Quebec and the other provinces that make up the Quebec Junior League are areas that actually have a decline in population. Fewer young adults (potential parents) as they leave for better jobs in other parts of Canada.
Former NHL stars...Pat Lafontaine and Jeremy Roenick play in the Quebec. Can't think of any high profile Americans that played in the Quebec League..Ontario and Western Leagues yes. The "French" education hurts the influx of English speaking students who might have played in the Quebec league.
Actually hockey registration is down in Canada. Expensive, dangerous, and more options might hockey less appealing. And new immigrants don't have hockey to their blood. Even if the newcomers watch it, talk about it, they might direct their children to play another sport.
A generation or more ago, the arena was big gathering spot to small town communities. After school, children would often be at the arena, "supervised" by older children. Could you see that happening now?
The arena wouldn't be open (only to paying patrons) and to do parents allow their kids to mingle the way they used to?
We might be seeing a change in the US too regarding football. There might be fewer teenagers playing organized tackle football due to a injury and liability issues. The young folks just aren't participating at the same numbers as previous generations.