Tales from the Borderlands is an older style action game set in that universe.
In many ways it’s more of an interactive story than anything else, but there are different branch points and story paths you can do down. Your decisions than change the course of the story. Telltale was a particular master at this with an number of games — from Batman to Guardians of the Galaxy, Game of Thrones to Walking Dead.
You decide if someone lives or dies, who you trust, the relationships you have, and ultimately how the story plays out.
Not everyone’s cup of tea, but I have a soft spot for the “pick your own adventure” type approaches to storytelling.
Is it a prequel or sequel to Borderlands though..?
Well ****, add another game to my arsenal cause I’m a huge fan of Borderlands..!It’s set after Borderlands 2, but it’s kind of it’s own entry in the world.
It’s amazeballs in every senseRed Dead Redemption 2 is SO good.
Yeah, though I haven’t played 6 beyond the demo.
Pretty big Sid Meier fan.
Well ****, add another game to my arsenal cause I’m a huge fan of Borderlands..!
You check out RDR2 yet..?
Pretty excited for TD2Counter Strike, Overwatch, Black Ops 4 (Battle Royale) and The Division 2 when it releases in March.
Any Civ fans here?
I was actually going to start a civ4 game this week. Never got into 5, moved too slowly for me and it wasnt built for city spamming which is my preferred style. That said i really liked the make your own religion aspect, and that it killed the civ4 armies of death.
laptop cant run civ6, so havent tried it, unfortunately. a friend in college had a pre-release version of civ1 , i've been playing since then.
1. Ff 6
2. Ff 12
3. Ff 10
4. Ff 9
5. Ff 7
I most recently started replaying 12 on ps4. I beat 15 100% but didn't like the characters or story but liked the gameplay.
1. Ff 6
2. Ff 12
3. Ff 10
4. Ff 9
5. Ff 7
I most recently started replaying 12 on ps4. I beat 15 100% but didn't like the characters or story but liked the gameplay.
Are you playing the Zodiac one? It's a little different than the original. I played through 15 twice. I liked it and I though the side quests really took a lot over in that game. The main story arcs were pretty quick, but don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the side quest, sometimes more than the main story quests.
So after reading the last GDT, see there is a lot of FF fans on here. Pretty cool. So to get a discussion going and distraction from the Rangers looking like dog poo, which are your top 5 FFs, and which one have you played most recently, replayed or new?
FF13 sucks but I still look back on it better than FF15. The second half of FF15 is just unacceptable. It’s not even bad, it’s just flat out incomplete.
That’s what makes it worse. It’s not like they tried something and it didn’t work out. They just published a game that was probably ~40% done. That is disgraceful, and it’s why I am nervous for KH3. Square Enix have clearly proven to be incapable as a video game developer the past 10 years.
Did you play it before the Royal edition add one?
12 is so underrated. The amount of things to do/customization is nuts. The story was lacking, but not to the point where it was terrible. Didn’t take away from my experience of enjoying the game at all.
A six year old could write the FF15 story, and that’s not even an exaggeration. When they just revealed Prompto is a robot casually towards the end and don’t address it again in the main game I lost it. Would rank 15 the worst FF I’ve played, by a long shot.
Yes, the Zodiac edition. Haven't touched it in a while though, it's just the most recent FF I've played. I'm really hoping that they reveal FF16 soon, but with Kingdom Hearts 3 just being finished and close to release and the fact that they're working on FF7 remake, who knows how far away 16 is. They take so long to make these games now.
7-6-10-9-15-12 in that order.
I won't even Acknowledge 13.
FF13 sucks but I still look back on it better than FF15. The second half of FF15 is just unacceptable. It’s not even bad, it’s just flat out incomplete.
That’s what makes it worse. It’s not like they tried something and it didn’t work out. They just published a game that was probably ~40% done. That is disgraceful, and it’s why I am nervous for KH3. Square Enix have clearly proven to be incapable as a video game developer the past 10 years.
Yep. I only played the initial game. That’s all I should have to play haha.
The “they fix so and so in this DLC” excuse is a joke (not implying you were going to say this. Just speaking out loud). I shouldn’t have to pay for content that should be in the original game. DLC should be handled like it was on The Witcher. I understand not every game’s DLC can be handled this well, but there’s a middle ground.