The Arizona State Land Department has cancelled the Phoenix land auction

The Hockey Tonk Man

Registered User
May 3, 2007
Let hockey die in Arizona.
Seems there so many nimby’s.
Could have been a cool thing. But it’s dead. They tried.
Watch Utah build a great team now that this mess is behind them


Dec 16, 2009
The fans both are and are not to blame for this whole mess. The core fans have been super supportive of the team, way beyond what most sane people would expect, but it's that support that kept making the situation worse and worse.

How many times over the years did we hear from fans and NHL media about how every little step in the process was the thing that was going to solidify the team in that market and have success for years to come. How many times did fans and NHL media blindly support sub par and/or shady owners and arena agreements or future plans as the same above marker. How many times did fans and NHL media deny the financial reality that was facing the team. How many times did fans and NHL media look away when trying to sheepishly justify take tens of millions of dollars from local governments just to stay semi afloat.

Without all of that blind support, this situation would have been needed to be resolved over a decade ago.
If the NHL can't survive in a market of over 1.6 million people, that's not a fan problem. It's a league problem.
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Hardly Deactivated
Aug 30, 2009
Buzzing BoH
It sounds like red tape. The AZ State Land Dept. is in charge of auctioning the land, but who's in charge of supplying the permit? What would be the holdup in granting one?

City of Phoenix. They want the permit.

The land isn’t zoned right for an arena. At least not one of that size.

Meruelo was always running the assumption it was because of another youth hockey arena previously approved in a similar zone.
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Hardly Deactivated
Aug 30, 2009
Buzzing BoH
which is what i want to know why did this come up way way sooner.
My guess is they were hoping for the theme park district law to go a certain way. The original draft cut cities out of the process, but it got amended back in right before it passed last week.

But they could have simply screwed this pooch like everything else to date.


Registered User
Jan 21, 2016
I honestly think Meruelo didn't even try to get the permit and knew back in like January that he wasn't getting the land. Lots of rumours of him being a sheister so he probably was just getting the money from selling all along.


Registered User
Jun 26, 2015
You would think that relocation would be rock bottom, but nope, Yotes management finds a way.

Only Meruelo and the Yotes could "lose" a land auction in which they're the only bidder.

Congrats to him though for getting the NHL to buy the team back (that he bought for 450 million) for one billion dollars -- after he drove it into the ground.


Registered User
Jan 21, 2018
The incompetence of the incompetents that are AM and XG is mind boggling.

I really don’t believe this is anything but orchestrated on their part. Each step of this process they have been shown to be poor at planning, gathering necessary resources and experts to put together winning solutions.

As a person that lives in the state for half the year and loves to see hockey here, there and everywhere, it’s a head scratcher

If Florida chokes game 7 the franchise should go to Phoenix
They don’t want it.


formerly surfshop
Dec 24, 2019
which is what i want to know why did this come up way way sooner.

It honestly seems like they changed the rules on him just before the auction came up. Maybe because no one likes him or trusts him or wants anything to do with him, or maybe because the proposed land use is so high profile compared to most land auctions in the state, and the govt agencies just realized this would be one way to potentially avoid future headaches in terms of continued press etc.

All that said, I got smarter about this the past few days -- like you said before, getting these permits is a PROCESS. The way to think about is you're trying to build this really big expensive thing that will have tens of thousands of people in it 40+ times a year, so all of the water/sewer, traffic etc has to be approved by the various government agencies before you can build the thing you want to build. And because this land literally is on the border of Scottsdale, you likely have 2 sets of parallel competing govt bureaucratic nonsense to deal with for most of this stuff. As far as I understand this (and to be clear, I'm no expert on how zoning actually works in practice), it seems as though this sort of process would take multiple months just based on the number of people involved and the relative slow pace of governments involved.

It doesn't seem reasonable to request all of those permits get done before you even own the land. I think in most cases you'd have the auction first, then if the owner of the land can get his zoning great, and if the zoning can't come through no one would really be invested other than a few rich people. Here, it's a polarizing sports team so a lot more eyeballs on the process. And also Alex Meruelo.

Meruelo said in his statement something like "hockey is done in AZ because of this," that's a bit extreme, if he wants to play ball he could (and probably should) spend the next few months getting the permits etc, he would've had to do that anyway so it's essentially the same thing. I doubt he does this though, how long would it take / could he even get it done and even if he does, there's no guarantee he'd win the land anyway. But, for a guy so supremely confident ie repeatedly saying "we will bid on this land and win the auction," well if he was honest then, nothing's changed just the order of things.

We'll see if this ends up being significant. Personally I don't see how anyone would take AM at his word at this point, but if he honestly wants to / is competent enough to keep owning a big 4 North American Sports team, imo he should be able to overcome this
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Enjoy the chaos
Jul 1, 2003
Is it just me, or is all this just performative? Does Merulo really want to pursue hockey in Arizona, or has he changed his mind on the viability, and this gives him an out of "well, I tried"?

Just seems odd that with a project of this scope and scale, this type of homework would have been done.
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