I've read at rian.ru (Russian information agency) that Roster will be announced December 17 or earlier but not late.
What? Team Russia for WJC 2003 was one of the best U-20 team I've ever seen.
Grebeshkov, Tyutin, Kondratiev, Korneev and Koltsov as defensemen + Ovechkin, Shishkanov, Polushin, Grigorenko, Perezhogin and Trubachev as forwards. Kaigorodov and Pestunov were one of the weakest links of that team + Nikolai "El Magnifico" Zherdev
was in doghouse.
Team Russia for WJC 2002 also was good, but not so good as 2003 team, Imho:
D-men: Grebeshkov, Tyutin, Kondatiev and Volchenkov + Knyazev.
F: Suglobov, Soin, Frolov, Trubachev, Polushin, Svitov, Grigorenko, Perezhogin, Chistov.
If WJC 2002 and 2003 teams weren't good on paper that I don't know what U-20 team you can name as good.
PS Don't name USSR WJC Teams