Just noticed this thread exists.
Does anyone play DOTA? I've also been playing a lot of Rocket League (at least before the semester started).
I'm pretty good at NHL, but haven't played any of the new ones past 13. If they made NHL for PCs i'd stream it on Twitch or something.
Came here to post pretty much the same thing. I stopped with NHL 13 too. Did you hijack my life and post it as your own?
Has anyone played Smite or warframe? I';ve heard good things and downloaded both but haven't touched them yet bc of work mostly. Afraid to get sucked in.
I stopped playing dota for about 6 months now with a few sporadic returns here or there. But I've played it a ridiculously long time overall...I'm ashamed to say how many hours I've logged. I'm usually a support like warlock WD, venge, omni, jak. I really took a liking to troll but I've never been all that good at carrying. I'm hot garbage with anti- mage, slark, dusa. Have had some success jungling with enigma and lycan.
I know they added a bunch of new items and I'm sure they've changed some heroes in some ways . Mostly work is keeping me from time sinking. Left off at about 2.6 ranked I think.
I tried studying builds on dotafire but I'm not a very good student of the meta. Never got the timing down for certain things, not an expert on situation-specific builds. Like "Oh my team consists of these heroes and we're going against specific heroes so I should build my support with specific items."
All this reminiscing is driving me to go play. If you're interested send me a PM.
Rocket League has me at around 600-800.that's the best game for me right now. Knock out a few 5 minute matches, have fun, go do work. On occasion I'll twitch stream and play as characters. Gets a laugh out of most people and keeps it interesting for me