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This is not about who was better overall player or who has more team awards, to me this is about who people will remember 30years from now and 30years from now most younger fans will have no idea who is Crosby but Ovi’s name will be immortal and mentioned together with names like Lemieux Orr Gretzky
Since we are making predictions, the more time goes on, the more Crosby will be viewed as being on the Mount Rushmore of hockey as the best player in the past 50 years/21st Century.
While Wayne and Mario will always be rated in the Top 5 based on their video game numbers, it will become clearer that they benefitted from playing in an unprecented higher scoring era. Crosby is adding elite longevity to his resume with 20 years of being a Top 5/10 player like Howe did; part of the reason he is included in the Big 4.
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