Online Series: The Boys (Amazon) - Season 4

The Great Mighty Poo

I don't like you either.
Feb 21, 2020
Aw did you finally realize it's been making fun of you the whole time?
annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd welcome to the blocked list,But please continue to be a pompous dick incapable of having an intelligent conversation.
Since you don't know a single goddamn thing about me, as I hate BOTH political parties, all forms of government,all forms of organized religions and most people on this pathetic excuse for a planet, but yeah keep thinking it's "making fun of people like me" as you couldn't be more wrong, you lose, thank you for playing, you get nothing, please don't come back or try again.

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Registered User
Apr 2, 2005
Vancouver, BC
One thing that seems minor but really annoyed me about the last episode is that the Kessler reveal really could have done with those cheesy Fight-Club-lifted flashback cuts. The reveal has been so telegraphed that the scene would have been perfectly clear and way better without it.

Having it revealed when he interacts with Becca would have actually been a nice touch without that extra stuff added on top, IMO.


Registered User
Oct 14, 2008
Watched the latest episode...

Good to have things moving, but I'm not sure anymore it's in the right direction. I dunno. Feels so chaotic.

The Sage stuff...unbelievable how they've made that. Sage knew A-Train was the leak but didn't tell Homelander? Obviously she needed to. He'd never be cool with that. And then more importantly, Homelander found out she's doing stuff behind his back and DOESN'T kill her? Completely unbelievable he just lets the smartest woman alive WITH ALL OF HIS SECRET PLANS NOW live and walk away.

The Deep was unlikable again. I don't like Deep when he's unlikable. I liked-liking him. I hate-not liking him.

Looks like the biggest hero is...Ashley? Who saw that coming, eh.

I don't get why Kimiko can't speak still, but meh we'll see I guess if there's more.


DJ Crazy Times
Apr 7, 2008
Las Vegas
Sort of a good hits bad misses episode

I didn't really keep track of all them but there were a few narrative inconsistencies throughout the episode so I'm not gonna tally em off one by one. It just did hurt the episode overall. I'd add that MM's decision to stay felt really cliched and lazy in how it was developed.

I did like Kimiko expanding on her backstory to get Frenchie out of his guilt ridden funk and then him eventually saving her (that does remind me of one of the nitpicks though. Sameer is supposed to be a top scientist, and I get that Frenchie is a talented chemist but come on, top science guy vs. junkie experimental chemist and the latter is the one who figures out the right way to temper a bioweapon to prevent it escalating to a full blown supe killing pandemic?)

I am reasonably satisfied with A-Train's redemption arc overall. I don't think he'll be killed off this season and may just get saved for a noble sacrifice next season. Jesse T. Usher's monologue with MM about how saving MM's life and being seen by that one kid was the one time he never hated himself, that was really good.

I don't know how the finale is going to shake out, but I am intrigued to see what happens. Plenty still to come with Ryan, Homelander, Butcher, Annie, maybe A-Train, and maybe Sage is the wild card in all of it that will hatch some plan to f*** things up for everyone
Watched the latest episode...

Good to have things moving, but I'm not sure anymore it's in the right direction. I dunno. Feels so chaotic.

The Sage stuff...unbelievable how they've made that. Sage knew A-Train was the leak but didn't tell Homelander? Obviously she needed to. He'd never be cool with that. And then more importantly, Homelander found out she's doing stuff behind his back and DOESN'T kill her? Completely unbelievable he just lets the smartest woman alive WITH ALL OF HIS SECRET PLANS NOW live and walk away.

The Deep was unlikable again. I don't like Deep when he's unlikable. I liked-liking him. I hate-not liking him.

Looks like the biggest hero is...Ashley? Who saw that coming, eh.

I don't get why Kimiko can't speak still, but meh we'll see I guess if there's more.
Yeah I agree, Homelander has killed for less, even in this episode. It really doesn't make sense that he'd just let her go home unscathed. Definitely felt like a writer's room "we need her for later" but there's been plenty of that throughout the show. Objectively, Homelander could have wiped The Boys away on multiple occasions without much consequence if he really put his mind to it. At least with Neuman they have built in "mutually assured destruction" but for Homelander, it's either he just forgets about them/doesn't take them seriously, or he enjoys watching The Boys try to f*** with him.

I don't think Deep was ever supposed to be likable. The characterization with him is actually pretty strong still. He's been more or less neutered by all the shit he had to go through because of the Starlight situation and Homelander putting him down at every turn. There's some comedy in how all it took was one smart person telling him he's a superior being to get his over-confidence back and go right back to being the same old f***head.

How was Ashley a hero? All she did was promise to give A-Train time to get away and reminded him to pop out his tracker.

As for Kimiko, I feel like it's just a "trauma works in strange ways" kind of thing. I don't think we're going to get more of an answer. Maybe she finds her peace with that girl she obviously mutilated in the past and next season it'll be a speaking role for her but I doubt we're getting a more nuanced explanation for why she's mute than we did in this episode.
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Family Friend
Apr 1, 2004
South Rectangle
Watched the latest episode...

Good to have things moving, but I'm not sure anymore it's in the right direction. I dunno. Feels so chaotic.

The Sage stuff...unbelievable how they've made that. Sage knew A-Train was the leak but didn't tell Homelander? Obviously she needed to. He'd never be cool with that. And then more importantly, Homelander found out she's doing stuff behind his back and DOESN'T kill her? Completely unbelievable he just lets the smartest woman alive WITH ALL OF HIS SECRET PLANS NOW live and walk away.

The Deep was unlikable again. I don't like Deep when he's unlikable. I liked-liking him. I hate-not liking him.

Looks like the biggest hero is...Ashley? Who saw that coming, eh.

I don't get why Kimiko can't speak still, but meh we'll see I guess if there's more.
A) Sage is arrogant

B) You expect Homelander to sit on that for any length of time much less not lash out?


Registered User
Sep 6, 2005
Portland, OR
I'm still a little baffled by how Hughie is able to drop in unannounced at get a meeting with the VP elect. Did I miss something?


F*ck cancer - RIP Fugu and Buffaloed
Jan 6, 2012
Simcoe County
You all are just sitting there fine with just watching Frenchie hacksaw Kamiko's leg off ... That was a tough watch.

That's a season finale primer if I've ever seen one. MM shifting gears back and forth wasn't a bad idea per say, but they rushed it. Homelander not killing Sage was a surprise considering he ripped apart Webweaver for much less. Evidently they're trying to portray how much of a mindf*** she's had on him, but it seems off.

Nice twist at the end with Annie.

And after it seemed Homelander finally got through to Ryan, we're back to a Homelander vs Ryan showdown in the final season.


DJ Crazy Times
Apr 7, 2008
Las Vegas
Didn't know this was airing at midnight. Watched it before work. Quick thoughts

Kimiko speaking for the first time under that traumatic condition was pretty heart wrenching. Though on the other hand it felt a little cheap that Kimiko could be manhandled like that. I'd have to imagine that her detainors were supes.

Grace had to either understand the plan with Ryan wasn't going to work or just knock him out as soon as he walked into the room. I get the idea that you need Ryan pliable to convince him to take on Homelander but she went and f***ed that up.

What Butcher did was somewhat understandable. With Vought essentially taking over the US Government, Neuman's status as an informant wasn't going to be very useful. Not to say he was right to do it, but still. It does more or less leave the Boys as neutered as they've ever been. Basically, you've got an army of supes vs. a recharged Annie, a pissed off Kimiko, a lone wolf Butcher, maybe Ashley depending on what her powers are (who has plenty of reason to want to strike back at Vought), maybe A-Train, and maybe Ryan if he can find his own moral fiber again, maybe Soldier Boy gets let out but I don't really know why he'd be opposed to a world run by Supes enough to help.

If the show's final season was going to go a plausible route to get humanity out of this mess, then it would follow the comics and Hughie, MM, and Frenchie would somehow get V into their systems to fight back. But that also contradicts the show's core message so I don't know.

I don't think the find my iPhone explanation really explains how Starlight got into the underground bunker to save everyone and it feels like a plot contrivance they just couldn't solve. Also Annie giving Hughie shit for having sex with the shapeshifter? I know she let it go but come on. That was unnecessary drama for the sake of it. Like Hughie was essentially raped. Though Hughie's "f*** yeah, Hughie" line was pretty great so I give it a pass.

I do think it's funny that the Frenchie/Kimiko shippers dooming and being homophobic did all that bitching and moaning for nothing. I liked that the two finally came together and their respective journeys to get there this season was kind of annoying to watch but I was satisfied with the justification.

I felt for Neuman ultimately. Like yeah she was ready to shake hands with the devil to get what she wants but she was an interesting character piece on how supes can end up in a childhood development situation more or less like Homelander's. Homelander was psychologically programmed to need approval from a "lesser species" and cracked when he realized how fragile that species is. Neuman developed an ambition to seek power to protect herself and, eventually, her daughter, but she couldn't and didn't really seem to want to sacrifice her morals and humanity to do it. I understand Butcher not wanting to give her that chance but it still sucked to see.

Like @Hasbro said, a really bleak ending, but interestingly the "attack on Washington" from the comics has more or less been consummated by Homelander and Vought with a lot less violence and sheer oppression of humans involved. That's not to say that's not coming but Homelander still seemed interested in the power of human public opinion with that list of potential Vought employees who can damage the company image so the takeover wasn't as brutal as it could've been but we'll see what Sage's "phase 2" looks like.

All in all a pretty worthy finale that sets up a lot for the finale season


Family Friend
Apr 1, 2004
South Rectangle
Didn't know this was airing at midnight. Watched it before work. Quick thoughts

Kimiko speaking for the first time under that traumatic condition was pretty heart wrenching. Though on the other hand it felt a little cheap that Kimiko could be manhandled like that. I'd have to imagine that her detainors were supes.

Grace had to either understand the plan with Ryan wasn't going to work or just knock him out as soon as he walked into the room. I get the idea that you need Ryan pliable to convince him to take on Homelander but she went and f***ed that up.

What Butcher did was somewhat understandable. With Vought essentially taking over the US Government, Neuman's status as an informant wasn't going to be very useful. Not to say he was right to do it, but still. It does more or less leave the Boys as neutered as they've ever been. Basically, you've got an army of supes vs. a recharged Annie, a pissed off Kimiko, a lone wolf Butcher, maybe Ashley depending on what her powers are (who has plenty of reason to want to strike back at Vought), maybe A-Train, and maybe Ryan if he can find his own moral fiber again, maybe Soldier Boy gets let out but I don't really know why he'd be opposed to a world run by Supes enough to help.

If the show's final season was going to go a plausible route to get humanity out of this mess, then it would follow the comics and Hughie, MM, and Frenchie would somehow get V into their systems to fight back. But that also contradicts the show's core message so I don't know.

I don't think the find my iPhone explanation really explains how Starlight got into the underground bunker to save everyone and it feels like a plot contrivance they just couldn't solve. Also Annie giving Hughie shit for having sex with the shapeshifter? I know she let it go but come on. That was unnecessary drama for the sake of it. Like Hughie was essentially raped. Though Hughie's "f*** yeah, Hughie" line was pretty great so I give it a pass.

I do think it's funny that the Frenchie/Kimiko shippers dooming and being homophobic did all that bitching and moaning for nothing. I liked that the two finally came together and their respective journeys to get there this season was kind of annoying to watch but I was satisfied with the justification.

I felt for Neuman ultimately. Like yeah she was ready to shake hands with the devil to get what she wants but she was an interesting character piece on how supes can end up in a childhood development situation more or less like Homelander's. Homelander was psychologically programmed to need approval from a "lesser species" and cracked when he realized how fragile that species is. Neuman developed an ambition to seek power to protect herself and, eventually, her daughter, but she couldn't and didn't really seem to want to sacrifice her morals and humanity to do it. I understand Butcher not wanting to give her that chance but it still sucked to see.

Like @Hasbro said, a really bleak ending, but interestingly the "attack on Washington" from the comics has more or less been consummated by Homelander and Vought with a lot less violence and sheer oppression of humans involved. That's not to say that's not coming but Homelander still seemed interested in the power of human public opinion with that list of potential Vought employees who can damage the company image so the takeover wasn't as brutal as it could've been but we'll see what Sage's "phase 2" looks like.

All in all a pretty worthy finale that sets up a lot for the finale season
I'm sure Stan Edgar will have some part to play in fighting Homelander.
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Holden Caulfield

He's guilty
Feb 15, 2006
Didn't know this was airing at midnight. Watched it before work. Quick thoughts

Kimiko speaking for the first time under that traumatic condition was pretty heart wrenching. Though on the other hand it felt a little cheap that Kimiko could be manhandled like that. I'd have to imagine that her detainors were supes.

Grace had to either understand the plan with Ryan wasn't going to work or just knock him out as soon as he walked into the room. I get the idea that you need Ryan pliable to convince him to take on Homelander but she went and f***ed that up.

What Butcher did was somewhat understandable. With Vought essentially taking over the US Government, Neuman's status as an informant wasn't going to be very useful. Not to say he was right to do it, but still. It does more or less leave the Boys as neutered as they've ever been. Basically, you've got an army of supes vs. a recharged Annie, a pissed off Kimiko, a lone wolf Butcher, maybe Ashley depending on what her powers are (who has plenty of reason to want to strike back at Vought), maybe A-Train, and maybe Ryan if he can find his own moral fiber again, maybe Soldier Boy gets let out but I don't really know why he'd be opposed to a world run by Supes enough to help.

If the show's final season was going to go a plausible route to get humanity out of this mess, then it would follow the comics and Hughie, MM, and Frenchie would somehow get V into their systems to fight back. But that also contradicts the show's core message so I don't know.

I don't think the find my iPhone explanation really explains how Starlight got into the underground bunker to save everyone and it feels like a plot contrivance they just couldn't solve. Also Annie giving Hughie shit for having sex with the shapeshifter? I know she let it go but come on. That was unnecessary drama for the sake of it. Like Hughie was essentially raped. Though Hughie's "f*** yeah, Hughie" line was pretty great so I give it a pass.

I do think it's funny that the Frenchie/Kimiko shippers dooming and being homophobic did all that bitching and moaning for nothing. I liked that the two finally came together and their respective journeys to get there this season was kind of annoying to watch but I was satisfied with the justification.

I felt for Neuman ultimately. Like yeah she was ready to shake hands with the devil to get what she wants but she was an interesting character piece on how supes can end up in a childhood development situation more or less like Homelander's. Homelander was psychologically programmed to need approval from a "lesser species" and cracked when he realized how fragile that species is. Neuman developed an ambition to seek power to protect herself and, eventually, her daughter, but she couldn't and didn't really seem to want to sacrifice her morals and humanity to do it. I understand Butcher not wanting to give her that chance but it still sucked to see.

Like @Hasbro said, a really bleak ending, but interestingly the "attack on Washington" from the comics has more or less been consummated by Homelander and Vought with a lot less violence and sheer oppression of humans involved. That's not to say that's not coming but Homelander still seemed interested in the power of human public opinion with that list of potential Vought employees who can damage the company image so the takeover wasn't as brutal as it could've been but we'll see what Sage's "phase 2" looks like.

All in all a pretty worthy finale that sets up a lot for the finale season

The blond who mind controlled Frenchie and the guy holding Kimiko are both supes from Gen V, the spin off. They showed up earlier in episode 4 or 5 as well as Homelander sycophants.

I'm trying not to spoil anything from Gen V, which was solid but not nearly at The Boys level IMO, but I imagine the "other side" of the Gen V characters will show up in S5 of The Boys on Hughie/MM/Starlight's side.

The season was clearly the Empire Strikes Back season, bleak ending. Not sure how it'll all end up in S5. Really hopeful for comeuppance for hot female Alex Jones at least haha. This is a show, but seriously f*** those people who prey on people's fears like that, that type of personality exists alot in the real world and it makes me sick.

Lt Dan

F*** your ice cream!
Sep 13, 2018
Bayou La Batre

I wish the Star Wars shows had this good of writing

Overall I thought this was the weakest season for sure, but still with some impacftul moments.

That's probably the best season finale though IMO.
Outside of episodes 1-3 ( I now understand why they released them all at once) I loved this season
Episodes 4 and 5 were insane and this finale was insane


Registered User
May 25, 2012
Star Shoppin
Felt it was a weaker season, and personally for me I think a big reason for that is not much Butcher action. What we got all season was him just dying, being weak and sick. At least it looks like we have the old Butcher back for the final season. That finale got me looking forward to the final season.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
San Diego
Had a couple minor things spoiled for me thanks to YouTube thumbnails, but I still enjoyed it. Unfortunately it looks like 2026 for the next season. Maybe Gen V season 2 for next summer?


RIP other Ashley, for some reason that hit me more than Neuman
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Mr Jiggyfly

Registered User
Jan 29, 2004
Had a couple minor things spoiled for me thanks to YouTube thumbnails, but I still enjoyed it. Unfortunately it looks like 2026 for the next season. Maybe Gen V season 2 for next summer?

Ya I read it will be delayed because of Perdomo’s death.

For those who don’t know, Chance Perdomo died in a bike accident in March:


Mr. Canucklehead

Kitimat Canuck
Dec 14, 2002
Kitimat, BC
Enjoyed the episode, and largely enjoyed the season - a few misses and storylines that didn’t really add much, but largely a consistently excellent season.

I like the idealistic theme centering on forgiveness for some of the characters. I think that will play a part in the final season.
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F*ck cancer - RIP Fugu and Buffaloed
Jan 6, 2012
Simcoe County
Ya I read it will be delayed because of Perdomo’s death.

For those who don’t know, Chance Perdomo died in a bike accident in March:

Damn RIP kid.

Personally I enjoyed this season .. but I try to not overthink things :laugh:

They closed off Frenchie's arc as quickly as they introduced it. Really was an advancement of he and Kimiko to wrap up the final season.

IMO this show is somewhat antihero on the character arcs. Even when Butcher tried, he failed and now is poised to go out with a bang.

Ryan has had an up and down season. It should be interesting to see what side of the fence he ends on and same with Solider Boy.

The most surprising thing is no A-train in this episode, and he's still alive. I'm pulling for a Queen Maeve return in the final season (after taking some V).

The Gen V crossovers were nice in this season. I really hope they can bring Marie Moreau in to this.

Seems like they have done well using this season to table set the series finale .. I think it's perfectly timed[/spoiler}

The whole show really shows the underbelly of society .. it's hard to believer they'll wrap it up with a pretty rainbow that all is well in the end

Pierce Hawthorne

HFBoards Sponsor
Apr 29, 2012
Caverns of Draconis

I wish the Star Wars shows had this good of writing

Outside of episodes 1-3 ( I now understand why they released them all at once) I loved this season
Episodes 4 and 5 were insane and this finale was insane
I dont think it was horrible or anything, had some great moments for sure. And I think the finale has set up the final season extremely well.

But I also felt like quite a bit of filler occurred this season that didn't really add much value to the season so far(Hughie's father, Deeps Love Triangle, Noir talking at all).

Overall a solid like 7.5/10 for me, but I'd probably have the other seasons all in the 8.5-9/10 range I think.


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