Me? I was a pro for a few years. Didn't listen to too many people, cause not many people inspire me.
Would I listen to Mike Babcock? Probably for a bit, he sure came in with a lot of confidence, and organization.
Would I listen to Roger Neilson? Probably, a lot. A real lot.
Would I listen to Joe Brophy? Maybe, if I was hanging on, in the AHL, ya, I would. NHL, cannot say.
Would I listen to Pat Quinn, I have asked two friends of mine, Darce and Shay. they seemed to like him a lot.
But me, would I listen to him? I guess so. He seemed to respect, what playing and being, in the NHL was all about. NHLers like that.
Every NHLer cept the top four picks every year, know what a meat grinder the NHL life is.
Would I respond to Sheldon Keefe?
That is the question I ask right now Seems like a cool guy, got the young face, coupled with the cool shade of grey.
But does he have "it". I will lean towards. He doesn't KNOW, if he has it, and the players feel that.
He never made a mark on the NHL as a player, and that ultimately, comes at question for every NHL player, when they confront a coach.
So accordingly, can he match that with toughness, like Pat Burns did so expertly, for us, in 93?
I dunno.
To me, Toronto, has had one great coach, in the time I have watched them. Pat Burns.
Sheldon Keefe? I dunno. Certainly seems smart, cool. Kinda jet set handsome, although he seems to have put on at least 20 lbs in the last two years.
Can this guy, guide this very, very talented team, to a CUP? I will say YES, HA. YES HE CAN. He is vulnerable and I think the players like that. They feel comfortable with him.
Nothing guaranteed, but he is the first coach since Burns, I really like, I feel certain the players feel the same way. So HOO YA, Campbell, Keefe, Mitch, Matthews, Brodie. lets go get em