They have to say whatever the league wants them to say, and if Hrudey were in the medical profession he'd be a head nurseThe amount of “hockey people” that like game management is insane to me.
They have to say whatever the league wants them to say, and if Hrudey were in the medical profession he'd be a head nurseThe amount of “hockey people” that like game management is insane to me.
Did you hear the nonsense Andi Petrillo spewed about it few days back? How it's there to fix the wrong calls?The amount of “hockey people” that like game management is insane to me.
TSN also employs Button and Poulin, who have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about half the time. Doesn’t help that Dreger makes shit up often. The good sports broadcasters in Canada are far and few in between.
This offensive lull isn’t going to last forever, and having to score 3 or more goals due to an .857 SV% stretch from Andersen wasn’t going to either. The chances are there, the pucks will go in soon enough. The trade deadline will help them out too depending on who’s acquired.
This ideology isn't helping the game grow. We are stuck in being at the mercy of the ref, akin to a King, they decide if they feel like honouring the rulebook or not.
The Super Bowl had some tough calls. Some courageous calls that cost K.C some points. Regardless of the opinion on if they were infractions or not, the bottom line is that the refs took the heat under the bright lights. They didn't manage the game.
I grew up on the idea that a penalty in the first minute isn't the same standard as OT. This simply has to end. The sport is only growing by default, a function of sports being bigger parts of our lives across the spectrum.
Other sports continue to dwarf the popularity of the NHL even while NHL is faster and can be more exciting (if talent wins the day).
Everything is equal so everything is fine!
Typical response by the league.
That’s the way the world is going. In the future there will be no score and everyone celebrates the cup together. Everyone wins we’re all equal.The fetishization of parity with this f***ing league is ridiculous.
Most of the people who like game management are “partners” of Gary Bettman or hope to be in the future. He is one effective business dudeThe amount of “hockey people” that like game management is insane to me.