who do wear various cause celeb items. many are just capitulating to the group think and go along to get along. They don't want any heat. It's all virtue signaling.

Can someone help this old man off his soapbox.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2009
From the outside looking in - the Chicago Blackhawk’s have no values. Weakest in the NHL and I’m a Sens fan
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Pronounced T-Lay
Feb 28, 2015
Bomoseen, Vermont
Bogus excuse after bogus excuse, from an organization that doesn't exactly have any bogus excuses left to play.

Its f***ing Zaitsev and Khudobin and we are actively trying to lose. Just tell them to sit out and do the right thing if you are so concerned about safety. Its the wrong move, AGAIN.

& spare me with this "it doesn't do anything/its a waste of time narrative" somehow everyone from the LGBTQ community says otherwise, so maybe we should listen.


Registered User
Mar 21, 2022
If there are legitimate concerns for the players or the players' families safety just scratch them for the game and then put out a statement explaining that. That way the org doesn't look like ass and neither do the players.
Thats what they did no?


Blackhawk Down
Jun 19, 2004
South Side
Not anymore man. I play on 4 teams full time. Sub on a couple more. Conservatives are outnumbered 5:1, even on the older teams I play on (I play Over Forty Elite League). I don't know a single f***ing guy who would object to wearing a pride jersey, even the guys in their 50s, who are hard right wingers. And I play with a BUNCH of guys in their 50s and 60s. The world has changed. Conservatism is dying. Thankfully.

Conservatives in the US are mostly lower, and lower middle class, whites. Or boomers. And those people just don't play hockey. Upper middle class white people are overwhelmingly moderate or liberal, much to the "old boy's club's" displeasure.

This move by the Hawks is just straight up stupidity, and out of touch with their fanbase.
Most hockey players aren't from the US. They also aren't middle class.


Registered User
Mar 21, 2022
This is like Christmas for all the wacko journalist that claim moral superiority over everyone. Laz, Ben Pope, Rick Westhead. Everyone just wants to watch hockey. If the Russian players family could be in danger .000001% dont wear the jerseys. The organization and players can support LGBTQ rights in other ways.

Why aren't these people so disgusted clamoring for more inclusivity? Do they make the players wear a star of david jersey for Jewish Heritage night?

Its all just talking points. The NHL is a cross section of society. Of course some players dont want to wear gay pride jerseys. Why is this a suprise?


Registered User
Dec 22, 2011
This is not like having a cancer night and wearing a pink jersey, or having the guys in the goofy hats hang out at the rink to raise some cash for Shriners Hospitals where the causes are univerasally (as much as anything can actually be agreed on today) deemed as good causes. A pride night celebrating things a significant portion of society (based on religious, political, &/or cultural background) do not agree with is a recipe for disaster. There are differences between tolerance, acceptance, and celebrating. Expecting society in general at the least to tolerate LGQT and preferably accept is one thing, expecting all to celebrate is proabably a bridge to far.

Why not have sports teams cater to religious groups with a night where the jersey gets worn? Catholic night, Protestant night, Baptist night, Jewish night, Islam night, Budist night, atheist night....maybe sprinkle in pro-life night where a fetus can replace the indianhead, and give equal time to the pro choice folks where we can have a my body my choice name plate? The reason none of that happens is topics like religion and when life starts are polarizing as are many parts of LGQT (to a much lesser degree, but polarizing none the less).
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