I'm from Montreal, my dad's family and my mom's family are from Quebec, but I hate the idea of Quebec as an independant Country and I'm one of the proudest Canadian in here !! I hate quebecers who are centered on theirselves... it's sad that some quebecers are giving us a bad image over the country... there are plenty of quebecers proud of being Canadian, like me !
Every kid from Quebec who is a true hockey fan has wondered, at least once, what would happen to our hockey club, in internation play, if our province would be separate from Canada. That's why this thread has been create... it's not more difficult than that... anyway
I would assume that Team Quebec would definitly lack some good offensive d-man. But as for our forwards, i think they would be good enough to compete with country like Finland, USA and Slovakia, not Russia and Sweeden tough.
I don't remeber who said we wouldn't be able to deal with Germany's defense play but that's pure crap... come on Lecavalier, Lemieux, Gagne, St-Louis... hummm i think that's way too much for Germany's defence... anyway that's your tought and you're free to express it, i'm just giving you my side of the medal.
Between the pipes we would be awesome, the best country (hum hum) out there without a doubt. This would keep us on the top 5 contenders list for sure.
Overall, I think we would finish somewhere between 1st and 5th. Why do I think we could be winning it all ? Well every team with strong goaltending should be consider serious contender... look at Calgary this year, Anaheim last year, etc.. etc... etc... Goaltending is the most important part of a team when it comes to close game. I'm not saying we would be favorite, far from that, i'm only saying we would have chances of winning the world cup... our defense looks weak but i think it would be good defensivly but offensivly awful. + Quebecers are known to be hard workers who are generally dedicated to their team's system...
A serie between Quebec and Canada (the rest of it, to make sure everyone understands) ? It would be close but Canada would win because they could rely on a very very strong D-unit and they would still be in good position, not as good as Quebec but still, between the pipes with Turco... Raycroft is also a pretty decent goaltender... anyway their offense is a little better than Q'S one...
I hope we'll never see such a rivalty in hockey or anywhere else... CANADA FOR LIFE ! BRING THE CUP TO HIS NATIVE LAND !