OT: The Avalounge: Steamed Hams, despite the fact they are obviously grilled


Registered User
Nov 20, 2016
Summerside, PEI
It truly was. It required a monthly blood panel. If it wasn't for that I'd have no idea that i was anemic. In an otherwise healthy adult with a diet that consists of iron, there is no reason to be anemic unless you are bleeding internally. I have no symptoms. If it wasn't for this, I would have continued to go along my merry way until I something affected me, and at that point, it probably would have been to far along to actually treat.

That's why I'm saying and will continue to say....get your blood work done every year when you hit 35. Don't be afraid of the black mamba. Get a colonoscopy done early if anyone in your family has had cancer. If you have insurance it will pay for it. If you don't have insurance, just ask yourself....how much is a healthy checkup worth? The key for me was that the blood panel showed I was anemic. That meant I was bleeding internally. Blood panels are probably covered by most insurance companies.
Thankfully I had blood work done this summer for the first time since high school and all was good. I was sure something would be off since I haven't been in ages.
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Habitual Line Stepper
Aug 17, 2005
I'd second the idea of shaving your head if the chemo will affect your hair. The chemo won't affect you right away may even take several weeks, so there is no hurry to do it right away. My wife trimmed her hair to only a few inches long but found that even that irritated hair follicles. At the very least i'd recommend a close buzz. Not sure about facial hair, the wife never had to worry about that haha.

Don't worry about the weight, it might be a blessing in disguise. My wife had to take steroids the day before, day of, and day after chemo and those days she ate like a horse. The other days in between were hit as miss. Some days were nothing more than light snacking while others were quite normal.

I'd also recommend that anyone you see on the regular basis get their flu shots. Chemo will knock your immune system back a bit. It's just one less thing to worry about.

Haha I'd like to second this one too. I had my first colonoscopy last year. I was having lower abdominal pain which luckily is just tied to poor mechanics in my hip. Fortunately for me though the colonoscopy did find a polyp which was easily removed during the procedure. The polyp ended up being nothing but if left long enough polyp's will eventually turn cancerous. I'll have to go again when I'm 40 but that's no big deal. Like you said the colonoscopy itsself was extremely easy. They didn't even knock me out, just a local anesthetic I guess. I was watching the screen and talking to the doc they whole time. No discomfort at all. The day before prep sucked but it nothing worse than a stomach bug.
Thanks for the likes and the feedback. If nothing else, maybe we can encourage folks around here to take care of themselves starting at an earlier age.
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Habitual Line Stepper
Aug 17, 2005
Thankfully I had blood work done this summer for the first time since high school and all was good. I was sure something would be off since I haven't been in ages.
Can't tell you how thankful I am that you did a check up and that it came back roses for you. Keep doing them Foppberg! As we get older, it gets easier and easier to put off our own health because work, life, whatever. I encourage you to just go ahead and schedule an annual exam and make sure that it is treated like a vacation. Nothing can interfere with it. It's a day for you to go see the docs and allow them to check the entire engine and under carriage.
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Cloud IX
Mar 5, 2010
Toruń, PL

Finally an excuse.

Also, there's like a Eurodance cover of this one you might have heard in the 2000s.

Also, if you've had the pleasure of discussing 80's music with me before, I've undoubtedly brought this song up.

Good song, but the love ballads just don't really get me compared to melodic chorus'. Probably the reason why I like Kpop, but it's unbelievable since she looked so fit her entire life and still got cancer.

So...I was just diagnosed with colorectal cancer. It started in my colon and has spread to my liver. I don't feel anything yet. Only realized this because my wife dragged me to a dermatologist to work on rosacia this past summer. The meds' she had me on required a monthly blood panel and it showed that I was anemic. Thank the lord for this, if I wasn't doing this, I would have not found out about this until it was too late to treat.
Oh man expat, that is terrible to hear fam. Extremely good news that you got it caught early, don't like hearing that it spread to your liver meaning the cancer has metastasizing characteristics. However, the liver is only organ which can grow back so good that it target that instead of the pancreas or something else. Stay strong buddy, you'll be in my thoughts.


De Opresso Liber
Jul 20, 2011
Best wishes @xpatriatedtexan , glad you caught it brother.

We definitely don't take good enough care of ourselves. I've definitely slacked off now that I don't have the Army kicking me in the ass every year.

My kids grandfather on their mom's side got colon cancer. I'd suggest eating some of your favorite foods. The treatment made him hate some of the foods he loved. I don't know the science behind it, but its worth asking the doc about.
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Cloud IX
Mar 5, 2010
Toruń, PL


Cloud IX
Mar 5, 2010
Toruń, PL
No, I just wanted you to imagine how bad that would be.

I also played a bunch of Evanescence real badly.
You probably could've played Kelly Clarkson with your eyes closed it was that easy. Which Evanescence songs? I heard a few, but not sure how hard they are.


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