The ACC is Just a Cocktail Bar/Sushi Restaurant


Feb 28, 2002
No problem at all, as long as the rest of the fans enjoy watching hockey in a dead-silent , half-empty arena.

I guess I should look on the bright side - the ACC is becoming a great place to read a good book or catch up on some homework.

Well, the Leafs have largely been a losing team for a decade, so we haven't exactly participated in a lot of big games that would get any reasonable person that excited. I'd almost rather see the crowd cheer when something is actually happening as opposed to alcohol fueled raging... It's not like the guy watching the game quietly is any less a fan of the guy making a fool of himself.

Tough Guy

Registered User
Jan 26, 2013
Those who can afford the seats and purchase them, can do whatever they want with them, in my opinion. If they want to eat sushi and drink martinis, that's their prerogative as they've already shelled out the cash for the seats and the amenities that come with it.

Oh, I completely agree. But that doesn't mean others can't comment on how silly it is or how much it detracts from the overall atmosphere of games.

I was born and raised in Ontario and I have supported the Leafs since Gretzky retired. But if I was told I could only attend 1 more NHL game, it would absolutely not be in Toronto. Just a terrible atmosphere for hockey. I would chose every other Canadian city and a good 15 American cities before Toronto.


Ukraine Specialitsky
Apr 29, 2010
rather than ***** about it here, get a job so you can afford those tickets and sit in the seats every second of every game

problem solved

Considering those tickets aren't available to the general public, I have no clue what you're blathering about

I've started notice that the people who complain the most are the people who haven't been, or rarely go.

Absolutely no context to the photo.

Really? That's your case?

I only go reds or platinums. I've been in reds and been shushed, I've been in plats and been given looks for standing and blocking some kid's view

The place is a freakin' library.

Darcy Tucker

My Name is Bob
Mar 23, 2008
Vaughan, Ontario
yeah saying "they paid for it so they can do whatever" is kind of weak. most of the people are in corporate seats and got them for free or paid peanuts for them compared to their salary. they are not real fans if they dont care to watch the game, simple as that. I agree with OP, its embarrassing that we have such fairy fans.


I am a bot
Jun 24, 2012
I'm going to make a couple points here.

It is frustrating, but there is nothing we can do, *****ing about it won't help.

There is one way to add atmosphere again.... go to games! Seriously it is that simple. People that say they go to games and the atmosphere is dead, are likely contributing to that because they are likely just sitting there.

When I go to games, I am as loud as I can be, yelling, cheering. I find when I do that, it gets people in the section I am in to start being loud as well. Eventually it gets around the arena.

Someone people stay on their ass and give you looks, but who gives a ****?

If you want atmosphere, buy tickets to games and create one. *****ing about it on the internet does nothing. If you aren't prepared to try and fix it, then don't talk.

Guided by Veseys

Registered User
Nov 14, 2011
I disagree. People are noticing the situation and are frustrated. It's typical of grassroots movement (which is actually not a bad thing). Possibly labeling all the people that buy these tickets as "suits" is counter productive and is creating all kinds of reactionary viewpoints, even going to the extreme of comparing this argument to the Occupy movement. Nobody is saying that the rich shouldn't be excluded from the games, it's simply a voice saying that they should be more respectful of the players and the rest of the fans. I think they should be held accountable. So what if they make millions of dollars, why be arrogant?

Kyle Doobas*

Kinda reminds me of the wall street protests. Everyone there hates suits and the fact they make money.
Kinda OT, but I don't think that's quite what those protests were about. I mean they had Occupy protests in Wales. Who the hell's wearing a suit in Wales?
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Burn the Boats!
Apr 1, 2012
I'm going to make a couple points here.

It is frustrating, but there is nothing we can do, *****ing about it won't help.

There is one way to add atmosphere again.... go to games! Seriously it is that simple. People that say they go to games and the atmosphere is dead, are likely contributing to that because they are likely just sitting there.

When I go to games, I am as loud as I can be, yelling, cheering. I find when I do that, it gets people in the section I am in to start being loud as well. Eventually it gets around the arena.

Someone people stay on their ass and give you looks, but who gives a ****?

If you want atmosphere, buy tickets to games and create one. *****ing about it on the internet does nothing. If you aren't prepared to try and fix it, then don't talk.

I agree completely. I don't give a **** about people who sit there all awkward without making noise; I make my own noise and get the people around me going.

People who ***** and/or create these threads; tend to be people with no personalities; that wish 90% of the building was estatic; so they could join in. They are people who project their frustrations on others; but are not contributing anything themselves. Quite simply; they are sheep frustrated at themselves.

Stop being sheep. Make noise; who gives a **** about everyone else. The problem is that the arena is filled with sheep waiting for a herd; you can't blame suits for that. Blame yourselves.


Oh no, my brains.
Nov 26, 2003
The problem is one person can't change it. Like you can go to the game fully intent on being loud and chanting go leafs go all game long but a crowd goes into a mob mentality at sports events.

Like you see Edmonton during their cup run and how loud it was, they had a lot of die hard fans in there and their energy got the lazy people off their feet to contribute.

It's different here you get the die hards who go but they're alone in a sea of lazy so instead of people seeing them and joining in without a second thought they think they're crazy and sit back down untill something happens.

When there's another Toronto team and they play the leafs as the home team you'll see the ACC get electric like never before.


Registered User
Oct 11, 2008
Im a "real fan". No way I'd pay $250+ PER TICKET to sit in the platinums. It's a good thing those suits exist otherwise the place would be REALLY empty.


Registered User
Dec 24, 2005
OMG, I can't believe everyone isn't in their seats when the period starts to watch a team that hasn't made the playoffs in 8 years. Don't they know what they're missing out on!??

The solution is winning. It's always winning.


Super Elite, Passing ALL Tests since 2002
Aug 19, 2002
It's getting worse every year. I remember when the ACC first opened, maybe a few seats were empty at the opening faceoff, but within minutes the place would be packed. Fast forward to 2013 and the building looks like this for the first 10 minutes of every period:

No it doesn't.

That is NOT an exaggeration, by the way.

Yes it is.


Registered User
Nov 24, 2010
I'm so damn sick of these threads. Go buy a damn ticket and scream your lungs out buddy.

And having been to several games the past few years, including a few this season, I can tell you that those seats aren't empty for the first half of every period. If you think saying so isn't an exaggeration, then I question your observational skills.


Super Elite, Passing ALL Tests since 2002
Aug 19, 2002
Perhaps the OP was confused by last nights game where entire sections were empty for the whole game.

OP, last nights game was in Florida.

The Nic

Registered User
Jul 26, 2009
It is till the first whistle which is usually a few minutes in at most unless the game is really flowing.

I LIKE suits, sushi and martinis and hanging out in lounges and I also like hockey. I'm sure I'm not the only person who likes these things so why are they getting harassed for it? I'm not sure.

I like suits, sushi and martinis (though when I had dinner at the ACC, I had a fantastic steak and great red wine) as well... and I absolutely love the Leafs. Not only do they not warn you that the game is about to start (resume) when you're in the platinum lounge, the ushers will not let anyone go back to their seats once play has begun until there is a break in the action. I've watched games from other seats in the ACC and I don't recall this restriction applying anywhere else in the building. Joe fan can come and go as he pleases in the regular seats... but the platinum section will always be empty at the start of each period because of this strange policy.


Super Elite, Passing ALL Tests since 2002
Aug 19, 2002
I like suits, sushi and martinis (though when I had dinner at the ACC, I had a fantastic steak and great red wine) as well... and I absolutely love the Leafs. Not only do they not warn you that the game is about to start (resume) when you're in the platinum lounge, the ushers will not let anyone go back to their seats once play has begun until there is a break in the action. I've watched games from other seats in the ACC and I don't recall this restriction applying anywhere else in the building. Joe fan can come and go as he pleases in the regular seats... but the platinum section will always be empty at the start of each period because of this strange policy.

Same applies throughout the building. Not sure if it applies League wide.


Registered User
Jan 28, 2005
If you have season seats and can go to every home game, you probably aren't concerned with missing a few minutes of the game each night.


Registered User
Aug 4, 2008
I don't know whether it's a Toronto thing, but I was "shushed" at Leaf games and at Jays games by the "security" or ushers, whoever these people think they are. And I used to go, paint face, hair, wear jersey, foam finger, the whole shabang.


Registered User
Nov 9, 2008
Why would they? It's not the tickets aren't SOLD, it's that the people in the lounges aren't making it back in time because there's no warning that the period is starting.

People who care about hockey know exactly how long an intermission is. Who's to say these people would be rushing back to the seats if there was a warning, anyway? I went to a home game last year and I was surprised by how non-chalant a lot of the corporate guys were about the game. I assume it's because they get to go so often, and aren't hardcore fans in the first place.


Registered User
Aug 4, 2008
People who care about hockey know exactly how long an intermission is. Who's to say these people would be rushing back to the seats if there was a warning, anyway? I went to a home game last year and I was surprised by how non-chalant a lot of the corporate guys were about the game. I assume it's because they get to go so often, and aren't hardcore fans in the first place.


Even when I still smoked, I used to get outside, "inhale" 2 cigs and be back in my seat in the 15 mins allotted.


May 28, 2003
Visit site
The atmosphere is identical in the top row as it is in the front row. These threads try to find a scapegoat every single time. Really dumb. To be honest, there are tons of photos all over the web of the leafs scoring goals and the crowd going nuts against the glass. they're also wearing suits.

Kinda reminds me of the wall street protests. Everyone there hates suits and the fact they make money. Funny thing is that the suit has nothing to do with who you are, it simply is a projection of professionalism. A lot of people in suits that everyone loves to are actually making very very little as business school interns. trust me, I'm speaking from personal experience here.

That has absolutely nothing to do with what Occupy Wall Street was about. Let's not bring misinformed political opinions into the discussion.

Suits aren't the problem (in this context), it's the way the organization deals with them during games. Someone mentioned that they should fire off a buzzer or something. That would be a great start. Plus, it'd be nice if they amplified the noise in the arena somehow. Poor acoustics and overall mediocre crowd noise are a bad combo that can be fixed with a few creative solutions.


Super Elite, Passing ALL Tests since 2002
Aug 19, 2002
People who care about hockey know exactly how long an intermission is. Who's to say these people would be rushing back to the seats if there was a warning, anyway? I went to a home game last year and I was surprised by how non-chalant a lot of the corporate guys were about the game. I assume it's because they get to go so often, and aren't hardcore fans in the first place.

People don't make it back to their seats all over the building it's not just the seats visible on tv.


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