There's a little bit of tedium with RDR2 but I don't think its too much and frankly I think the downsides of avoiding the tedium aren't too bad. For example, if you are crafting special ammo, such as split point bullets, you have to set up your camp and literally press and hold X and then watch the animation.... to craft ONE bullet. It's like a six second ordeal. Trying to do 200 bullets to fill up your ammo takes all day. Same with food - if you hunt and gather meat, you have to actually cook it over a fire before being able to eat it and replenish your health. Typically, you may have gathered meat from 4-5 different animals and each animal might net you 3-5 pieces of raw meat in your inventory. Well, you've gotta go through the whole animation cycle for each piece that you cook, then you have to back out and select the meat from the next animal, and go through 3-5 more animation cycles. Tedious is a good word for that.